lolz! Code Pink pwns Congress!!!!

| September 30, 2008

I just receieved an email from my good friends Dana, Deidra, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jean, Jodie, Liz, Lori, Medea, Nancy, and Rae.

Dear TSO,

WE DID IT!!! Let us repeat: WE DID IT!

We joined together, in a wonderful, resolute outpouring of democracy. We stood toe-to-toe with Wall Street and their lackeys in Congress, and defeated them. Amazing what can happen when the people stand up!

In Washington DC, as CODEPINK staged a “die-in” on the steps of the Capitol to say “Bailout? Over my dead body,” Cong. Carolyn Kilpatrick gave us a big hug and said, “It’s thanks to you that the bill is better than it was, and it’s thanks to you that the next bill will be better than this one. Keep it up.”

I know what some of you are saying: What in the Holy Name of Spongebob’s ghost does this have to do with “a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities”?

[What follows may not make sense to you.  If so, move along, this isn’t the post you are looking for.]

Ladies and Gentlemen of this supposed blog, Code Pink’s accusers would certainly want you to believe my that they only deal with issues regarding the War and peace activism, and they make a good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself. But Ladies and Gentlemen of this supposed blog, I have one final thing I want you to consider.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it. That does not make sense. Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor with a bunch of two-foot-tall Ewoks. That does not make sense.

But more important, you have to ask yourself what does this have to do with this case. Nothing. Ladies and Gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case. It does not make sense. Look at me. I’m a lawyer defending a major peace movement and I’m talkin’ about Chewbacca. Does that make sense? Ladies and Gentlemen I am not making any sense. None of this makes sense.

And so you have to remember when you’re reading this blog and deliberating and conjugating the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No. Ladies and Gentlemen of this supposed blog it does not make sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor you must accept that Code Pink has a vested interest and reason for doing Die Ins on the Capitol steps.

Look at this Wookie.

The defense rests.

Category: Code Pink, Politics

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They must be thrilled with the Republicans.


No, that guy with the sign is not playing dead…he must be remembering what the summer of love and sex gave him…Herpes can be painful.

If the stinkos really believe they stopped the bill from passing, they really need a twelve step recovery program worse than Wang.


Do you think that guy with the cup of coffee belongs or was he just tired and laying out on the steps?

We should have called the coroner’s office and had their stupid butts taken away.



He does seem to be quite concerned about that cup, doesn’t he?

“Oh, you can lay down here to rest? Great!”

Hard Right

“We should have called the coroner’s office and had their stupid butts taken away.”

Their stench would have convinced anyone they had been dead a while.

William Teach

Can you imagine big pink wookies pulling the arms off Congress-people?


Big pink wookies dressed in big pink overalls!!

Jonn Lilyea

Big pink wookies bitterly clinging to their Starbucks and bumpersticker slogans.

509th Bob

And NOBODY double-capped them to make sure that they were DEAD? WTF, Over?

Sarc On!/ We are talking about TRUE-believers, aren’t we? Shouldn’t we HONOR their sacrifice by giving them their FULL DUE? Are there no Patriots any more, who would grant MERCY to these pitiful Victims? /sarc Off./

I’m SURE that members of the Corrupt-o-crat Congress were, what, amused, emboldened, imbued with re-newed vigor? I’m certain that Democratic Party Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi experienced a “thrill up her leg” at the “Patriotic” display of entirely un-hinged lunatics willing to “symbolically” display that the Code Pinko’s enacted!

Since they aren’t actually DEAD (which is a National Shame, all by itself), it appears that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Democrat – San Francisco Marxists Lunatics) did not deign to grant these poor souls their expressed wish.

What is Democracy coming too? Free citizens petitioning their Government to KILL them, and the un-feeling Big Obama Leninist-Marxist Government (whom the Founders of the Constitution warned about) doesn’t grant their wishes? How unfeeling! How non-“populist”! How anti-Democratic! It appears that we need more ANGRY REPUBLICANS, who will act on behalf these people!


Tighe Barry laid down hoping the homeless guy who stores his urine in 2 liter soda bottles would pee on him. Tighe is from California you see…Hollywood, California.

William Teach

But, Bob, if you cap them, they turn in to unkillable zombies. Wearing pink.

It’s better to bury them 20 feet deep, covered by cement. Pink cement.

Oh, and pull their arms out of their sockets.


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When I saw that first pic, I got so excited cause I thought someone had finally had enough and taken out their frustration with the Pinkos. Then I realized they were only playing dead… SIGH…
But hey it could’ve been worse – they could have held a “puke-in” like some “peace” groups did in 2003.


Yup, it was because of them. Just tell them that, build up their self confidence.


Ah yes the twinkly defense. Works every time, if you can’t win them over with the facts dazzle them with the BS.

Terry Stepperg

Damn. I thought someone finally gassed them.


America will celebrate when each and every code puke is hanging from the gallows and swaying in the wind.