The very picture of dumbassery

| October 25, 2012

Old Trooper sends us a link to a story about the dumbest dumbass, Samuel Cutrufelli who broke into the home of 90-year-old Jay Leone, shot Leone who returned fire and struck Cutrufelli who then wrestled the gun from the 90-year-old, put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger on an empty chamber.

Now, Cutrufelli, the burgler, is trying to sue Leone for shooting him;

Samuel Cutrufelli…claims Jay Leone “negligently shot” him during the confrontation inside Leone’s home.

Cutrufelli, 31, claims Leone caused him “great bodily injury, and other financial damage, including loss of Mr. Cutrufelli’s home, and also the dissolution of Mr. Cutrufelli’s marriage.”


The negligence lawsuit was filed on his behalf by his father and his criminal defense attorney.

I’m guessing that Cutrufelli’s problems were the result of being a born dumbass-to-the-bone and getting shot was just a symptom. But, then I’m not a professional counselor. Just making an observation.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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2-17 Air Cav

I had to ride the link to confirm what I suspected: Yup, this is a California case. Had to be. A burglar successfully sued a victim several years ago in California when the burglar broke a leg when it went through the victim’s faulty roof. In California, unlike most all other states, a trespasser is not on his own. Elsewhere, you trespass and get hurt, tough stuff. But not in that crazy place.


Read that story a couple of times, and am still amused by it. Well, except for the part about Mr. Leone spending a good bit of time hospitalized for the injuries he sustained from this clown.

Simply cannot work up any sympathy for the burglar’s injuries. At all. Nope.


Next someone is going to sue McDonalds for having hot coffee…..oh wait.

Joe Williams

How in the HELL,did this even get on the court docket? Surety, the Judge will throw this suit out. I know the claimant does not want a jury trial . Joe


I know that if I ever get the urge to commit “DumbAss”, I’m going to CA!

People, you need to learn from this! Use a bigger caliber and practice! A dead dumbass is still a dumbass, but, he can’t sue you!

Virtual Insanity

What Detn8r said. Taught my wife to empty the magazine, then kick the body. If it moves or groans, empty the new magazine.


Criminals will continue to victimize their victims if given any opportunity to do so, legal or otherwise. To their way of thinking, it’s always the victim’s fault, even if the victim ends up dead. That’s the way the criminals think, and that’s the way they act. They have no compassion or sympathy for anyone but themselves.


@2-17 AirCav: What was the result in the CA case you mentioned? Did the burglar get a monetary band-aid for falling through the ceiling? I’m curious if this case will be adjudged in favor of the plaintiff? I sense it will be. I’m from Texas, where if someone breaks into your house, you can blow ’em away.


Several years ago when I was stationed in GA there was a GySgt who was involved in a legal battle similar to this one. He was at an off-base gas station when two guys decided to rob the place. One had a gun and one had a knife. The Gunny wrestled the gun away from the first guy and knocked him out but ended up getting stabbed in the face by the second. The Gunny didn’t take too kindly to that and ended up breaking the guy’s arm.

Several weeks later the Gunny ended up getting sued for breaking the robbers arm. Not sure what happened after that since I PCS’d before it was settled but I can tell you that no one on base ever got in the Gunny’s way on base 😉


Jay Leone should have shot him in the testicles.

Then perhaps he would not have had the BALLS to pull a stunt like this!


A few months after I had moved into what is now my very own little house, I had put hook-and-eye lock on the storm door to keep it from coming loose and swinging open when the wind blew at night.

It was quite late. I waas sound asleep in my little bed. The cats came scrambling into my bedroom and leapt onto the bed, waking me up. I heard what sounded like someone trying to get my front door open, so I got up, grabbed a cat, and went to the front door, completel forgetting to put on my bathrobe.

I opened the door and there was this pudgy, flabbergasted iindividual pulling hard on my locked storm door. I turned on the porch light and yelled “What do you want?” at him.

He stopped yanking on the storm door, eyes like saucers.

I yelled “Are you trying to break into my house?” at him and he said “No,” and ran down the steps and across the street to a watiing car, which left rapidly. I checked the lock to make sure it wasn’t damaged, then locked the front door an went into the bathroom to get a drink of water. And then I saw myself in the mirror.

My hair was sticking out at all angles. My mascara had come off and smeared large circles under my lower eyelids because I forgot to take it off before I went to bed. There was a wide red streak on my PJ top where ketchup had stained it and nevr washed out. And my cat in the crook of my arm looked like a harbor cannon, loaded for bear.

So who the hell needs a gun?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The three j4goffs responsible for even putting this case in front of a judge ought to get a taste of some Singapore caning to set their senses back to level.

A more useless piece of sh1t than this would be burglar I am hard pressed to name at this moment. It is indeed too bad he survived his encounter.


@ 11 … Grabbed a cat!

Old Trooper

@5: True, but the family of dead dumbass CAN sue you.

Green Thumb


The Old One

Tall tree.Short rope.Problem solved!

Just Plain Jason

I love that my wife works on the defendant side of cases like this. You really get to see what kind of dirtbags there are in the world. I will say this the “landmark decision” makes the news, but the vastly reduced appeal never makes the news. Unfortunately, my wife’s firm doesn’t take cases like this pro bono, because it would be funny to see the shithead attorney that had the balls to take this asswipe’s case show up against a large firm.


Old Trooper , That is true, but, I’d take a chance they wouldn’t.

Ex-Ph2 , Must have been one intimidating cat! “Harbor Cannon”? Did you have the wrong end pointed outboard?




One of the comments in the article indicated it might have been a commercial transaction, that ended badly.


If a cat still has it’s claws, it makes a fine defensive weapon. By the time the cat goes over the top, whoever got it will need stitches!


The cat was Mikey, the large and in charge, all 22 lbs. of him.

I do not remember which end pointed outward, but I do remember that he was squawking, so it may have been the front end.

Hack Stone

It’s shithead lawyers like this that give the other 1% a bad name.

Hack Stone

Sort of like this prick here: ending up here: The cops should have let his punk ass burn up, but that would have probably violated some EPA regulations.

B Woodman

Mr. Leone should have practiced the four Esses:

But at 90 years of youth, he may have found the “Shovel” part a tad difficult.
Ahhhh, Kalifornication. No place else like it on earth . . .Thank God!

B Woodman

And how in the hell does one get “negligently shot” when they’ve been breaking into someone else’s house??!! What a dumb piece of legal douche-baggery.
Too bad Mr Leone’s aim wasn’t just a tad better. Then the courts could at least dispense with the “negligent” part of being shot.


@ EX-PH2 … if I saw that fat cat … I would have run too. It was not you!


Master Chief, he is an impressive armful.


This isn’t about a dumbass POS (wrestling with a 90 year old, really? For F*ck’s sake – take away his walker!)…

This is about a lawyer who needs to make a car payment.


Italian law, which has recently been posted about, is very similar. In fact, California is very similar to the EU and the way it’s headed.

Here in Italy, if a person breaks into your house, you cannot beat them or you get in trouble bcause all they have to say is you invited them in. You cannot even legally fight back if they are beating you. Of course, the workaround is to beat them enough so they can still crawl away. That way, they’re still beat, but if they go to the hospital, they won’t say they got beat up robbing you, because then they will get arrested. Or they crawl far enough to collapse in a field and succumb very painfully to exposure, which would cause me to shed just as few tears.


Leone said he was able to wriggle his hands free, then convinced the burglar to let him use the bathroom. Then he got one of the five handguns stashed in his bathroom

Five? I guess he really doesn’t like being interrupted while on the toilet.


Mr. Leone’s 90? He looks like he’s about 60.

And he is countersuing: Leone, reached at home Tuesday, said he was unaware of the lawsuit.

“He’s the one who busted my door in,” he said. “I’ll just countersue him then. That’s what I’ll need to do.”


New law. If you commit a crime, and you are injured or harmed in any way during the action of said crime, you cannot sue and are 100% able to BE sued for the act of said crime.

I like it.