Gov. Palin follows the rules

| September 9, 2008

The front page for the Washington Post this morning looks like this;

Now do you see the article in the bottom right corner (with the headline that just fits above the fold);

Looks pretty suspicious doesn’t it? Looks like that Palin woman tried to screw taxpayers…but the actual article tells a different story. Well, if you have the fortitude to read past the first paragraph. Here are the first two paragraphs that lay out the case;

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a “per diem” allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business.

The governor also has charged the state for travel expenses to take her children on official out-of-town missions. And her husband, Todd, has billed the state for expenses and a daily allowance for trips he makes on official business for his wife.

But further down, we see that it’s really just a Washington Post popcorn fart of a story;

The state finance director, Kim Garnero, said Alaska law exempts the governor’s office from elaborate travel regulations. Said Leighow: “The governor is entitled to a per diem, and she claims it.”

The popular governor collected the per diem allowance from April 22, four days after the birth of her fifth child, until June 3, when she flew to Juneau for two days. Palin moved her family to the capital during the legislative session last year, but prefers to stay in Wasilla and drive 45 miles to Anchorage to a state office building where she conducts most of her business, aides have said.

Palin rarely sought reimbursement for meals while staying in Anchorage or Wasilla, the reports show.

Now, the Washington Post gets upset over a few thousand dollars spent by a governor, but do they get upset over Charley Rangel’s tax payer-funded leased Cadillacs? Or Nancy Pelosi’s demand for a military aircraft to ferry her to her California district?

But the headline bit gets the attention-deficit crowd all worked up (from the article’s comments section);

kkampf527 wrote:
Everyday more and more comes out about Gov. Palin. I hope americans are paying attention. She’s not change, she’s more of the same.

Category: John McCain/Sarah Palin, Media, Politics

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The lefties have been and continue to employ a strategy that was used in Germany effectively in the late 30’s, through the mid 40’s:

Tell a lie…
Tell it big…
Tell it often…


1rochester_veteran Says:
September 9th, 2008 at 10:34 am
The lefties have been and continue to employ a strategy that was used in Germany effectively in the late 30’s, through the mid 40’s:

Tell a lie…
Tell it big…
Tell it often…

Add: Until the lie becomes truth.

It only takes one time for it to become truth to a democrat. They may be educated elitest but they sure are stupid. Sorry, no word other than stupid fits them.



For sure, this attack from the lefties on Sarah and her family is backfiring and showing the American people exactly who we’re dealing with. Check out the following commentary (at the link:

Media attacks have helped John McCain and Sarah Palin

Let the lefties run their mouths, they can’t help themselves in imparting their “superior wisdom” on us all. 😉


From the article in the Washingtom Post…..On-line here almost at the VERY end.

“Leighow noted that under state policy, all of the governor’s children are entitled to per diem expenses, even her infant son. “The first family declined the per diem [for] the children,” Leighow said. “The amount that they had declined was $4,461, as of August 5.”


“Gov. Palin has spent far less on her personal travel than her predecessor: $93,000 on airfare in 2007, compared with $463,000 spent the year before by her predecessor, Frank Murkowski. He traveled often in an executive jet that Palin called an extravagance during her campaign. She sold it after she was sworn into office.

“She flies coach and encourages her cabinet to fly coach as well,” said Garnero, whose job is equivalent to state controller. “Some do, some don’t.”

Leighow said that the governor’s staff has tallied the travel expenses charged by Murkowski’s wife: $35,675 in 2006, $43,659 in 2005, $13,607 in 2004 and $29,608 in 2003. Associates of Murkowski said the former governor was moose hunting and could not be reached to comment.”


Can we question the media’s motives NOW ?!?!?!?!