Mailahn Poe update

| August 9, 2012

After 100 votes it was 49/51.

So, now would be the time to mobilize your side if you are so inclined.

Category: Politics

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The pairing made this really tough. Both noteworthy contenders as evidenced by the early returns.


They should both be rewarded (awarded).

Old Tanker

I’m not going to be dissappointed, they both deserve to move on….


Time to Chicago Style and vote again…and again. My dog hasn’t voted yet.

I will say that all my picks in the past lose…sure hope that trend doesn’t carry over into November.


Dammit. Anyone dead out there want to vote?

I’m supporting Gonad, because he stole money from children.


3 Votes: Me; Myself; and I. Oh .. yes I am a 3% er!


Nicki, naah, the dead guys are after braaaaiiiiins, and these contestants would starve them for sure.

I’m going for Poe because he projected a fake “wounded warrior” image to get sympathy from the audience, so that he stole not only valor, but compassion.

Also because he served, long enough to make NCO rank, and ought to know better. He makes the National Guard look bad; the other guy only makes the human race look bad.


Poe is a toolbox, but he had the know-how and charisma to accomplish a decent fraud. In addition, it was a focused application of douchebaggery to achieve a specific goal- television fame. Very professional, but not quite Duster material, in my opinion. Driveway, however, just spreads douchedom and stolen valor everywhere he goes. Need a legal defense? Tell the judge I’m a marine. Need a girlfriend? Tell her I’m a marine. Need a job? Hell, I did that in the marines. Need child support payments? … *crickets*

Imaginary service in the marines isn’t just a con game for Driveway. It’s a goddamned Swiss army knife of excuses for his own fucked up behavior. He’s the poster boy for stolen valor, folks. He’s based his life on a fake career of service to our country. That type of selflessness and sacrifice is what this tourney is about. He deserves the chance to prove himself in the finals. He deserves the recognition. He deserves the google page rank. For his service, we owe him that much.

So please, support the mailman. Support Gunny Driveway.


I’m going to have to to tothe Home Depot parking lot and pick me up some undocumented voters.


Famous Quote Modified for my vote … Gunny Driveway

Today, only 2 percent of the people in the U.S. know the name of someone serving in uniform. . That means 2 percent of your listeners can actually conjure up the image of someone wearing the uniform of the military of the United States. . Lets make Gunny Driveway famous forever!

Modified: Oliver North


Dave Thul

Just cast my vote for Poe, gotta support the hometown boy.


So far TSO, your readers have consistently voted for those I wanted to strangle with their own pony tail or choke with their Quarterpounder.

Just Plain Jason

I say we let them settle it in the bear pit… You know throw them in a pit with a bear and whoever comes out wins. Well I guess the bear would win and we would win!


#13, but what about the folks you would want to strangle with their own bondage ropes or choke on their own microphones?


I’m happy enough watching some people drown in their own tears Alberich. Hell he did it all for the votes anyway, so why not let him have what he wants. We get what we want and I don’t have to think about the lies he told to get double d’s in the background.

But like TSO and Jonn said, this thing is mostly about exposing to the world, just how prevalent the problem is. I think there should be a big red circle around blank adaptors and orange toy gun indicators when some portend their Seal Team 6 or Delta fastroping down their ponytails on Hostage Rescue missions. On the other hand, there should be a GP Small in all those pics with those wearing them as Class A’s, for comparison sake.


i think the bondage boy should win,gunny driveway, he now wears a real uniform the he earned, a dominos pizza delivery guy, and he posted his newest picture on, he has 4 personalities on there, the picture he posted is a close up of him with what looks to me as a sock in his mouth,he said a he likes getting tied up,but does it still count if you pretend,yea he is good at that,and he has a sock in his mouth what a man he has so much time on his hands to post pictures for the world to see,