Medal of Honor for SSG Ty Michael Carter

| July 26, 2013

Ty Michael Carter reports that SSG Ty Michael Carter will be awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at COP Keating on Oct. 3, 2009. The White House ceremony is scheduled for August 26th.

The 54 members of B Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment were attacked by more than 400 enemy fighters with heavy automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, firing from high ground surrounding the outpost. The enemy infiltrated two areas of the COP, killing eight U.S. Soldiers and injuring more than 25.

Carter — who was a specialist at the time — ran a gauntlet of enemy fire to resupply ammo to fighting positions. He picked off numerous enemy with his sharpshooting and risked his life to carry an injured Soldier to cover, despite his own injuries from RPG rounds.

“I was pleasantly surprised, but I wasn’t shocked,” said retired 1st Sgt. Jonathan G. Hill [Carter’s platoon sergeant at COP Keating]. “In my heart I knew deep down inside that it was going to happen eventually, because knowing what he (Carter) went through and knowing the extraordinary circumstances that he and everyone else had faced, there was no way that something like this could be passed up. … I couldn’t be prouder.”

Category: Real Soldiers

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He was a US Marine that infiltrated into the US Army.

Good show, chap!


so that’s 2 MoH for Bravo troop.


Outstanding accomplishments ! Excellent work SSG and my congratulations


Congrats to him. Seems like these MoHs are coming left and right…gee, thanks Obama.



Since 9/11, over 2.3 million Americans have served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and this will be only the 12th one

I wouldn’t exactly call that “coming left and right”


O-4E and none to a living recipient for Iraq yet. Anyway-good for the SSG and I hope that CPT Swenson gets one soon.


Thank you for your service, SSG Carter!

2/17 Air Cav

@1. Read it and weep: “Carter enlisted in the Army in January 2008 as a cavalry scout, after serving in the Marine Corps.”

Talk about going out of your way to correct a mistake! Congrats, trooper.


Can’t resist this… “once a Marine”. That being said,

Congratulations brave soldier. Wear your award proudly in honor of all those who fell.


I’ve been following his case. I’m glad that they finally came to their senses and agreed that he should receive it.

Now we need them to correct the injustice done to Captain Will Swenson.


Hand salute!


Ty is a very humble young man. Damn straight he deserves this honor for his actions that day. Proud to call him friend.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Congrats, SSG Carter, SCOUTS OUT!!

Old Trooper

Well done!


Something good to counterbalance the destitution of the SV tournament.



Keep coming back to this story. It makes me smile.

Thank you! Well done!!

Trapper Frank

A real hero, I will bet he is humble too. Congratulations, and job well done.


Well done, Staff Sergeant. Well done, indeed.


[…] we reported the other day, SSG Ty Carter is to be awarded the Medal of Honor today in a White House ceremony. Of course, our correspondent, TSO will be on hand to make sure […]