USS Milk discussion continues

| April 26, 2012

Jeff sends us a link to Quinton Report who does a fine job of defending me from being called a “bigot” by Daily Pundit‘s Bill Quick (Whoever the F*ck he is) because I dared to suggest that people exist who are more deserving of having a Navy vessel named for them than Harvey Milk.

Sorry, Bill, I don’t see where I’m a bigot because some polesmoker gets shot by a political opponent and you think that for that he needs some sort of honor. Milk wasn’t killed in the line of his Navy duties…he was killed because he pissed someone off. People get killed from that affliction everyday. I don’t see where my opinion amounts to bigotry – well, until you pissed me off and I called Milk a polesmoker…a practice that you think raises Milk to a level somewhere above the Navy personnel who’ve sacrificed themselves for their friends and their country in our nation’s wars. That’s your opinion, and I think your own sexual habits somehow influenced your irrational outburst…that makes you a bigot, Bill.

Category: Bloggers, Shitbags

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Jonn how about a score card for the “Jeff’s”…..


I just wish we could get off the Politicizing of the naming of ships. The fact that Harvey Milk was in the Navy and was a Gay activist doesn’t qualify him to have a ship named after him. Honestly, I wish they would tighten up the naming procedures after this Sec of the Navy is gone. I am sick an tired of every time I hear of a ship being named cringing because it is going to be something stupid. It seems like they are building a ship just to name it. How about they build a ship and the name become secondary? I would much rather have a USS Kill the Fucking Enemy than something that some activist organization had to dream up.


You gotta be shitting me. I thought Gates was finished with his ridonkulous ship naming campaign.


I am just glad the Army isn’t opening any bases, or there hasn’t been any campaigns to change base names. Could you imagine what would happen if the hippies and leftards found out who Braxton Bragg was…

Zero Ponsdorf

Common sense ain’t!

I dunno quite whether this particular trend is PC or simply political… and I don’t much care.

In either case reasoned arguments will do little to actually change much.

Near as I can tell there is/will be a LPD named for Murtha:



You’re standing in the way, Jonn. That’s why you got called a bigot. They want to get on with their agenda.


I am hereby petitioning the Secretary of the Navy to name a ship the USS Chocolate Milk in honor of a beverage that has contributed to the morale and war-fighting gumption of countless Sailors and Marines for decades. Surely, considering how many thousands of gallons of chocolate milk have been poured down the gullets of ship-borne personnel in mess decks throughout the Navy, some recognition is called for. I submit that chocolate milk has contributed far more to our nation’s security than this Harvey Wallbanger character (or whatever his name was, I forget).


How about current active duty candidates: READ THIS ACTION and compare it to the alternative! CPO Stephen Bass, U.S.N. Citation: Navy Cross War: War On Terrorism/Afghanistan CHIEF PETTY OFFICER STEPHEN BASS, United States Navy. For extraordinary heroism while serving with the British Special Boat Service during combat operations in Northern Afghanistan on 25 and 26 November 2001. Chief Petty Officer Bass deployed to the area as a member of a Joint American and British Special Forces Rescue Team to locate and recover two missing American citizens, one presumed to be seriously injured or dead, after hardline Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners at the Quala-I-Jangi fortress in Mazar-e-Sharif over powered them and gained access to large quantities of armes and ammunition stored at the fortress. Once inside, Chief Petty Officer Bass was engaged continuously by direct small arms fire, indirect mortar fire and rocket propelled grenade fire. He was forced to walk through an active anti-personnel minefield in order to gain entry to the fortress. After establishing the possible location of both American citizens, under heavy fire and without concern for his own safety, he made two attempts to rescue the uninjured citizen by crawling toward the fortress interior to reach him. Forced to withdraw due to large volumes of fire falling on his position, he was undettered. After reporting his efforts to the remaining members of the rescue team, they left and attempt to locate the missing citizen on the outside of the fortress. As darkness began to fall, no attempt was made to locate the other injured American citizen. Chief Petty Officer Bass then took matters into his own hands. Without regard for his own personal safety, he moved forward another 300-400 meters into the heart of the fortress by himself under constant enemy fire in an attempt to locate the injured citizen. Running low on ammunition, he utilized weapons from deceased Afghans to continue his rescue attempt. Upon verifying the condition and location of the American citizen, he withdrew from the fortress. By his outstanding display of decisive leadership, unlimited courage in the face of enemy fire, and… Read more »


This issue is hurting my head!


Here is another: The President of the United States Takes Pleasure in Presenting The Navy Cross To Britt Slabinski Senior Chief Petty Officer, United States Navy For Services as Set Forth in the Following Citation: For extraordinary heroism as Sniper Element Leader for a joint special operations unit conducting combat operations against enemy forces during Operation Anaconda, Sahi-Kot Valley, Afghanistan on 3 and 4 March 2002, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. On the evening of 3 March, Senior Chief Petty Officer Britt Slabinski led his seven-man reconnaissance team onto the snow-covered, 10,000 foot mountaintop known as Takur Ghar, to establish a combat overwatch position in support of U.S. Army forces advancing against the enemy on the valley floor. As their helicopter hovered over the mountain it was met by unrelenting rocket propelled grenade (RPG) and small arms fire by entrenched enemy forces. As a result of several RPG hits, a member of Senior Chief Petty Officer Slabinski ‘s team was ejected from the helicopter into the midst of the fortified enemy positions. The badly damaged helicopter conducted a controlled crash, at which time Senior Chief Petty Officer Slabinski immediately took charge and established security on the crash location until the crew and his team were recovered to a support base. At this point, Senior Chief Slabinski fully aware of the overwhelming, fixed, enemy forces over the mountain, but also knowing the desperate situation of his missing teammate, now reportedly fighting for his life, without hesitation made the selfless decision to lead his team on an immediate, bold rescue mission. He heroically led the remainder of his SEAL element back onto the snow-covered, remote, mountaintop into the midst of the numerically superior enemy forces in a daring and valiant attempt to rescue one of their own. After a treacherous helicopter insertion onto the mountaintop, Senior Chief Petty Officer Slabinski led his close quarter firefight. He skillfully maneuvered his team and bravely engaged multiple enemy positions, personally clearing one bunker and killing several enemy within. His unit became caught in a withering crossfire from other bunkers and the closing enemy forces.… Read more »


OK … now that we got that out of the way … they want to name a ship after who? Well I submit the aforementioned. I need some asprin.


Same for the USS Chavez (Cesar), communist farm labor organizer in California….


Bill Quick sounds like the typical DU Douchebag.


How about: USS Bill Ayers, or USS Bradley Manning?

I mean, since we seem to be naming ships after the left’s “activist heroes” why not go all the way?


How about the USS ‘Lex’ LeFon.

Zero Ponsdorf

Marvin #15: You don’t have the dance down. Lex, indeed, might just might merit such. The list is quite long… there’s the rub.


Or let’s name another ship after Fr O’Callahan, MoH.
The USS O’Callahan FF-1051 went faster during her full power run just prior to her decommissioning that she did at her builder’s trials —
A 20something year old ship going faster than she did when brand spanking new.
That is a legacy of good maintenance.


How about the USS Full of Death Dealing Marines! (Jarheads don’t your egos too boosted just for the sake of argument)

wink windsor

Bill Quick(Whoever the F*ck he is) misuses the word “bigot.”
Just because someone holds a different view from Quick does not make them a bigot.

Adirondack Patriot

Poop deck?

CI Roller Dude

Those of us who live near, but not in San Francisco, don’t call it the “City of San Francisco”. We call it the “State of San Francisco.” They have some really fouled up laws (no guns can be sold in the city limits) they are so liberal, that it’s more retarded than any other place now…and they should name streets and parks after Mr Milk…and save naming ships after Saliors who did something great while they were in the service. Milk was kind of hohum average and his only claim to fame was being Gay (which I have no problem with).
It’s shit like this that make some of us embarressed to be from California and another reason most of the rest of the country hates us.


San Fransicko .

Melvin Fumbler

I think a USS Trayvon Obama would be in order. If O’blowhole had a yacht it couid look like that. It would be a tribute to all the “gangsta’s” and race panderers.


Imagine crossing the equator on the USS Milk.

“Everyone wear your rainbow spandex! Now bow down to DragQueen Neptune!”

The Captian walks around the bridge in Speedos.


And I lost all respect for San Fransisco when they claimed to be a “sanctuary” for illegals.

That bit them in the ass, when they had an illegal alien, three time felon, pull a weapon out of his car and shoot a father and two boys during a fit of road rage.

Can’t deport him, and they couldn’t turn him over to the state, because THEY would deport him…so the Mayor was (insert gay joke) taking it up the ass on that one.


My dad was in the Navy, can I submit his name to have a ship named after him?


To call their opponents “bigots” really is their favorite comeback to everything. If they actually looked up the word, they would know that a bigot is someone so fanatically dedicated to his own point of view that he will not listen to another.

Interestingly, that’s also the best definition of a “liberal” I can think of.

A short list of other witty comebacks:

“You hate science!”
“We’re just born that way!”
“Bush lied!”
“It’s for the children.”
“There was a surplus under Clinton.”
“Sarah Palin is stupid!”
“You’re worse than the Taliban!”
“It’s not fair!”



My uncle was in the Navy too. He was a real American hero who never sought recognition. He did two tours in Vietnam and came home with a bullet in his body after one of them. He retired after twenty years.

But they won’t name a ship after him. Because his accomplishments don’t really compare to Harvey Milk’s, and because he wasn’t a sodomite.


I lurk over at Bill Quick’s site. He’s pretty libertarian and I agree with him on alot. There are certain issues though that seem to cause him to come unglued. He’s quick to call people a bigot if they oppose or are critical of any gay rights figure/issue and don’t get him started on use of force by cops…


I remember the Milk shooting – sorry, boys and girls, the big news of the day was that the Mayor of San Francisco, George Moscone, was shot. In fine print as an afterthought was the “also shot was councilman Harvey Milk” or some such. Can’t remember that he was described as a gay activist at the time although he could have been. Then, too, being a gay activist in San Fran at the time was probably about as noteworthy as being white at a KKK rally. Revisionist history and Sean Penn have given us this whole “It was Harvey Milk who was crucified on the Cross” bullsh*t.

Yat Yas 1833

I’d rather see the USS Rupaul. At least Rupaul is funny!?

Oh, and @12, Cesar Chavez wasn’t a communist. Liberal? Very, but not a communist. He was a civil/human rights activist that improved the lives of people that were being treated, damn near, as bad as slaves.


[…] guess they can be considered bigots, […]