Everybody’s everyman

| September 30, 2008

Kate at A Colombo-Americana’s Perspective sent me this from Hotair last night;

Via Geraghty, the question mark’s there because I can’t quite believe The One, opportunistic poseur though he is, would be quite this hypocritical. Didn’t he and his disciples spend a good three or four days two weeks ago hammering McCain for suggesting that the fundamentals of the economy are “strong”?

Allahpundit includes this video;

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It’s not the first time that Obama has reversed himself, it’s also not the first the media let’s him get by with it. Investors’ Business Daily cataloged some of his reversals yesterday;

But just as he was able to rake in more Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac campaign cash than all but one congressman since 1989 while being in Washington a little more than three years, Obama has amassed an impressive trove of flip-flops in a short time:

• His biggest reversal is his position on the troop surge in Iraq. In January 2007, he said sending additional forces would “compound the tragic mistake” of going into Iraq in the first place. Then earlier this month, he said the “surge has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated . . . it’s succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”

• He went back on his promise to use public funding for his White House campaign because he could raise more on his own.

• He has taken different positions on NAFTA, depending on which group he is talking to.

• He at one time said he believed the Washington, D.C., handgun ban was constitutional, only to decide that it is indeed unconstitutional after the Supreme Court ruled that it wasn’t.

Obama has also given mixed and/or contradictory signals on troop withdrawal from Iraq, nuclear energy and welfare reform. He’s been incoherent about why he wants to be president (recall the little girl’s question?), Russia’s invasion of Georgia and other issues.

I guess the “change” he was talking about was his own. Or maybe about how he planned to change into John Kerry as the election went along. That’s how a bumbling doofus like Kerry got as many votes as he did by election time…at one time or another, he’d been for or against everything. He was for everything everybody was concerned about at one time or another.

IBD asks the big exit question;

So who’s the real Barack Obama? And more to the point, why are we even having to ask such a question about someone seeking so high an office?

Category: Politics

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