Stuck like Chuck an MP.

| April 26, 2012

I was disabused today of my previously held belief that QRF was some sort of latin for “Quiet and Relaxation Farce.” Astonishingly, they actually believe in this unit that it is the “when things go to shit, who ya gonna call” force. Which really put a pretty sizeable dent in my plans today, which involved a shower, the barely edible chow, and copious amounts of local videos which are sort of an Afghan version of Mystery Science Theater 3k with local heads bobbing on screen. The selection today was “The Last Boy Scout” followed by “Seabiscuit” and then rounding out the Bruce Willis sandwich with “Mercury Rising.” I did sleep in (to 6AM), ate my Lucky Charms and stopped in the TOC before my plan went the way of mythical beasts like the DoDo, T-Rex and straight guys who watch “The Voice.”

The first call of the day was allegedly some sort of IED threat. Essentially it was me running to get my stuff, running to the motor pool, and then some frantic prayers that the Doc would show up with the paddles. (Clear!) No cardiac or SP ensued, as we got waved off. As I was walking dejectedly back to the TOC though, I met the Air Force EOD guys, who like EVERY other person I ever met in the Air Force were clearly pleased with their lot in life, ready to share a smile and an explanation of what they do, and show off their digs.

[As an aside, if there is anyone who reads our dopey blog who is considering military service, hear me loud and clear: Dude, for the love of Spongebob’s ghost, join the Air Force. If you are a dude who wants to be a Marine or Army SF or some crazy bad people ventillation technician, you still go AF, and tell them you want to be a JTAC. Seriously. The grooming standards are lower (“I didn’t feel like shaving this month” is a justifiable excuse in the AF) the scenery is a hell of a lot more scenic (*wink* *wink*) and the level of ability to bring terrorists to room temperature is the same. /end aside.]

These particular EOD guys had a robot, which no matter how you cut it makes them exponentially cooler than you. And out came Wall-E or iRobot or whatever it was. Thing is kind of heavy, and it is like an 11C humping the baseplate up a mountain, but when you get to the top, and look back on what you just climbed, you can feel pride in knowing YOU JUST CLIMBED UP A MOUNTAIN WITH A ROBOT. [Yes, CAPS LOCK, dude, it is a fricken Robot.] This thing operates off an XBox controller, because the only thing that ranks up with a robot, is playing X-Box.

So, I sat in the motor pool and ran this heavy little beast into folks because I’m just not that good at these things. Plus, them have these specially made sunglasses that make you look like the unholy cross breed of Tom Cruise in Top Gun and a Borg. You have this little video camera that shows you what Wall-E sees. Frankly it was easier to not watch through the video, but if you got used to it, it might not be so disorienting.

Then this afternoon the TOC started getting busy. Let’s just say it was interesting to see, but rife with some stress to say the least. The end result of the excitement was virtually nothing, but it was tense. Then came word, call up the QRF, MPs got not one but two vehicles stuck. So out we roll.

First one was pretty easy. I’m fairly certain they could have gotten it out with a little work, but it wasn’t far away, so why risk it. The second one though, hoofah. I honestly have no idea how this thing got stuck where it did. It was the middle of a village, with side roads literally 20m ahead and about 20m behind, but the driver inexplicably decided to do a 400 point turn (neccessitated by the width of the road) and didn’t quite make it.

As we were eyeballing the disaster, the ANA rolled up. Now, yesterday I talked about the one side of the ANA, the part where safety concerns are at the opposite end of the spectrum from the US Army (“wear your PT belt and Eye Pro at all times”) mentality. Today I got to see them at their best. Their 1SG rolled up, got out, and took charge immediately. He barely glanced at the vehicle stuck (which I was keying on as it was the obvious excitement) and immediately deployed his guys efficiently and with evident strong leadership. He was pointing out sectors for his men, directing his vehicles and communicating with the locals with a modicum of holering and hand movements. The locals took him seriously, and his men moreso. If there is a future for this country, that dude will be the one that future generations can thank.

And he wasn’t alone. Other ANA guys came through, and hollered to various US troops that they knew from previous (mis) adventures. That in itself wasn’t surprising, but the US Troops were clearly excited in turn to see these guys. I talked to several of them afterwords as they met their various counterparts, and every one of them told me something along the lines of “That dude is awesome, he’s a great leader.” This went well with what I had heard from a buddy back at KAF. Despite what we hear in the states about Green on Blue, these ANA are making marked improvement. It’s a race now. Can we bring up the substandard ones to bring the fulcrum to a point where the weight of history will be on the side of discipline and prosperity for the country.

Nonetheless, after several hours we got the vehicle out. But what I saw on scene in that time was great. One guy in particular that I noticed was a PFC. Young kid, fairly new to the country, and we owe him everything if this works, because dude does the right thing without even apparently noting it. The local kids had come out in droves. I mean, probably 100-200 of them all told filtered through. And being around the vehicle that was immobilized was obviously not something anyone needed. This PFC that we’ve spent thousands of hours and dollars training to bring destruction to the enemy was out there ACTUALLY winning hearts and minds. He was in the middle of the kids, smiling, learning their language, answering questions, making them giggle and so on.

I was reminded of a old German man who once came to an event we had. He had been 7 when Germany was in it’s second World War, and surrounded by utter destruction when one day he saw US Troops approaching down a road. He’d never seen one, and was justifiably worried what this would mean for his family. One GI smiled at him, approached him and knelt down. He gave that kid a stick of gum, tried to speak German with him, and basically just devoted attention to him. That kid decided then that one day he too would be an American, all because one tired Joe took the time to make him feel important.

As I watched that PFC do that today, I quietly talked to my Medic buddy. “Yeah, he’s like that. He just walks up and gets them talking.” I can’t help but wonder if somewhere in this tiny village was a kid who was distracted from a stuck vehicle by a smiling young 20 year old who really was interested in engaging the children. Will that kid come to America, or will he one day be a leader of men here in this country? Either would be fine with me.


Category: TSO Embedded in A'stan

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Old Tanker

Now that’s way cool….Los Angeles Times…BITE ME!

Frankly Opinionated

Keep em coming CV. Love it and am turning them straight back to my buddy in FOB Sharana.

Parachute Cutie

Give that young PFC a hardy “thank you” from me please.

And it’s good to read that the ANA is stepping up more than I’ve been hearing.


awesome report, TSO. Glad to hear that you have good things to say about the ANA.


Situation tough? Sure. Impossible? Don’t think so.

But of course, that would run contrary to the agenda.

Al T.

Troops. Gotta love the good ones, though in a non-Navy sort of way. 🙂


This is great, TSO! Thank you, and keep ’em coming!


Great story TSO! I wish I heard more like this in the news.


Great post, and I second the LA Times comment.

AW1 Tim

Real news about real events from a real man who knows what he’s really talking about.

Great job, TSO. keep up the good work. I’ll be about a day behind in posting your work, as I want to let TAH and The Burn Pit get the first posts, since, well, they’re where YOU work. Such as it is. 🙂

You want me to send you a Tom Frikkin’ Brady poster for your wall? Email me or message me through FB with an addy and I’ll see that one gets down range soonest.



They got a frickin ROBOT?? Now I know I joined the wrong branch…sniff sniff. But at least they let you play with it, cuz I bet it cost about $900 million, nothing worse then “look but don’t touch” types.

As much negative as I’ve heard about the ANA and ANP, I just KNEW there had to be some good ones in there somewhere, and you got to prove me right. Excellent, and I’ll bet he’s growing others to be just like him as he does what he does.

Good on the PFC for being himself, and good on you for telling the story. Great job! Stay safe man!

Frankly Opinionated

TSO has been there a matter of hours, is not Active Duty Military, and has already had a more credible tour than Metthis. TSO hasn’t even found time to tell us how the flavors are in the Baskin-Robbins.


But Photos putting Yawn to shame would be nice.


Love our Troops. Thanks for sharing.


Makes the head and heart swell to see American warriors sow good will like that.

As for the meat of your post, I’ve had cranky BDUs tell me they understand AF flyboys to spend their day flitting about above it all, only to RTB, roll on a little extra under-arm juice and repair to the Oclub to be pawed by the local fauna.

I respond: “And did you know this BEFORE you joined the Army?”

Thanks for getting the word out.


“And did you know this BEFORE you joined the Army?”

Money quote right there. Then again, I was responsible for more equipment as a 21-year old E-5 than a lot of AF Captains and Majors. Nothing like being in a “Leavenworth-capable NEC.”


Love it! *applause*

To quote Mark Twain:

“Now that is the way to write– peppery and to the point. Mush-and-milk journalism gives me the fan-tods.


CV, keep them coming dude! Oh, and the great and terrible Michael Yawn says, you’ll only be worth reading if you stay longer than 6 months, and go outside the wire. That’s the only way you’ll get any cred – like him. Because he’s powerful and credible. And because he’s… um… Yeah.

Old Trooper

@18: Jeezus Cripes! WTF is Yon talking about? CV already did a year tour outside the wire in A-stan, so it’s not unfamiliar territory. Of course Yon is probably betting on people not knowing that when he makes such lame attempts at being snarky.


OT – I told him that. There’s an entire argument going on in that article. More than 300 comments to date. LoD finally got rid of Yawn. He’s a rancid bag of cock meat.


And the Truth Shall Set You Free.
LL sliced and diced Mr. Yon.


Yeah, saw that too. Good stuff!


Nice Going, TSO…we know there is good to be found, someone just has to be the citizen journalist…and care about the truth.


Great post but I sadly must admit that I have been out of the Army so many years, the acronyms mean little to me!


Okay, Loopy…Now yer *busted*, lol!


Keep ’em coming, Seavey!


Streetsweeper, busted how?


TSO, great post and thanks for giving an informed view unlike those given by the MSM. Be safe and tell the young trooper that he’s a credit to his country and generation.


I wondered how hanging all that crap off the bow of vehicles would affect trafficability.
Should have looked closer at ENFORCE last week.
Hopefully there is a bail button on the dash for dumping it for fleeing.


Thanks for the photo. It’s going to PM MRAP and PM Countermine right now.


Great stuff TSO. Yeah, that PFC is making a difference thanks for giving that back to us. We need it.

Dank EOD

Thanks for the shout out bud. Glad we could help you get aquainted with the robot.


[…] May 15th, 2012 I finally pried some videos out of TSO last night. The first one is related to his post about the QRF (Quick Reaction Force) rolling out to protect MPs stuck alongside the […]