…until the cows come home…

| September 20, 2012

Army deserter, Kim Rivera is due to be deported from Canada today, along with her brood. We’ve been writing about Rivera and her brood since January, 2009. She’s been ordered out of Canada several times, but the appeals process always seems to get in the way. But this one seems inevitable, says CBC, despite the fact that pesky Desmond Tutu is trying to interfere;

The War Resisters Support Campaign, who organized a demonstration in Toronto Wednesday evening calling on Immigration Minister Jason Kenney to stop Rivera’s deportation order, say she could face a court martial and time behind bars when she returns to the U.S.

Efforts to permit Rivera to stay here have also attracted some high-profile supporters, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“The deportation order given to Ms. Rivera is unjust and must be challenged,” Tutu wrote earlier this week in a commentary published in the Globe and Mail.

“It’s in times when people are swept up in a frenzy of war that it’s most important to listen to the quiet voices speaking the truth. Isn’t it time we begin to redress the atrocity of this war by honouring those such as Ms. Rivera who had the courage to stand against it at such cost to themselves?”

Yeah, go read the Marie Claire interview where she said she went AWOL because her obese husband who forced her to join the Army got moody because he had to stay home and take care of the kids while she was in Iraq, because taking care of kids is harder than going to war, apparently.

It’s unfortunate that her husband can’t be tossed in jail, too, but we’ll see how he likes taking care of their herd while she’s rotting in jail.

Thanks to Aunty Brat for the link.

Category: Shitbags

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I am betting that should she get jail time, hubby will take a hike pretty damned quick. I hope the Army does the right thing and nails her ass to the wall.

Green Thumb

I hope she gets hammered.

The only sad thing is what happens to the kids?

I hope that is taken into consideration as they should not have to bear the sins of their parents.

Difficult situation.


rb325th: based on previous precedent, I’d guess a short (30 days or so) confinement plus a DD.

2-17 AirCav

Dear Desmond: MYOFB. Love, America

Of course, the Tutu letter is now an issue for Obama. It may be that his people get in touch with the Canucks and say, “Please keep her. We’ll pay for her room and board.” Why? Because if she comes back, Obama has to either buck (with a B!) Desmond or get involved in her case. And that latter isn’t palatable until after the election. If he loses (please God), he gets to pardon her. If he wins (upchuck here), he can have his people come up with something. Hey, maybe Marty can help.

Flag Gazer

Children always bear the burdens of the sins of their parents – no matter how you want to pretty it, real is real…

Green Thumb


I know. But it is unfortunate.


She will get 30 days tops and a DD (maybe even an OTH to avoid a Courts Martial).

Heck the old dude that defected to NK only got 30 days despite being gone for 50 years and making anti-US films while in NK.

Green Thumb

What ever happened to that Army E-5 clown who “defected” to N. Korea back in the late 60’s-early 70’s?

I know he became a movie star there but was caught leaving the country for a sick wife, maybe? To Japan, I think?

I remember him being in the news several years ago upon his return but have not heard anything about what happened to him.

Anyone know?


@ Green Thumb

Charles Robert Jenkins


Which is who I was referencing in my post. He got CM and sentenced to 30 days and a DD.

Lives in Japan but has visited the US several times.


For what it’s worth: I took a look at 6 or 7 pages of comments on the CBC article linked above. They appear to be running about 9 or 10 to 1 in favor of “send her ass back to the USA”.

Old Cav Lt

Not to worry: She’ll be promoted to Warrant and Obama will give her the Bronze Star.

That she deserted to Canada is bizarre given the number of women who, claiming children (even if married) bailed on their committments and received honorable discharges for their refusal to deploy… when they should have been put in prison.


O-4E: an OTH could happen if the Army goes candy-ass and wants to avoid a trial. I hope not; she richly deserves a punitive discharge for desertion during wartime.

Jenkins was exactly the precedent to which I was referring.


That’s part of it, Jonn. But I’d guess at least half of the comments in favor of sending her back I read seemed to be along the lines of “she signed up voluntarily, then bailed; she’s just a deserter and deserves what she gets”.

Old Tanker

Has Tutu always been this much of a phallus wanking crank or is this new for him?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If she’s lucky she can get the same 4ssclowns who kept Johnson out of jail….


She should share a tiny cell with Jane Fonda.

A man can dream can’t he.


@16, Johnson stayed out of jail not because of a dream team legal defense but because he’s an O-6 ring knocker.


Old Tanker, not new. He just got to believing the press reports that he could walk on water and part the seas that our press ran with. Now, he can’t understand that governments won’t jump when he says so. Although, I’m shocked that Obama hasn’t jumped for him, yet.


Golly, gee whiz. This is a great opportunity for some sort of wacko outreach to some sort of disadvantaged group or another – they could use this as an excuse to build adjacent child care facilites at prisons! Wouldn’t that be special?

Shovel ready.

ABN Gramps

Don’t you mean ……until the COW comes home….. Looking at her pic, I can’t even imagine how big her “obese” hubby is. Maybe some time in jail will get her within weight standards.


Can anyone tell me where Marie Claire got the 16,000 American Soldiers going into hiding to aviod the war?

That number just seems crazy, It’s like they used Afghan math or something.


we’ll see how he likes taking care of their herd while she’s rotting in jail.

Wouldn’t hold my breath, Jonn. Guys like him are too fucking lazy to do any of the heavy lifting (aside from their fat asses from the couch to the fridge) themselves. Watch him bail as soon as it dawns on him he might actually have to do something to support this family.

Yat Yas 1833

She needs to do one day for every day she was AWOL then a DD. After that she should be barred from receiving any public assistance for the same length of time.


[…] I explained earlier today, her obese and extremely lazy husband got moody as she got closer to the time she had to return to […]