Ted Turner; dumbass

| October 25, 2012

I wasn’t going to post this because it was on Drudge, but so many of you sent it to us that I figured you wanted to talk about it. Ted Turner says that it’s good that returning veterans are committing suicide;

I see what he’s trying so clumsily to say – that we’re showing humanity by having difficulty dealing with what we’ve seen and done. But he still should have kept his stupid mouth shut on the subject. At least he stopped himself from saying “It’s terrific” like he started to say.

And, I think the dumbass should ought to stop all of his bullshit donations to the UN and instead donate to the clinics that are helping the troops recover from their injuries rather than pronouncing that that it’s good that they’re killing themselves. And, oh, by the way, I think it’s terrible that so many decent humans are killing themselves and yet Turner and Jane Fonda are still alive.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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We need Ted and Jane toilette paper now.


He also married Hanoi Jane.

Both dumbasses. Enough said!


Seppuku for the both of you….Ted and Jane.


He porked Hanoi Jane. That tells you all you need to know.


SJ, I would too….with a barbed wire wrapped condom….in the 2 hole.


Just tried passing this along. Looks like we need to get a ted turner urinal target to match out hanoi jane one.


* our


I think Ted turner should commit suicide…by swallowing a bunch of broken glass.

Fucking scumbag.

Zero Ponsdorf

Enlightened huh?

2-17 Air Cav

“The new world order.” I know I’ve heard that somewhere before. As for Turner, looks like a distended liver issue there. He could only have been dead drunk to utter those words that military suicides are good. Wait! Who among us would think or even say those words dead drunk? POS needs to be turbanized.


Hanoi Jane’s bitch boy. I consider both moving targets ! Load the potato gun full of horse dung.


Ted, you’re right! Killing yourself is the perfect way to demonstrate your humanity.

So why not show the rest of us how incredibly human you are.


But…but…he makes so much MONEY off of networks that broadcast news about warfare. How can he possibly say that ending war is a good thing, when he’ll lose money if that happens?

Is that his real hair?

2-17 Air Cav

How could a guy who made so much dough be so incredibly stupid? One trick pony, I guess. Did you hear the other idiotic statements he made? We were programmed to love each other, not to kill each other. That’s left over, he says, from hundreds of years ago. Thanks for the history lesson, Theodore. He evidently is equally knowledgeable when it comes to vocabulary. Just the same, someone really should let him know that aberration and apparition are not the same word and that there is no such word as abborition.


@3, why seppuku? Why give them a chance to die with honor? I say gorilla rape would fit better…


Was Jane working her hand underneath that bag of skin called Turner, helping him utter his stupid crap by chance? What do they call those puppeteers….ventriloquist?


This is also up at Blackfive, and I commented there, so I’ll not repeat myself, here.

Suffice to say that the suicide rate for the United States is up, generally, and that, with respect to the military, it’s not necessarily combat- or deployment- related. So, Ted Turner was simply speaking from his knee-jerk prejudices, and not from even a cursory analysis of actual information.

The reason we keep statistics is to avoid chasing after irrelevant solutions.

CNN would be far better off interviewing a physician or statistician with relevant work experience in the field instead of an ignorant person who hasn’t even bothered to read their articles.

2-17 Air Cav

Mark Levin just laid out both Teddy AND Colin Powell.


When the commies invade, and we all fall back into the hills to form our resistance movement, (“What is a wolverine?” “A small animal, like a badger; but terribly ferocious. It is also the name of the local school sports collective”) This guy will meet the same fate that the Vichy did…a long fall with a short stop.

On a serious note, I’m done with CNN. I stopped watching them for two years after they showed our guys getting killed by sniper fire in Iraq, and this is the end. When Ted Turner leaves (or gets gorilla raped to death, as Weltall suggests) I may watch again. Untill then, no CNN for me.


To quote someone I know on facebook “He needs to go rinse his mouth out with buckshot.”


Just proof that stupid is communicable. Maybe Ole Ted was reading insipid’s comments.


I’ve been reading about this between here and B5 this afternoon. On the way home, I stop by a watering hole for a couple of beers. On TV are the opening ceremonies for Game 2 of the World Series. They dedicate the game to Veterans, and do nice tribute to ball players who left the game to serve in WWII. And throwing out the first pitch is Marine Corporal Nicholas Kimmel, who lost both legs and his left arm in Afghanistan during his second tour.

Seeing that reminded me of what ted turner is – insignificant.


That was me ^


Sure glad that this idiot’s opinion means absolutely nothing to me. Because otherwise I’d have to do something I might regret. Well, not regret so much as have to voluntarily give up some liberty for, since I am among those who accept responsibility for our actions. And he is certainly not worth a moment’s consideration.

Idiot. Scum sucking piece of whale dung. Worthless drek. Not even smart enough to be grateful for the freedoms he has much less those who secure them for him. Fool. Typical red diaper doper baby.

Probably doesn’t even have sense enough to come in out of the rain without someone telling him to. And holding the umbrella.


His name isn’t Ted Turner, you guys have it all wrong. He legally changed his name, as the one given to him at birth was Turd Tener (Funny enough, in English-Italian it means “Soft turd”, oh how appropriate).


From Ted Turner’s website (don’t shoot the messenger?):

Message from Ted Turner regarding comment made during his recent interview on Piers Morgan Tonight:

October 25, 2012
6:07 p.m. (EST)

During my recent interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, I inadvertently used the word “good” when asked for my thoughts on the increasing rate of suicide among U.S. military soldiers in the Middle East. It was certainly not my intent to imply that suicide is “good”. Rather, I was implying that it is good that the public is more aware of these tragedies and is more averse to war and war-related fatalities.

My message has always been one of peace, I believe that we’re born programmed to love and help each other, not to kill or hurt each other. I strongly support our U.S. troops and would never intentionally say anything to harm the brave men and women serving our country. I deeply apologize for any misunderstanding caused by this comment.

Ted Turner

His father was a naval officer and served in WWII. He ended up killing himself.


We’re born “programmed to love”? You’re right, Cain loved the Hell out of Abel didn’t he? And things have only improved from there.

Lick me where I shit, you hippie fukkstick.

2-17 Air Cav

Ted Turner Apologizes LIVE:

“Man, I was on a network I own, that is watched by very few, and I was being interviewed by people who are in my debt for their livlihoods. I thought I could say anything I wanted and get away with it. It didn’t work out that way. I like the military. My own wife was sort of in the military. In fact one can say she is a Nam Veteran herself. In fact, I bet some of my employees are Veterans–so, if I hired them, I clearly don’t want them to commit suicide. See what I mean? And another thing, hundreds of years ago, man first began fighting. I think it was around 1772 or 1773 or so. And you know who they were? Sure you do. Colonists! And that’s my point. Americans invented fighting and hatred which was not the way our software was originally. I think it was pirated. It was probably copyright infringement. Wait. Did we have a Patent Office yet…oh sure…[BREAK! BREAK! ROLL COMMERCIAL!]


My response to Ted Turner. I tried to keep it short and to the point:



2-17 Air Cav

Hondo. That works. By the way, that’s quite an accent you have there fella.

Just Plain Jason

I know this has been mentioned, but this is Ted Turner. For years he VOLUNTARILY stuck his dick into Jane Fonda. I would much rather stick my dick into a Manilla hooker…bareback than Jane Fonda.
Reality is here Ted Turner lives here

Just Plain Jason

Okay my graphic of where Ted Turner lives didn’t work…
Reality Ted Live way the fuck over there===>>>


So basically it was an “I’m sorry you misunderstood me.” No claim that he made a mistake and is sorry for it or anything decent like that.

Idiot. Blood sucking turd.

NY USMC Veteran

I don’t buy his fucking half-assed attempt at an “apology.” That cocksucker knows what he said, and we all know what he meant. I hope he gets ass raped with a knife full of AIDS and has his mangled corpse dragged through the streets of Washington DC. Then when he gets to hell Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden & Kim Jong Il make him their bitch and take turns tag-teaming him for the rest of eternity.


Stupid spineless fuck, I hope he burns in hell. Turner has the typical ignorance of someone who has never allowed themselves to be inconvenienced at any point in their perfect little lives.