New Jersey and Independence

| September 9, 2008

I read last week on Blackfive that some troop supporters planned on gathering on the corner of New Jersey and Independence Avenues in front of the Cannon Office Building in DC.

We will gather, once again, outside the Cannon Bldg in DC to celebrate our Soldier’s victories and to memorialize the Heroes we have lost in this War and all the Americans murdered on 9/11.

The Cannon Bldg is located on the corner of New Jersey & Independence Avenue, in Washington, DC. We will be there from 9am to 5pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 9th, 10th and 11th.

It’s been a long time since I got to cover a pro-troop rally, so I packed up my cameras and headed over.

Well, I was there. The guy with the sign is the same guy I see all over town…mostly at Lafayette Park (across from the White House) like when I was at the Guantanamo protest in June.

Like I said then, I don’t think his hunger strike is entirely voluntary.

Category: Politics

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Marooned in Marin

I saw this same guy back in April during the Petraeus Hearings, when the founder of Band of Mothers held a rally outside the Cannon Office Building.


They must’ve showed up after you….just came back, and they were there (course it was starting to rain, so not sure how much longer they’re staying….).

Jonn wrote: That’ll teach me to be on time.