Quack, Quack, Boom, Boom, Diane

| March 13, 2013

Dianne Feinstein is the absolute, living demonstration in support of the concept of term limits for Congress. No pol has been more aggressive than Old Dame Feinstein in seizing on the recent school shooting tragedy in Connecticut to advance her über liberal, gun-grabbing agenda. This old Left Coast tool has recently advanced her silliness to the point of making herself the subject of outright ridicule. Here’s a comment from her ongoing efforts to push through illegal and unconstitutional gun control laws in the Senate:

We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines.

Obviously the senator has never spent any time in a duck blind or she would know the logical fallacy of her argument. Unlike home invaders and drug-fueled criminal crazies of every description whom homeowners may need heavy firepower to contend with, ducks usually aren’t armed and even if they should be, the ones I’ve encountered have always restrained their impulses to shoot back. I’d really like to hear from any occupant of a duck blind who’s had to duck incoming rounds from their aerial adversaries. Not to say that there’s not a certain appeal to the thought that armed, aggressive ducks might help to eliminate a whole bunch of city dudes and testosterone-deficient liberal wienies from the sport.

Of course, I’m unfamiliar with California ducks, which if they are as weird as their politicians, may be, and quite possibly are, armed to the very tips of their vicious, yellowed, homicidal beaks. That’s an alarming thought when you consider the reality that those malicious mallards may have brains only slightly larger than their elected representatives.
Quack, quack, boom, boom; they’re coming for you, Diane…

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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“And yet it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines.”

Um, I am no legal expert, but I am very damn sure that it is, in fact, ILLEGAL to hunt humans, regardless of the size of the magazine.

If I am mistaken and it is legal, then there should be a law against hunting humans… or at least bag limits.


Per Ms. Fienstien, if it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines, I have two questions:

Do I need a license?

Does this apply in NYS?


Yup, I wanted to ask Diane if she honestly believed it was legal to hunt humans with any size magazine.

Just like the libtard on Fox News last week saying that instead of allowing women to be armed to protect against rape, we should just tell men not to rape them.

Our current laws are doing a great job. We should make some more.

Just an Old Dog

I guess we need to place a ban on hunting humans…

Cpt Bob

Since she is from California this piece of proposed legislation may explain her position.

370.01.01 Any person with a valid California State Rodent or Snake hunting license may also hunt and harvest attorneys for recreational and sport (non-commercial) purposes.

370.01.02 Taking of attorneys with traps or deadfalls is permitted. The use of United States currency as bait, however, is prohibited.

370.01.03 The willful killing of attorneys with a motor vehicle is prohibited, unless such vehicle is an ambulance being driven in reverse. If an attorney IS accidentally struck by a motor vehicle, the dead attorney should be removed to the roadside, and the vehicle should proceed to the nearest car wash.

370.01.04 It is unlawful to chase, herd or harvest attorneys from a power boat, helicopter or aircraft.

370.01.05 It is unlawful to shout, “WHIPLASH,” “AMBULANCE,” or “FREE SCOTCH” for the purpose of trapping attorneys.

370.01.06 It is unlawful to hunt attorneys within 100 yards of BMW, Mercedes or Porsche dealerships, except on Wednesday afternoons.

370.01.07 It is unlawful to hunt attorneys within 200 yards of courtrooms, law libraries, health clubs, country clubs, hospitals, or brothels.

370.01.08 If an attorney gains elective office, it is not necessary to have a license to hunt, trap or possess the same.

370.01.09 It is unlawful for a hunter to wear a disguise as a reporter, accident victim, physician, chiropractor or tax accountant for the purpose of hunting attorneys.

370.02. Bag Limits per day:

yellow-bellied sidewinders 2
two-faced tortfeasors 1
back-stabbing divorce litigators 3
horn-rimmed cut-throats 2
minutiae-advocating vultures 4
honest attorneys — protected (endangered species)
If you are curious I can post this because I am a lawyer.

The Dead Man

Did anyone else just hear the damn Duck Hunt dog laughing at her?


Dianne Feinstein probably overheard the quip, “Why do they call it tourist season if we can’t shoot ’em?” Then again, I’m curious–has she turned in HER CCW permit yet?


is there a bag limit on humans?


Actually, ducks are smarter than DiFi the S.O.B. (Senile Old Bat).


Ex-PH2: you’re obviously a PBfS fan. Do you by any chance have the URL for the cartoon where the Crocs tried to pass one of themselves off as a Peanuts lamp? That’s probably one of my all-time favorites, and I haven’t been able to find a copy anywhere.


Thanks for the laughs Poetrooper; I’ll have to keep an eye out for those homicidal, yellow-beaked bastards.


Obviously, open peasant season comes right after turkey hunting season.

Green Thumb

This old broom needs to go…

Patrick B

If hunting humans was legal her and Nancy P would have been bagged and disposed of long ago…

Exile Post Jaco, Costa Rica


Ooops! I was wrong. Open peasant season is now underway.


Aside from that, my sympathies for their families.


It sounds to me like Dipshit Di just wants humans hunted with lower capacity magazines. Give the humans a sporting chance. Sounds legit to me…..


Customers who switch to GEICO are happier than Feinstein in a broom factory.


A box full of “Duck Tape” wouldn’t fix that brain.


What’s scary about this is that it’s not front page news. This shit is real, these people are serious, and they’re doing their best to implement their vision of Utopia.
Feinstein is a primo douche nozzle, but she’s no dummy. She knows full well that an accommodating media won’t plunger her ass for such an absurd statement. She also knows that there are enough Liberal low information voters out there who will lap this shit up. And she will keep doing it until she gets HAMMERED by the media. Don’t hold your breath.
I believe this is being done deliberately and with malice aforethought.


I just came back from running an errand at the grocery store. While I was there, this guy came up to me and said he was running for mayor. I recognized him, but preferred not to say so. He reminded me that he did some work on my house, while he was at it. It was not very good work, he ran way over his estimate. I told him to finish the job on my schedule, not his and stick to his estimate. And I’ve had to have real conractors in to fix his work. He should not have reminded me of what he did.

Obviously, he thought I had short-term memory loss. He made other people unhappy, too, and seems to have found a refuge in politics. He is one reason that people who go into politics should be required to step down at some point. It’s got everything to do with being on an egotistical power trip and nothing else.


There is no bag limit on humans. You just can’t shoot them off the water or while “roosting” on the land. You have to use a dog to spook them and when they jump, you can shoot them out the air. So, having 15, 30, or 150 rounds should make no dif since you usually only get one shot due to their limited air time.


Did anyone else just hear the damn Duck Hunt dog laughing at her?

Actually, I was picturing the Duck season/ Rabbit season cartoon that ended up as Elmer season.

California’s senators… Looney Tunes indeed.


@21 – Utopia is the hidden planet that orbits the sun in exact opposition to Earth. You will never see it. It is a doppelganger. It is the planet of origin for all species of politicians, hippies, and portapottie cleaners.


@5 Capt Bob, Re: Calif. hunting regs. That was really good. I retired as a CA DFG warden awhile back and when I read your regs. about being required to have a license to eliminate rodents I almost choked. I thought: I never heard of that.

BTW I live in the far north of what was once a great state. Far north of Sacramento, Kalifornia. Where all the counties vote republican and the sheriff’s are opposed to gun control.

I think I’m going to send a e-mail to Dif**uped and ask her to confirm the zero human legal bag limit. Apparently she doesn’t think we need a bag limit yet, as this is an attorney rich state, plus all the gang bangers. I’m so comforted that she has her little snub-nose and her security detail.


Here’s an update: DiDiDiane even has a picture of herself getting a green ‘remember SandyHook’ ribbon in this picture. She certainly is milking this for everything it’s worth.

The gun ban bill is up for Senate vote today. It has probably already started.


Be sure you read the paragraph abut the number of ‘assault’ weapons banned (157) versus the number not banned (1200+++). I’d like to see a list of those not banned. She doesn’t want to get hunters pissed off at her, does she? No, because she claims to be human and she said “It’s legal to hunt humans.”

Do any of these illegal obscenities in WDC EVER pay attention to what they say or do?

Harry “Birdflipper” Reid and his middle finger salute, caught on camera. DiFi: “It’s legal to hunt humans.” The inebriated veep “Get a shotgun and shoot it off the balcony.”

And those are just a few.

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