Of Stolen Valor Tournaments and Troofers

| July 15, 2013

So, the Stolen Valor Tournament quest for the Fecal Four will continue tomorrow. Yes, it should have been done today, but I was busy playing 14 hours of the boringest XBox 350 game in history yestereday (Port Royale 3). Which is awesome, because I love boring ass Sim type games. (Yes, really. Let’s me play and watch Psych marathons.) Now, I could do it today, but I an t-minus 2:45:00 from teeing off at Riverside Golf Course in scenic and lovely Indianapolis.

None the less, as recompense, I give you this….

So, two Truthers are walking along the street and BAM! A bus comes along and hits one of them. An ambulance shows up and starts transporting him to the hospital. He’s in the back, fading fast. He can see everything getting dark, then a bright light in the distance, as if at the end of a tunnel. He moves towards the light, and finds himself standing before the presence of God. Backing in the glory of the Creator, he realizes he can finally start getting some answers.

“Oh Heavenly Father,” he begins, “now that I am in your presence, I can ask you….who was really behind 9-11? Was it an Israeli False Flag op? Was it Bush, Cheney? Was it the CIA? Tell me, who?”

God looks down at him and says “It was Al Qaeda, the whole thing was planned by Bin Ladin.”

All of a sudden BUZZZZZZZ – he gets hit with the defibrillators and yanked back into the world of the living.

His buddy comes to see him in the hospital, asks him how he’s doing while he’s in recovery. He grabs him and pulls him down closer so he can whisper in his ear.

“This thing goes higher than we thought!”

Category: Politics

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Oh, sh!t – TSO’s been hanging out at the bar with Gordon Duff and his friends from Veteran’s Today (or maybe Alex Jones and company from Infowars) again . . . . (smile)




That was funny!!!

Combat Historian

This 9-11 troofer shit has become so widespread and endemic that it has infected my brother-in-law and his wife. We were visiting them while we were on our roadtrip, and they started spouting garbage about how they watched the troofer video and were now convinced that no plane ever hit the Pentagon, and that the twin tower planes were exploded by government remote control and blah blah blah. Took all I had to not lose control and tell them to STFU…

CC Senor

Yeah! There are none so blind as those that will not see. Just ask Jesse, he’ll tell ya.


TSO, I’d have laughed harder if it wasn’t so pathetically true.

I run into one more “troofer” and I’m going to be tempted to bash my head into the wall until I get tired of the squishy sounds.


I laughed so hard … my DD coffee sprayed out my nose and tear ducts!

Just An Old Dog

I had a Friend who knew someone that was the troofer of all troofers. The guy went around with his 5th Grade yearbook and a stack of notebooks, apparently everyone in his 5th grade class, back in 1975, ( except him of course) planned and executed 9-11.
Of course the guy was drawing Social Security Disability because he was crazier than a shit-house rat.


The trooof is out there…..

It was aliens. I’ve seen them. They come as balls of light in plastic donut ships with Christmas lights running back and forth.

TSO, that was FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gun shows are prime hunting ground for truthers. Just go find the table that has all the MRE’s and giant, “meals in a tub” emergency rations, and you’ll get an earful of all the conspiracy theories you can stand in about two minutes.


Funny joke, except that the Truthers will be going in the opposite direction of Heaven.


Holy Crap! That’s a good one, TSO!


Dude, I am totally stealing this one.


been telling this joke for the past 2 days, i love it. what i love more, WOULD BE THE NEXT ROUND OF THE TOURNEY!!!!