Webb of deceit

| October 23, 2006

This morning’s Washington Times is running a commentary by Milton R. Copulos that tears apart a blurb in Jim Webb’s campaign biography that he claims

In 1982 he first proposed, then led the fight for, including an African American soldier in the memorial statue that now graces the Vietnam Veterans memorial on the National Mall.

Now, like Mr. plenty of fish site down Copulos, I think Webb’s resume` is impressive all by itself, but if Webb’s campaign felt they had to imbelish this one tiny part of his bio, how much of the rest is manufactured?

This is especially painful to veterans who’ve had to listen to other pretenders magnify their careers with wild war stories about dropping out of SR-71s behind Soviet lines to poison Andropov in his sleep.

Stolen Valor is full of stories about Viet Nam generation pretenders – and frankly we’re sick of them. It’s even worse when one of our own uses the bodies of our fallen brothers to climb over political obstacles and wave our bloody stumps – like Kerry, Murtha, and now, according to Mr Capulos,  Webb.

Why would Virginia veterans want this duplicitous jackass representing them in the Senate?

Category: Politics

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