IVAW’s Kokesh withdraws Barr endorsement
For those of you still following the antics of IVAW, you probably remember that Adam Fallujah Kokesh, the IVAW’s resident lunatic, famously announced he’d be supporting Bob Barr now that Ron Paul was pulling out of the Republican primary contest. I knew when Kokesh announced he was supporting Ron Paul he was just trying to help divide the Republican Party, and his support for Barr was just an extension of that little ploy.
Well, a reader sent me a link to a Reason report today that Kokesh finally withdrew from Barr’s contest. The background for the report is a Barr press conference following a Ron Paul press conference down the hall;
Kokesh raised his hand and started talking; Barr campaign chairman Russ Verney asked him to identify his media organization. “I’m an independent blogger,” Kokesh said. Verney and Kokesh talked over each other for about 30 seconds, Verney trying to move on, Kokesh explaining what had made him so angry. “Leadership is not just about knowing when to lead, but knowing when to follow,” Kokesh said. “You failed that test today and I retract my endorsement of you.”
What an arrogant little toad. I guess he’s taking his ten IVAW voters and leaving. But at least the charade has ended.
He can go all in for the “O” now…especially since some guy in Denver who said he was with the Obama campaign took their letter of demands (to end the war in Iraq and pay reparations to the Iraqis) and promised Obama would read it. But McCain didn’t bother to give the IVAW players that satisfaction…another reason to support McCain.
Kokesh can thank his VFP/VVAW buddies for the McCain snub. Why would a Vietnam vet want to give a moment of time to anyone associated with that crowd of pussies.
Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics, Ron Paul
The book on Kokesh is that he will lead anyone who will let him be their leader regardless of how off the wall the group is. He’s not interested in being a follower.
John Bruhns is a close second, bouncing around MoveOn, Code Pink, AAEI and UFPJ. Except Bruhns big opus was when he left AAEI.
I’m sure Bob Barr is huddled by himself in a dark room sobbing over the loss. How will he ever cope with those stinging comments. ROTFLMAO!
Never underestimate the POWER of Delusions of Grandeur!
/sarc on/ I’m sure that Kokesh thinks that he is “Luke Skywalker,” to bring us to the NEW Changi-Hopiness of the FUTURE! The FORCE will protect him. /sarc off/
Hey, dude, drink MORE beer. Delude yourself further. I don’t actually KNOW what level of Bad Conduct Discharge you received, but I would ACTUALLY dearly LOVE to know. Were you (Kokesh) sentenced to more than a year-and-a-day in jail? If so, that just-might-make-you a FELON. If so, do you, Kokesh, own or possess GUNS? If so, that just-might-make-you a Felon in Possession of Firearms. Did you (Kokesh) commit any OTHER felonies that you would like to ADMIT too while you were in military service?
Inquiring people WANT to Know (a phrase from, perhaps, before your time)!
Oh, why is this Turd linked to an Airborne post? I’ve never seen anything that linked him to the COURAGE it takes to step out of an aircraft and to actually be an AIRBORNE Trooper, let alone a “HALO” qualified trooper who had to learn about arching his/her back.
I KNOW that you, Jonn, know better — notwithstanding the non-Airborne community. I don’t mind your attacks on LOSERS like Kokesh, but DON’T, please, give, even by implication, any CREDIT for Courage or Ability that he NEVER earned.
509th Bob,
As far as I know, Elvis got a General Under Honorable Conditions, and I haven’t heard what exactly happened about the gun on campus, but I doubt he did time. Things in the internet records seem to indicate he got into some kind of intervention program and/or plea bargin and dodged a legal bullet.
I think you meant Adam “lying douchebag” Kokesh didn’t you?
The “guy who claimed to be in Obama’s campaign” is Phil Carter, Senator Obama’s Senior Veterans Affairs Liasion. Phil is one of the founding members of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and served as an embedded INP advisor in Baquba from 2005 to 2006 while an MP officer. He’s also a lawyer who’s frequently consulted by law enforcement on legal issues surrounding anti-terrorism enforcement.
So I think you can drop the pretense. Phil’s senior staff at the Obama campaign and an Iraq vet to boot. And “pussies”? I have yet to hear from anyone taking my action on a left versus right charity fight!
Jonn wrote: Hey, I’m just quoting eye witnesses from your own side.
I like pie.
My bad. I wish they were more thorough.
Any confirmation that the ‘senior member of obama’s campaign staff’ had delivered the letter to the anointed one?
For all you know, Phil could have used the letter to wipe his ass after a potty visit.
If the big “O” could find time to respond to Scarlett Johansson’s personal emails, you would think the geniuses at IVAW would have been invited to meet with obama to address their concerns.
….any day now….
TSO: I like Jello with a generous amount of whipped cream.
“TSO: I like Jello with a generous amount of whipped cream.”
sweet jesus.
You can’t leave TSO alone with anything that moves…
We’ll see if Carter was a hot shit in Baquda. I’m reading Gods of Diyala right now. Wonder if he rates a mention?
PS: Al-Zawahiri is an Iraq veteran. Probably was awarded an honorary IVAW membership…
After all, IVAW’s puppetmasters awarded Rachel Corrie an honorary VFP membership because of her “martyrdom”. What a bunch of anti-American nutcases for using that rhetoric.
My guess is Senator Obama will read the document and decline to meet with us (my IVAW membership has been restored after a several-month suspension). Not much of our platform is compatible with his policy statements. As individuals, a lot of the guys at IAVA (who compose a considerable bulk of Obama’s Iraq policy staff) are close with IVAW guys but differ immensely on how best to proceed in Iraq. We’ll probably get a polite, informal phone call from Phil or Paul Reickhoff on the order of “thanks but no thanks.”
Al-Zawahiri is a bastard and a corpse. And IVAW doesn’t bestow honorary memberships. Regarding VFP, IVAW is incorporating itself as a 501(c)3, thusly terminating whatever fragile link ever bound the two. If there ever was one. In the two years I’ve belonged (more or less) to IVAW I have yet to meet a VFP member. VVAW is another matter. Those guys are wild! I’ve met some cool guys: 173rd, 101st (my alma mater) and Recondo sub-units, LRRP/Ranger Companies; cool guys, wild stories.
Move along….nothing to see here….these aren’t the droids you are looking for…
My guess is the document was filed in the appropriate receptacle. Good luck with the phone call. I’m sure you could just sit back and fantasize about such a phone conversation. Not as good at the real thing, but what one do??
Can you explain to the readers why your IVAW membership was revoked and the reason for reinstatement?
Your guess is as good as anyone’s. I do think Senator Obama has enough intellectual curiosity to read the thing before he throws it out. I don’t have to fantasize about phone calls with Phil or Paul, though. I could just call them. The last sentence in your first paragraph has what I think are one spelling error and one syntax error, so I’m not sure I can understand it and offer a meaningful response.
I was suspended from IVAW for challenging anybody on the other side of this issue to knuckle up right out in the street. I was reinstated for offering to move the action into a boxing ring, using gloves instead of bare knuckles and obeying USA Boxing/Golden Gloves rules; i.e., no elbow strikes, no eye-gouging or fish-hooking and none of the other nonsense I grew up with here on Milwaukee’s West Side. It could be a good charity event; we could raise funds to buy Iraq and Afghanistan vets life memberships in the VFW and DAV. Good non-partisan ways to support the troops. I’ve got life memberships in both and benefit greatly from them.
Your guess is as good as anyone’s. I wouldn’t need to fantasize about a phone call with Paul or Phil, though. I could just call them.
I was suspended from IVAW for challenging anybody on the other side of this issue to fight right out in the street. I was reinstated for agreeing to move the action inside a boxing ring. It could be a good fundraiser, to buy troops life memberships in the VFW or DAV.
Challenging legislative needs with taking it to the street? Sounds adequately adolescent for the IVAW, the great tree fort builders. I’ve settled more than one small matter in that fashion, but have never been so liberal as to only be able to respond with a threat of physical violence against him/her that I am arguing with. The beauty of a good debate person, (I was one), is that they can keep their cool and not have those inclinations. Typical sandbox behavior…….
And, any organization that I would associate myself with would really, really need a good compelling argument to backtrack on a previous decision. Especially one so puny as reconsidering a very minor member of the organization. Y’all are about as clownish as the Code Pinkos. You enhance eachother. Spelling and syntax not professionally checked.
nuf sed
DeWald went around threatening to “dry hump” all the (his words) “shithead right-wingers to be allowed at Winter Soldier but I fear for their safety on the campus.” Now he’s back in good standing with IVAW, along with Evan Knappenberger, who threatened to bomb the Gathering of Eagles rally and threatened Michelle Malkin.
So much for the claims that IVAW “does not condone threats of violence or violence against idealogical opponents.”
I;m cancelling my IAVA membership immediately if DeWald is a member and has Rieckhoffs #.
Just a matter of days if not hours before he once again threatens someone or issues ridiculous threats to engage in frivolous lawsuits in an effort to blackmail through use of our judicial system.
Here we go again.
I get your non-response.
The last sentence in your first paragraph has what I think are one spelling error and one syntax error, so I’m not sure I can understand it and offer a meaningful response.
What exactly do you mean by “Keep it Necro”, Jon?
Hey bro,
You know why I was a Sergeant after ten years? Blasting a loud-mouthed E7 in the mouth when I was a promotable Staff Sergeant. He had the same sour, b****y look you do in your DA photo… where you’re also an E7! What an amazing coincidence. Another sassy senior NCO stepping into my sector of fire. Anyway, luckily for me, everyone else in all of V Corps hated that fat pogue as well and I got off with just an Article 15. And my disability comp gets paid at the E6 rate!
You’ll be providing “security escorts” to Gathering of Chickenshits members “counter-demonstrating” at IVAW events like Winter Soldier II? That’s a laugh. In response to your statement on Robin the Man-Thing’s page (I really had no idea she was considered a woman. I thought she was a dude with man-***s.), any “encounter” between us will go down however the **** I see fit.
Though I truly do hope to see you and every other Gaggle**** of ****birds member in DC next March, I must advise you Winter Soldier is being held at a private college. The campus police have already been instructed to arrest any of you dip****s who attempt to trespass. I personally thought we had room to accommodate all 17 members of GoE, but with 100 vets testifying, another 700 in attendance, 100 members of the national and international media, an as-yet undetermined number of Iraqi and Afghan civilians (man, the government’s making it hard to get the travel visas!) and perhaps another 100 scholars, legislators and other guests, we simply have no room for you!
But I’ll be at my favorite DC haunts every night I’m there: Hawk and Dove, Sign of the Whale and every bar in Adams Morgan. Come on in and see me. Unless you’re afraid to mouth off to me when there are no cameras or cops around to protect your b**** ass.
At ease,
Why was this website removed, Jon?
How soon will I be receiving either a fatwah or threatening email?
There were more VVAW at Winter Soldier 2.1 than IVAW and I really doubt 100 “testsified”, in fact none testified because they were never under oath. In fact first WS 2.1 panel were old farts from WS 1.0, the Fonda Years.
And geeze, for 100 national and international media, the coverage sucked the big green weinnie.
In fact at the RNC, I looked at the group of 50 and then someoe pointed out a lot were wearing “supporter” instead of IVAW shirts.
I’m really not getting back into the full swing of the blogworld right now, or this discussion. I’m just popping up to be factual. Jonathan de Wald was in fact reinstated. Evan Knappenberger is not, and is still not currently a member.
Also, the reason some IVAW were wearing ‘I support’ T-shirts at the RNC is that many IVAW had been two weeks on “the circuit” from the start of the DNC to the RNC, and many did not have two weeks worth of clean IVAW t-shirts. Those that did not often filled in by wearing merch. We know our own. The formations were full of vets.
“,,,,,formations were full of vets,,,,,,”
To put that in perspective: How many American Veterans are there? How many true veteran members does IVAW have? That would not include the phony soldiers like Jesse MacBeth, of course. So….what percentage of veterans are these people? Perhaps .0001 Percent? Or less? Not enough squeak to warrant grease, surely.
nuf sed
Everyone is a true veteran/active duty soldier these days. DD214s are required now.
“The formations were full of vets”
Americans or VietCong?
Army Sergeant: How can that be that Knappennapper hasn’t been reinstated and is not a member? What about this below?
“Evan Knappenberger, a local Iraq War veteran who did the Stop Loss Tower Guard vigil last summer and started the local Iraq Veterans Against the War chapter was suspended from the group, but reinstated after four days, for making threats online against pro-war activists two weeks ago.
Knappenberger, who initially suffered an indefinite suspension, told me on the phone this morning that he had received an apology from the IVAW board for what he called their “arbitrary decision” to suspend him in the heat of the moment.”
Jonn wrote: Thanks for digging that up for me, MiM. I remember Michelle and I both quoted that article…and if I’m not mistaken, there was a picture of Knappenberger talking to local high school kids about his version of the war included in that article. But, I decided long ago to ignore Army Sergeant since she decided to abandon reason and truth.
AS: “Everyone is a true veteran/active duty soldier these days. DD214s are required now.”
Ok, on that one, now; once again, what percentage of veterans are the members of IVAW? .0001? As I said above:
Not enough squeak to warrant grease, surely.
In other words, the IVAW does not express the view of the majority of veterans, or of active duty. They just don’t count.
nuf sed
If I remember correctly, Knappennapper and Kokesh woke up together on the lawn of the National Mall.
Read that somewhere on towerguard.org
There are about two million on active duty and there are 1,300 (being charitable) in IVAW. Do the math, they are a small cult group.
You can find more Soldiers who believe they’ve been abducted by a UFO than belong to the IVAW anal probe.
Those DD-214s are worthless. #1 IVAW GI MacBeth filed an obviously phony DD-214 and it’s didn’t keep him out.