Reps lock up the ’06 election
How do I know? Well, John Murtha, the bloated idiot from Pennsyvania claimed, this weekend, that “The House of Representatives is going to turn Democratic, big time“. Murtha hasn’t been right about anything this year, so how could he be right about that?
And if he’s so confident in his own district, why won’t he debate his challenger Diana Irey? Could it be that he doesn’t want voters to see that he’s an intellectually vacant stumble bum on local issues (as well as National Security). The only public appearances Murtha has made in this campaign are on his turf, with his crowd, and it’s always a one-way conversation.
Why not? He’s a one note Charlie on National Defense for the last 30 years. Cut-and-Run Murtha is nothing if not consistent. How this sorry excuse for a human being can call himself a Marine, I’ll never know.
Category: John Murtha, Politics