White House pros

| September 20, 2012

Remember when the media breathlessly reported to us that the Secret Service had *gasp* involved themselves in procuring prostitutes before the President’s visit to Colombia? And how they just couldn’t shut up about it for weeks? Well, it’s a different story when the Inspector General’s report that there were White House staffers who also engaged themselves in the practice. The only reports are in Fox News, the UK’s Daily Mail and our buddy Susan Katz Keating;

While much of the attention in the case has focused on the actions of Secret Service personnel, multiple law enforcement and congressional sources tell FoxNews.com that investigators also discovered two White House advance team members checked in prostitutes as overnight guests at a Cartagena hotel in the days before President Obama’s April 13 visit.

“Three U.S. delegation members that stayed at the Hilton brought prostitutes back as overnight guests. One of them was ours (Secret Service) and the other two were White House staffers,” a high-ranking Secret Service official told FoxNews.com. “We knew very early that White House staffers were involved.”

As I’ve stated, from first hand experience, anyone who feels the need to buy prostitutes in Colombia are just too lazy to go through the motions of dating for a few minutes. Or too ugly.

But I’m wondering why the majority of the media feels the need to ignore this little bit of news given the overblown coverage of the Secret Service scandal. Well, unless they think that somehow they’re protecting this administration from scandal.

Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Come on, Jonn. You’re suggesting that the media has an agenda, and that they’d actually suppress a story that showed the administration in a bad light?
They’re ignoring this, yet they’re still running with the “spontaneous demonstration” story line for Libya.


They’re ignoring it for the same reason that they’re ignoring the fact that the White House refused to cooperate with the DoJ IG regarding their Fast and Furious investigation. Specifically, the White House refused to produce any internal documents for the DoJ IG, claiming they were “beyond the purview” of the DoJ IG. And at least one National Security staff member reportedly declined to be interviewed.



They are doing it for one of two reasons: because they can and/or because they want to.

That is all there is. Their inability to approach, much less meet, minimal standards of journalistic integrity becomes more apparent each day.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Right, dead federal agents because the hallowed halls of 1600 can do what they want is nothing to report on….that being the case a couple of whores more or less are a complete non-story unless it enables the media to put the military or law enforcement or both in a bad light without affecting Obama’s halo…


They are too busy beating the 47% horse to death to worry about something like this.


MSM in full protection mode for BO’s reelection. AG Holder will unleash attack dog Media Matters on all TV and print journalists who would dare dissent.

Remember GM is alive and OBL is dead – any bad stuff that happens on BO’s watch will be blamed on Romney, Bush, Cheney, Rove, Republican Congress, Fox News, Daily Caller, Drudge Report…


Remember GM is alive and OBL is dead….and we will completly ignore that Chrystler recieved a bailout and then sold out to a foreign company.


Watch the other hand…


Yes, GM is indeed alive. And since they were bailed out with public money vice going through bankruptcy reorg, so is their union contract – which costs GM roughly $73.25 per labor hour.


If you ever wondered why GM’s cars cost so much and seemed to be so cheaply made, well . . . .


Thank you, Jonn! Heh. The Fox reporter emailed today to ask if I had the names. As if I would share the scoop… : D


GM is alive, OBL is dead…

Yah, well, so is Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, 2 former active duty SEALs and 2 Marines. So with all due respect, Mr President, go to hell.


Hondo, the GM cars are selling for about a third of the cost to manufacture them — at a loss. The value of GM stock has dropped drastically since the bailout, starting at $38+ per share in 2009, dropping to $19.71 in December 2011, now at $25.73, worth a hell of a lot less than it was a mere three years ago, at a loss to the taxpayers (us).

2-17 AirCav

@12. Yes, but the weally, weally good news is that you can buy a Volt today at half the cost of its production. The taxpayers are paying the other half. Wait a second…