Fashion mag tongue-bathes deserter [Jonn]

| January 1, 2009

Everyone is getting in to the act of hugging our cowardly deserters. Even Marie Claire fashion and beauty magazine. Jason at Sith by Sithwest emailed us a link to his skillful dissection of the puff piece on  Kimberly Riviera’s flight to Toronto;

The possibility of running away didn’t occur to Kim at that point. But it did to her husband, Mario. He retreated to his computer, his usual hideout in times of stress.

He must be a real piece of work. Retreated back into his world of WOW?

Kim met Mario as a teen at the Wal-Mart, where they both worked. They’d dreamed of a future with educations and real careers, but Kim became pregnant at 20, and another baby quickly followed. She and Mario lived with Kim’s parents, whose dislike of Mario made the situation unbearable.

Was he the greeter or the fat ass in electronics? I’m sure her parents loved taking them in after he knocked her up and then managed to knock her up a 2nd time living off of her parents.

Go read Jason’s post – he left little for me to add.

Basically, they were a couple of modern day kids who made a lot of bad choices and thought the Army would be their solution. But they were both lard-asses (you know the typical readers of Marie Claire) who decided one of them needed to join the Army – of course hubby Mario bravely stepped up and convinced his wife to join – and he’d suffer quietly at his computer while she navigated the obstacle course and bayonet training.

When she came home on leave from Iraq, of course after they’d spent the $8000 enlistment bonus on a suede couch, Mario, the fat loser who impregnated Kimberly before they even had a place to live, convinced her to go to Canada where they now live in government subsidized housing (as opposed to parent-subsidized housing they left behind) and government-sponsored food pantry. They left behind the suede couch.

But Kimberly doesn’t mind living in poverty;

[P]overty is something she has always known. “I never had any money growing up,” she says of her childhood in Mesquite.

So she drags two kids into the same poverty that she and her loser husband had created for themselves. Now they’re hiding out from even more responsibilities on Canadians nickels. She joined the Army in 2006, and I suppose she never figured she’d be sent to Iraq.

In the words of the sage Red Foreman:

“Your life is hard because you’re a dumbass.”

There more about her at her Windows Live Profile where other people are wearing her out. And at a touchy-feelie CBS article

Category: Politics

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So, basically Mario and Kim committed larceny from the government, at best, and breach of contract and embezzlement and larceny at worst? Red is right, their life is hard because they’re dumbasses. Too bad someone didn’t sew her giggle chute closed so they can’t reproduce.

AW1 Tim

I used to live next door to a similar woman. She actually was pretty smart, book-wise. Her problem was that otherwise she was just dumb. She has three kids by three different men, and was married to the first, divorced him, lived with another guy (although she got pregnant with kid#2 from someone on the side during that relationship, and dumbass boyfriend still thinks it’s his kid and is paying child support, despite the MASSIVE physical indicators obvious to everyone but him), and then she married the third guy, the psychopath whose actions have gotten them tossed out of two section 8 apartments in different towns. Her own mother refused to let her and her kids live at her place because of this girl’s actions.

Now they are in a third town, living hand-to-mouth with three kids, on welfare and support from various charities and churches. Simply unbelievable. Oh yeah, she married husband #3 shortly after he got out of jail. For beating her up. I kid you not.

AW1 Tim

Oh yeah… a few months ago I ran into her in the local grocery store. She tried to hit me up for money to buy diapers for the youngest. I would’ve helped her out, but for the fact that she had two redneck briefcases and a carton of smokes in her shopping cart.


Red Foreman is my freaking hero! I know its bad to idolize a TV character, but I have tried to model my angry NCO side after Red. 😀


WTF? How did my name change?


Jonn, you know when you skewer WoW players you’re attacking your own, right?


“They’d dreamed of a future with educations and real careers, but Kim became pregnant at 20”

Lemme guess, she got preggers ’cause she mixed kool-aid ‘n’ tang…. Had nothing to do with her caloricly challenged self & lard assed Mario making the blob with two backs. Pretty disturbing visual, don’t dwell on it too much!!!


[…] ordered to leave Canada September 2nd, 2012 We first wrote about Kimberly Rivera and her brood back in 2009. Her story goes like this; She met her husband, Mario, while they were […]


[…] from Canada today, along with her brood. We’ve been writing about Rivera and her brood since January, 2009. She’s been ordered out of Canada several times, but the appeals process always seems to get […]


[…] what made her go AWOL, not some sudden disillusionment with the war, like the Beeb says. Read the Marie Claire interview if you don’t believe […]


[…] first wrote about Kimberly Rivera back on New Year’s Day 2009. She deserted while on mid-tour leave from Iraq. I’m sure […]