Win a house, help the troops

| September 10, 2008

I got an email yesterday from a reader about a raffle being held to benefit the organization that sends “boxes of stuff” (as they put it) to the troops deployed to the Middle East. The raffle? Well, it’s this house;

There’s more information at this link on the house and the other prizes you’ll be eligible to win. The organization comes highly recommended (I had to do some research before I put this before you). Since the house is in Maryland, you’ll also improve your chance to have me over for barbecues every weekend next summer. If that doesn’t sweeten the pot, I don’t know what will.

Even if you don’t win, our troops win from the excellent support they get from this fine group with your donation. What’s to not like?

Category: Politics

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Yowza! 7ish acres? Will you and TSO come over an mow the lawn as well?

Jonn wrote: I don’t know about WoWboy, but I’ll be there, you betcha.