Police chief threatens to arrest Kokesh & Co.

| May 8, 2013


The other day, we talked about IVAW’s Adam Kokesh and his plan to march on DC with a mob who will, reportedly cross the bridge from Virginia into the District of Columbia with loaded weapons to protest the District’s gun laws. Yeah, it’s a bad idea…really bad. But the District’s police chief, Kathy Lanier has promised that she will lock them up says the Washington Times;

On Tuesday, Chief Lanier said the police department has not been in contact with Mr. Kokesh or other organizers but supported coordination between the group and law enforcement in order to educate protesters about the laws they would be breaking and the punishment they could face.

“We’ll make sure that they understand that if they want to pass through the District of Columbia with firearms, as long as they’re in compliance with the firearms laws for transportation of firearms through the District, we’re all for it. But passing into the District of Columbia with loaded firearms is a violation of the law, and we’ll have to treat it as such,” she said.

According to the Washington Post, 2500 people have signed up on Kokesh’s Facebook page for the march, but Kokesh’s minions are notoriously bold until they have to put their feet on the ground. A “Vets for Ron Paul” march he organized a few years back had thousands of people promise to show up but he had barely 400 make it to DC.

As I predicted in the initial post, the DC police plan to meet the armed protesters at the bridge from Arlington Cemetery in the district. Another flaw in Kokesh’s plan, since they plan to begin their march at Arlington National Cemetery, I’m pretty sure that since it’s federal property, the Park Police at Arlington aren’t going to let them open carry guns there either.

As you can imagine, since we’re the largest repository of Kokesh documentation on the internet, we’ve been a pretty popular destination since the story hit the national press. Adam introduces me as his stalker, but I’ve always known him to be a publicity hound. He even emails links to stuff that he wants us to talk about, but I get email from Jesse MacBeth, too, so, I’m kinda like the idiot-whisperer. I’m pretty sure my readership is smarter than to make a pointless statement like Kokesh is trying to do.

As I’ve said before, Kokesh has been arrested countless times in DC and each time he’s walked away for those arrests without a record, but this time, I’m pretty sure the District will punish the shit out of him and anyone with him simply because they’re carrying loaded weapons. The district charges a $5000 fine for anyone improperly armed in the district. You can also be imprisoned for five years, so they ain’t goofin’. And I don’t think this plan is going to end up good for anyone, even those of us who aren’t going to be there.

Category: Guns, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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2/17 Air Cav

Who calls for a protest march but preconditions it on the number of people who say they will attend and who actually appear? This is all a farce.


Does this guy define the phrase “attention whore”?


There is a planned “open carry” march for the 4th of July by quite a few other organizations besides these nut jobs.


“so, I’m kinda like the idiot-whisperer.”

Heh. Good one.

2/17 Air Cav

@4. I missed that line. It is a scream. Thanks for spotlighting it.


A prima facie case of, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

Memo to Kokesh–do it, faggot.


Not a huge fan of IVAW to begin with and he just continues to make veterans look like a bunch of whackjobs. Even being a very pro 2nd Amendment fellow, this just screams “bad idea”.


Not a fan of Kathy Lanier since she did NOTHING to enforce the laws when the “Occu-tards” camped out and stunk up the city. I’ll go out on a limb here and say that if anyone who’s carrying a loaded gun into D.C., it better not be a gun they’re particularly fond of ’cause the cops there will own them pretty soon.




“Idiot whisperer” – Heh!

Rights to assembly, association and speech aside, where is Kokesh getting his cash for the permits and logistics and insurance for this march into DC?

Conversely, where is Lanier getting the money to pay for transport and lock up of up 2500 people? With the extreme corruption in DC, the city is always strapped for cash.


Dave – my guess is that after the D.C. police processes everyone (all 50 people who will likely and actually show up) and secures their weapons, they’ll then demand bail and, once released, the protesters will be on their own personal recognizance – only to appear in court to pay the heftier fines later.

That’s how D.C. rolls.

Green Thumb

Upside down flag.

True Vets these clowns are.

The old 2-quart canteen is a nice touch.

A Proud Infidel

@#2, Yes, Ma’am!

My favorite nickname for Kokesh & Co., Super ‘Tards!!


Sometimes I wonder if they are pro-gun or anti-gun and start to wonder of conspiracy theories and how they could be just wanting to make trouble and aid the banning of guns .. but then I remember they are idiots, and idiots never make sense.

If not how can they take the freedom they have and use it to blast at the country that gives them that freedom … “Only in America” … Nice upside down flag dirtbag, don’t let me see you like that because then we will have a little talk. I’ll quote Jean Paul Sartre: “My freedom ends where yours begins” so thread carefully using that freedom that better people have given you to spit back at them ….


I think a better question is how can Kokesh legally own any firearm after he tried to traffic illegal arms into the country? Perhaps we should enforce current gun laws?


Green Thumb: think that’s a 1-quart canteen the guy on the far right in the photo is sporting, amigo. My recollection is that the 2-quart was rectangular and a flexible bladder.

At least he didn’t go full retro and grab an aluminum version of the 1-quart.

A Proud Infidel

Hondo, that’s correct, said dildohead poser has a GI one quart canteen on his hip, the two-quart ones are square.

Kokesh & Co., what a bunch of brainless limp-dicks!!


Wait! Jonn you recieve emails from McBeth? Certianly you jest!

Please elaborate …pretty pretty please


Just when you think someone can’t get more tardtastic, they go the extra mile to prove you wrong.


It is so nice to see something that both the left and right can agree on. On the other hand, the HuffPo is breathlessly awaiting his ephemeral legions to cross the Anacostia, and some folks are bandying about terms like “treason” and “sedition.” I’ve tried to share in my libertine, NY intelligensia circles what kind of rabble rousing ne’er-do-well Kokesh is, but they enjoy wanking to their unbridled fear more.


They might as well go full retard and bring 30 round mags with them.

A Proud Infidel

#20, Jonn: MacBeth is trying to rehabilitate his image? OH, just the thought of it makes my “Retardometer” peg out at its maximum reading. Please, oh PLEASE can we have a few morsels? Just think of the FUN we’ll have “dartboarding” him, if I remember correctly, he even lied about his civilian employment, “Breakfast manager at Wendy’s…” and Wendy’s doesn’t even serve breakfast!


Well here’s to trying I guess. But seems like trying to rehab a piece of burnt firewood.

A Proud Infidel

Or as Senior Chief Shipley says, “It’s like trying to pick a fresh turd up by its clean end.”.


Jonn: tell Jesse a good start would be coming clean about who was forging DD214s a few years ago. I think everyone’s pretty well convinced MacBeth didn’t do that on his own.

Old Trooper

I’m going to play devil’s advocate on this one. Maybe, just maybe, they want to get arrested, since to challenge a law in court, you first have to break it, just like Heller did. Maybe I’m wrong; but, don’t you have to have standing, before you can challenge it?


OT: Kokesh never, ever pays for breaking the law. This is about Kokesh undermining the American side of the gun-control debate.

As for Heller, DC has opted to not follow the law of the land, as interpreted by the SCOTUS. Only Congress and the POTUS can act at this point – not Kokesh. First step would be dissolving DC government and its subordinate departments and using Federal resources to return DC to the people.


Ah … maybe we can catch the action on live traffic cams in DC: http://www.trafficland.com/city/WAS/?rsid=weatherbug


Old Trooper: that’s my understanding as well. No offense means no way to challenge a potentially unconstitutional law.

Given Kokesh’s love of publicity, this being an ill-conceived publicity stunt and/or an attempt to make himself a “cause celebre” also makes sense.

Either way, for his sake I hope there aren’t any hotheads on the DC force if he and a bunch of others actually follow through. If there are, things could get very nasty.


please please please please by all that is holy I beseech little adam kokesh to do what he is planning to do. Doing time in DC’s notorious jails will make sure he never has a problem with a bowel movement again.


Do believe Kokesh is recieving funding via RT, various anonymous donors and TIDES Center, the financing arm of TIDES Foundation. I’ve said once before and I’ll say to his face….Adam is frahking marxist tool. I’d be really surprised if his big sis Bill “THE ASSASSIN” Perry isn’t involved in these hijix’s with him, speaking of asshats. And if Chief Lanier and her crew arrests that crew, I just might have to make a special trip to DC and buy the woman a warm beer. Over in Virginia of course. heh.


#22, They’ll be crossing the Potomac, not the Anacostia.

The most ironic thing about this all, is that the vast majority of D.C. residents already have guns, and on Independence Day as well as New Year’s everybody pops off with them. It is suicidal to not own a firearm in the District, yet only well meaning people are punished, while thugs simply keep their gats concealed until they decide to rib jam you or empty a mag into your body.

T-Bird Henry

Ok, why do I get the weird feeling that uncle Gerorgie Soros is financing this guy? Is it just me or is he playing the role of “useful idiot” for Schumer et al. in all this? Something smells setup. I’ve wondered that for a while about a lot of the anti gun hysteria whipped up by the media and DNC operatives but for the life of me I can’t imagine them using such an obvious tool as Kokesh for their shennanigans. Maybe I’m giving them too much credit for brains. What am I missing here?

Hart Viges

@7 This march is not sponsered by IVAW. The picture y’all used is misleading. But that is no surprise to me here.

Frankly Opinionated

Are the “Idiotic Vermin And Wankers” a bit sensitive about seeing the lowlife members wearing their shirts? Until Hart Vagina Cheese mentioned it, I hadn’t seen a correlation to them.

Hart Viges

@37 then why use a picture of him with an IVAW hoodie? The article has nothing to do with IVAW yet of the many pictures of Adam TAH uses that one.