Obama: What debt crisis?

| March 13, 2013

ROS sends a link to an ABC report of an interview with the President in which he now claims that our debt is sustainable and that there is no crisis;

“We don’t have an immediate crisis in terms of debt,” President Obama said in an exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos for “Good Morning America.” “In fact, for the next 10 years, it’s gonna be in a sustainable place.”

It’s an assessment that will throw cold water on the latest attempt to achieve a so-called grand bargain to reduce the deficit. After all, a grand bargain would require excruciatingly difficult decisions for both sides – for Republicans, it would mean raising taxes, and for Democrats, cutting future spending on cherished programs like Social Security and Medicare. If there is no crisis, why would either side do it?

So, what happens if this latest effort to reach a deficit agreement falls through? Once again, the president’s answer was, essentially, no big deal.

“Ultimately, it may be that the differences are just too wide” to get a deal, President Obama said. “That won’t create a crisis. It just means that we will have missed an opportunity.”

So, I guess now that there’s no one else to blame he’s just going into denial about the debt. Then why did he raise taxes? And why does he want to raise taxes on even more working Americans if there’s no impending crisis?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy

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“Iceberg? What iceberg?” -Captain Barack Smith, SS Titanic


So basically, we’re going to go “over the fiscal cliff” in March instead of January?


NASA Weather: Overnight temperatures were below freezing!
NASA Launch Control: Are we go for launch?
Morton Thiokol Engineer: We are a NO GO for launch, current temperatures are well below lower limits.
NASA Launch Control: Asssemble flight and launch control team in conference room.

15 minutes later that morning …

NASA Launch Control: Are we now go for launch?
Morton Thiokol Engineer: We are go for launch.

It is called Group Think …


Ain’t denial wonderful?

DuLoc is, DuLoc is, DuLoc is a perfect place.


“I see light at the end of the tunnel.” Walt W. Rostow, National Security Adviser, Dec. 1967, speaking about the War in Vietnam.

For those who may have forgotten: something called “TET” began the following month.


Two more words: Woozle Effect!


What DO they put in the coffee in the White House?


Chicago bathhouse buttboy Barry focused like a laser on important stuff, y’know, like the NCAA brackets and planning for Martha’s Vineyard summer vacay…priorities folks.


Barry doesn’t have time to focus on the real issues. He is too busy making sure the smallest percent of people get more than anybody else in this country.

Tactical Trunk Monkey

#9: wrong, he’s worried about his back swing…He’s planning on joining the PGA tour after he’s done messin up our economy.

Roger in Republic

Why the hell should he care? He will be relaxing in Hawaii when the fit hits the shan. He will be worth 20 or so million dollars by that time and you know he will get his pension check every month. We knew more about the new pope in the first hour than we know about Obama after five years. This wisp of smoke is completely clueless in all things economic. With him it’s all about getting elected and nothing about leading or governing. He’s got his, screw the rest of us.