Powell endorses Obama – like we we’re surprised

| October 25, 2012

I don’t know why he felt that he needed to say it out loud, but Colin Powell announced that once again, he supports President Obama, according to the Associated Press in a link sent to us by Tman;

He tells “CBS This Morning” he respects Mitt Romney but thinks he’s been vague on many issues.

And Obama hasn’t been vague on any issues? Like promises to Russia that he’ll have more flexibility after this election? Like telling the anti-gun crowd to be patient until after this election? What’s this administration’s energy policy? What is this administration’s plan for the economy? Oh, yeah they’ll straighten out the economy with the money they’re going to save by getting out of Afghanistan.

Speaking of Obama, Powell said the president got the United States out of Iraq and has laid out a plan for leaving Afghanistan “and didn’t get us into any new wars.”

All Obama did in Iraq was follow the negotiated withdrawal from the previous administration, and then he blew negotiations with Iraq to keep US forces there and al Qaeda is surging in Iraq. The plan for withdrawal from Afghanistan is not a strategy – no comment on the failures of this administration’s inability to protect the troops from “insider” attacks. “New wars”? We now have troops in Jordan and Africa. We just lost an ambassador in Libya.

Yeah, he lost me in 1999 when Powell said he was a “compassionate conservative” insinuating that the rest of us conservatives aren’t compassionate, when conservatism is compassion – getting government out of our way so we can each reach our potential. For the record, I didn’t like it much when Bush called himself a “compassionate conservative” either. But he promised to cut my taxes and he did.

How any self-identified conservative can support this administration is beyond me. There are other reasons for Powell’s endorsement, but since I don’t know what’s in his heart, I won’t speculate, but he’ll have to be more specific than the reasons he’s given in this interview to convince me.

Category: 2012 election

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Former General Powell is a closet democrat and ALWAYS has been.

From Wiki:

Powell’s experience in military matters made him a very popular figure with both American political parties. Many Democrats admired his moderate stance on military matters, while many Republicans saw him as a great asset associated with the successes of past Republican administrations. Put forth as a potential Democratic Vice Presidential nominee in the 1992 U.S. Presidential Election[29] or even potentially replacing Vice President Dan Quayle as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee,[30] Powell eventually declared himself a Republican and began to campaign for Republican candidates in 1995.[31] He was touted as a possible opponent of Bill Clinton in the 1996 U.S. Presidential Election, possibly capitalizing on a split conservative vote in Iowa[32] and even leading New Hampshire polls for the GOP nomination,[33] but Powell declined, citing a lack of passion for politics.[34] Powell defeated Clinton 50-38 in a hypothetical match-up proposed to voters in the exit polls conducted on Election Day.[35] Despite not standing in the race, Powell won the New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary on write-in votes.[36]

In 1997 Powell founded America’s Promise with the objective of helping children from all socioeconomic sectors.

In the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election Powell campaigned for Senator John McCain and later Texas Governor George W. Bush after the latter secured the Republican nomination.[citation needed] Bush eventually won, and Powell was appointed Secretary of State.

During the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election, Powell endorsed Barack Obama for President.[37]


This is the jerk that came up with the policy “If you Break it you have to Fix it” well tens years later we are still fixing it **** head. He should have made that announcement in front of the U.N. with his posters of WMD’s.

Harry Reid

Powell is no more a Conservative than Gunny Driveway is a Marine.


…water is wet, Rosie Perez isn’t an English professor, Jeep Wranglers are a top 5 automotive pick of gay men…


Like Powell voting for Obama because he’s half black, I’ve decided to vote for Romney because he’s white.


“Powell is no more a Conservative than Gunny Driveway is a Marine.”

Huh? You saying Gunny isn’t a Gunny? You must not have seen his uniform.


GEN Colin Powell stubbed his toe in 1982 as a 1 star ADC at Fort Carson. He received an “average” OER rating from his boss MG Hudachek…could have ended his career, but the charismatic and very smooth talking BG Powell during his time in Washington, especially as a White House Fellow, made some serious friends in high places…with allies such as Ronald Reagan, Cap Weinberger, Frank Carlucci, GEN Bernie Rogers, GEN Shy Meyer, GEN Cavazos…nothing was going to stop his march to 4 stars, National Security Advisor,CJCS, and Secy of State.

He was one of the youngest men ever promoted to Brigadier General in U.S. Army w/ just under 21 yrs of svc and was the youngest man ever to be appointed as CJCS… Powell should be grateful to the Republican Party as he ascended to glory during the Reagan and first Bush administrations…is he still pissed off at Dubya for getting involved in Iraq?


Never understood the Powell is Clausewitz redux cult. Powell was a Political Officer even going back to Vietnam when he tried to cover up My Lai.

His “Doctrine” is what would be considered a question from a retarded child to the Likes of a Patton, Ike, or MacArthur. Hardly surprises me he is a racialist.


I’m pretty sure far more Generals have endorse Romney.

…not that I make my decisions based on who Generals endorsed or anything.

2-17 Air Cav

Carnac the Magnificent: The answers are One and None. (Drum roll)

Ed McMahon: (Puts his Budweiser down and laughs.)How many votes does Powell get to cast and how many people will vote for obama because Powell will?


@ Claymore

I was wondering if you might do an election special Wednesday edition of Tuesday’s with Claymore. Would love to see what the Democratic Underground people say the day after when Mitt Romney wins


Yep. Colin Powell has become a tool and is not using the brains God gave him to vote with…It appears that skin color matters more than having a C-I-C who can tell the truth and not waste American lives for the sake of raising some campaign moulah. His stock dropped to zero sometime in late 2000.


#7 absolutely. Never a division commander… politician first. Smooth guy who got a pass because of color. Affirmative action in action.


Powell is just another product of this country’s rampant reverse discrimination, otherwise known as Affirmative Action, as stated also by #7 & #13.

His endorsement doesn’t surprise me either – “Birds of a Feather”, etc. and et al.


In even more shocking news, Wesley Clark has endorsed Obama as well.


There is nothing shocking about Wesley “The Weasle” Clark endorsing Obama. Powell coming out in support of Obama for some odd reason, just doesn’t surprise me in the least. His first time around, floored me. I tried to figure how a man that started s a junior officer and led troops in combat could turn out to be *moonbat* in retirement….

Roger in Republic

Jesus Christ himself could descend from heaven and shake Obama’s hand and I still would not vote for him. He was, is, and always will be an empty suit. Gen. Powell has always been an organization man. He made his way to the top on pure politics


@16, that was sarcasm… Oh and he became a moonbat right around the time he was attempting to start WWIII in Yugoslavia, by ordering British Paras to seize an Airport the Russians were using to land their troops at. Thankfully the British Commander did not go along with him on that…


Actually, no, he has not been vague on the issue. His statement to Putin was just a recognition of the world that the GOP created: politics no longer stops at the waters edge. Do you think that the START treaty and the end of DADT happened in the lame-duck session because Ensign and Murkowski suddenly had an epipheny that nuclear security is good and discrimination is bad? No, it happened because prior to that they didn’t want to give President Obama a win. He was just stating the sad reality to Putin. He articulated his “all of the above” energy policy in the debate and has been implimenting it for the past four years with great success. He’s spelled out his plans for the economy many times and put out a 25 page pamphlet on it. And unlike Romney, his numbers make sense. I don’t know how anyone who calls himself Conservative can support Romney. He wants a 5 trillion dollar tax cut and won’t say how he’ll pay for it and he wants to increase military spending by 2 trillion and won’t say how he’ll pay for that. He also doesn’t say how he’ll tackle the existing debt either. What’s conservative about that? As far as your last coy speculation: don’t be such a pussy. At least Limbaugh and several board members here had the guts to come out and say it. Black people are FAR more likely to vote against their color then white folks. JC Watts won elections despite the black vote, not because of it, Alan West won’t get the black vote, and Kenneth Blackwell was trounced by Ted Strickland largely because he didn’t get the black vote. So your talking point that blacks blindly vote black is crap. Until any of you can give me examples of whites ignoring skin color in such a way you can kindly STFU with the “birds of a feather” crap. Unless if you want to use that to explain why it is that white people are STILL voting Republican in this election. As far as this “affirmative action” talk… Read more »


Sippy … with all that color reference in your “text of dribble”, you sound racist!

15 references in your last 2 paragraphs.

Just an observation!


You are full of shit, Insipid. After investigating My Lai, then CPT. Colin Powell had nothing to lose and no where to go but upward and onward to DC.


We could be witnessing the emergence of a new cult. We can call it “The Order of the Empty Chair”. When you hear their battle cry echo through the hills, KAPLAA!!!, be afraid, for an intellectual black hole is soon to follow, cutting a wide swath of dumbassery across the land.


Just for the record, “compassionate conservative” == DC beltway Republican who lurves himself* some big government.

*or herself. Whatevs.

Oh, and Insipid: you’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own reality. I’m surprised anyone makes an effort to rebut you any more, instead of ignoring you.

Virtual Insanity


“I don’t know how anyone who calls himself Conservative can support Romney. He wants a 5 trillion dollar tax cut and won’t say how he’ll pay for it and he wants to increase military spending by 2 trillion and won’t say how he’ll pay for that. He also doesn’t say how he’ll tackle the existing debt either.”

He DID say, you just don’t believe it. Two different things.

“So your talking point that blacks blindly vote black is crap.”

“Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout.”


There is no other demographic I’m aware of that was so monolithic in 2008.

Anecdotally, I can tell you of black coworkers who were otherwise conservative but voted for Obama because, in their words, “I have to. I couldn’t look my grandkids in the eye and tell them one day I didn’t vote for the first black president.”

2 cents

Politics is more than skin deep…oh..wait..

B Woodman

Powell?? Conservative??? WhatEVER made you think THAT??!!


I can’t find it now, but I’m pretty sure that during the 2008 campaign I saw a list from Powell of the presidents he’d voted for in his lifetime. The majority of them were democrats. I don’t think that he’s endorsing and voting for the SCOAMF because he’s a racist (although he’s on the record as approving of affirmative action, so he’s a racist, but that doesn’t mean this decision is driven by racism). I think he’s voting for Obama because he’s a democrat who for reasons known only to himself chooses to self-identify as a republican.

In 2009, Cheney was asked something about whether the GOP was abandoning people like Powell. Cheney responded: “My take on it was Colin had already left the party. I didn’t know he was still a Republican.” Sounds about right.


Exactly Virtual Insanity.

I find it humorous that some people take offense at the assumption that certain races are motivated to vote solely based on race, when in fact the numbers and anecdotal evidence proves it.

Of course they come up with all these ridiculous excuses why they vote for Obama besides race, but who are they fooling? Race trumps all.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if a black republican went against a white democrat for president.

2-17 Air Cav

Colin Powell on Meet the Press 19 October 2008.
All quotes are of Powell from The Meet the Press transcript. Tom Brokaw was the interviewer. The comments are mine.As you will see, Powell has a penchant for starting his sentences with a particular conjunction.

“And I think the number one issue the president’s going to have to deal with is the economy. That’s what the American people are worried about.” He was right. And the man he endorsed has, in fact, dealt with it. He has dealt with it miserably, so much so that we are now in worse shape now then when he endorsed him.

“And also I think the president has to reach out to the world and show that there is a new president, a new administration that is looking forward to working with our friends and allies.” Perhaps Powell should be watching the news more closely. Or was Israel neither a friend nor ally in 2008?

“And I’ve said to Mr. Obama, ‘You have to pass a test of do you have enough experience, and do you bring the judgment to the table that would give us confidence that you would be a good president.’” I guess in Powell’s view, obama’s total inexperience was sufficient. Now that obama has nearly four years of experience, it’s no wonder Powell endorsed him again.

“And I was also concerned at the selection of Governor Palin. She’s a very distinguished woman, and she’s to be admired; but at the same time, now that we have had a chance to watch her for some seven weeks, I don’t believe she’s ready to be president of the United States, which is the job of the vice president.” But, now, having watched Joe Biden for nearly four years as VP, Powell must think that abject moron is ready to be president.


For myself, I’ll say that I bought into the Myth of Powell. He was the right man at the right time.

Today, Powell is a politician who is trading on his reputation earned back in the 80s and 90s for advantage today. Another crack at DoD? DOS? Powell was quibbling about whom he’d support as of 2 weeks ago.

So the question is: how does Powell profit? What is he expecting to get in exchange for his endorsement?

Michael in MI

Anecdotally, I can tell you of black coworkers who were otherwise conservative but voted for Obama because, in their words, “I have to. I couldn’t look my grandkids in the eye and tell them one day I didn’t vote for the first black president.”

Yet I guess they could look their grandkids in the eye and tell them that by voting for a President based on his skin color, they spit on the legacy, message and dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. of “judging a man by the content of his character instead of the color of his skin”. Brilliant.


“But, now, having watched Joe Biden for nearly four years as VP, Powell must think that abject moron is ready to be president”. Bazinga!!!
As for Instupid and his idiocy, like this, ” He(Obama) articulated his “all of the above” energy policy in the debate and has been implimenting it for the past four years with great success”. Yeah, it’s worked so well that a lot of the “green” energy companies he gave our money to have gone bankrupt or they just pay their workers to show up, and gas has more than doubled in price since the Light Worker took over. http://www.woodtv.com/dpp/news/target_8/Volt-no-jolt-LG-Chem-employees-idle


Powell: Once a RINO, forever trying to prove he’s not an “oreo” since.


@19. If you want to start with facts, get all your facts straight. There has never been a black president. The closest we have ever have is one that is 1/2 black and 1/2 white.

O and P are both a-holes