Cowardly Bloomberg declines to face “gun nuts”

| August 9, 2012

It seems that the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms invited Nanny Bloomberg to speak at their Gun Rights Policy Conference, but the New York mayor can’t summon the intestinal fortitude to face folsk that might disagree with him;

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been challenging President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney to speak out about gun control, but Bloomberg declined a chance to do it himself at the annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) in September, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms noted.

According to CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, Bloomberg was invited to the 27th annual event, scheduled Sept. 28-30 in Orlando, Fla., but he turned it down.

“What does it say about someone who demands that others shill for his agenda, but when given the chance to take his fight to the gun rights community, he retreats,” Gottlieb wondered. “Mayor Bloomberg is always quick with his tongue in front of a friendly media audience, or in the confines of a broadcast studio, but when he has an opportunity to meet with people who have differing viewpoints about a fundamental civil right, he takes a powder.”


“It seems odd for a guy like Michael Bloomberg, who rushes to every television news camera and microphone, to avoid what could be a major media event,” Gottlieb mused. “He’s been complaining about the ‘deafening silence’ from Romney and Obama, but when he is offered the chance to confront gun owners, whose rights he wants to see trampled, he voluntarily puts on a muzzle.

“Mayor Bloomberg has spent the past several months,” he said, “establishing himself as a Nanny State monarch, telling people give up their guns, to drink less soda, eat fewer fries and forego giving baby formula to newborns. He’s good at criticizing people he calls gun ‘nuts,’ but lately he seems a few cashews short of a full can, himself.

Of course, Florida is a “shall issue” state and being there might give Bloomberg hives.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Now why on earth would a self-anointed Second Amendment supporter like Bloomberg turn down such a prestigious invite?


Cowards that are in positions of power are one of our greatest threats. When he finally goes after the different rights and freedoms of enough people, they’ll kick him out; until then, he’s going to make a lot of people miserable with his totalitarian bs.


Mayor Bloomberg registers as an Independent, but c’mon man he is definitely WAY to the left. Interesting also is Bloomberg has net worth of $22 billion (88X net worth of Romney), but liberal dominated NYC media and social elites barely raise an eyebrow – has he paid his fair share & made public last 10 years of tax returns? Just keep living in your big NYC liberal bubble and spouting to the masses how soft drinks, fast food, ice cream, candy and so on need to be contained and controlled. You can’t make decisions for yourself people, let Mayor Nanny Bloomberg do it for you.

Mayor Bloomberg probably shocked to discover there are lots of Dems who own and like guns – even in Congress. Might have gotten strong feedback “to stay in your lane”. Just a guess.

CI Roller Dude

2 questions for Bloomnut:
1.) Does he own a firearm(s)
2.) Does he have folks who protect him on a daily basis that are armed?

The average citizen can’t afford armed protection- so they arm themselves.


Bloomberg is one ifbthe shittiest mayors we have seen in a long time. He RAPED our (fdny/nypd) pensions, completely obliterated our educational system (i have one of my kids in and it is disgraceful), spends more time and money on advertising and image issues then real issuses like the rampant abuse of our 911 system, the insanely under staffed under performing education system and a host of other issues. BUT you cant blame him for our ludacris gun laws. While his administration makes it harder to get the permits issued and hes as anti gun as any head in the cloud left wing dope can be, it has always been an understanding here that getting a firearms liscence is like a 3 ring circus. Rifle permits are the easiest but still take forever and cost about $300 these days, pistol permits have to go through a broker for any hope of an approval with the price breaking $600 ad a carry permit is pretty much out of the question at this point. Yet 10 min from the city in LI or upstate all you need is to walk in pass the quick check and you iwn your rifle. Its lunacy and most gun owners that have property upstate, myself included, just leave pur guns up where we hunt. Sorry for the long rant.

Joe Williams

Anybody know how many Mayors their is in the USA? Six hunred mayors against the second amentment is a small per centage of the total Mayors. Joe

PowerPoint Ranger

I like the cut of this group’s jib, and how they point out all of the mayors in Bloomberg’s little treehouse club who can’t legally own guns.


@ #4: CI, question 3, What kind of guns are used in the good Mayor’s protection detail?

I’ll give you high odds they use those “assualt weapons” prohibited to the commoners…. Anyone want to lay some bets?