Resister Rivera to return

| January 7, 2009

A week ago, I wrote about poor Kimberly Rivera who, along with her lazy-assed husband, decided that the best way to improve their life together was for her to join the Army. After the Army trained her and gave her a fat bonus (which she wisely used to buy a suede couch) thay sent her to Iraq. When she came back from leave, she and her lazy-assed husband took flight to Canada where they’ve been living off of Canadian tax payers for the last two years.

An article today from the Canadian Press by way of the Army Times tells us that she’s on her way back to the States;

Kimberly Rivera said Wednesday her requests to stay on humanitarian and compassionate grounds were rejected. Rivera is likely to be court-martialed when she returns to the United States and could face up to five years in prison.

Rivera, a first class army private stationed in Fort Carson, Colo., served in Iraq in 2006 and came to Canada the following year after she refused redeployment.

She lives in Toronto with her husband and three children — the youngest is 6 weeks old and Canadian born.

Rivera said she’ll discuss her options with her husband and supporters but feels she’s come to the “end of the road.”

The family must leave Canada by Jan. 27 unless the order is reversed.

Yeah, they already had two kids they dragged into a situation they couldn’t afford – I guess they figured “What’s one more?” Keep in mind, they lived with her parents after the first child was born and after the second, they decided SHE should join the Army (because he was too fat). Now, they’re trying to use a third child as an anchor baby to remain in Canada.

The closing comments in the first post still stands.

In related deserter news, Robin Long, currently serving a 15-month sentence for defecting to Canada and getting shipped back, after writing a sweet letter to President-elect Obama begging for amnesty, has written a letter of solidarity to the 100 Israeli draft resisters currently awaiting their jail sentence there;

That should make them feel better. I’m pretty sure those Hamas and Hezbollah rockets aren’t hitting any pacifists.

Hat tip to Lucky.

Category: Politics

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But Robin Long apparently feels no solidarity for the 3000 souls who died on 9/11. Douche, dirtbag a$$hat. Seems he’s trolling for a pen pal or maybe a bunk buddy.


I’m feeling something strange towards Canada. It’s like when I drink their beer, only I feel warmer somehow. It’s almost as if…..I’m starting to like Canada. How weird.

AW1 Tim

Ah yes, Canada… America’s hat. They have some really good folks up there, but somehow they’ve been electing the same sort of liberals that we have recently been infected with.

Nice to see that Mr. Harper’s folks up north are finally getting around to taking out the trash.. 🙂

So, how ’bout a nice cold Elsinore, eh?


This restores my faith in the Human Condition and in Justice. 😎 Now if only the Blind Lady (Justice) would catch up to our favorite moral and social retards (VFP/VVAW/IVAW)!

The Hunter

The rank in the Army is “Private First Class” = PFC.

She may be PFC; she is definitely not a “first class army private”, as described in the excerpt you quoted.

They should give her a choice: five years in Iraq, or five years in a military prison. Whatever she chooses, they should then send her to a military prison in Iraq. 🙂


AW1 Tim – I have that t-shirt, it has a map of America wearing a big red baseball cap, it’s awesome!


Maybe she didn’t desert in the face so death by firing squad may be out, but twenty years doesn’t seem unreasonable.


To quote Sheriff Bud Boomer: “…And you know what else, their beer SUCKS!”


This is not the first U.S. deserter/resister/whateverlabel that Canada has shipped out. Good on Canada. Along with their troops fighting alonside us in Afghanistan their home front seems to be doing well, also. The land of back (Canadian) bacon and beer (not to mention the MANLY game of hockey) is a good neighbor, I’d say.


I hope the Army is able to garnish her wages for as long as it takes to get back that $8K enlistment bonus. I’m sure she will land on her feet back in Texas at a Krispy Kreme and her fat ass husband can get his job back as the Walmart greeter.