Yeah, Black Bloc. That’s your problem

| February 6, 2012

TruthOut has an article by Chris Hedges complaining that the Anarchist group Black Bloc is giving the Occupy Wall Street clowns a bad name;

The Black Bloc movement is infected with a deeply disturbing hypermasculinity. This hypermasculinity, I expect, is its primary appeal. It taps into the lust that lurks within us to destroy, not only things but human beings. It offers the godlike power that comes with mob violence. Marching as a uniformed mass, all dressed in black to become part of an anonymous bloc, faces covered, temporarily overcomes alienation, feelings of inadequacy, powerlessness and loneliness

Funny, but of all of the pictures I’ve seen from OWS protesters confronting the police, crapping on police cars, crapping on sidewalks, throwing bricks at cops, defacing public and private property, none of them have been dressed in black. Like the picture above of Austin police trying to apprehend a female protester when they tossed out Occupy protesters in the Texas capital. Look at the people who are getting in the faces of police in the video of the cleanup in McPherson Square in DC this weekend. How many of them are wearing the black uniform of the Black Bloc?

Um, none-to-few. The cancer in the occupy movement is the intellectual vacuum of the entire movement which attracts criminals and liars by the score. There’s something wrong with people who live among rats, vermin and filth.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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Is that Jay Leno in the background moonlighting as a photographer?


@1–nah, that ain’t him.

No jet pack flyin squirrel suit on. Can’t be him.


Jeez this turd is clueless. Blaming “black bloc” for the stupidity of the OWS crowd? LOL.


A diversion. The anarchists had their biggest moment attacking those Cub Scouts in their bus going to the GOP convention in 2008. The Occupiers make a claim to a morality, a sense of being justice, by throwing the blame for all that went wrong (rapes, deaths, etc) on an amorphous “Them.”

Doc Bailey

I suppose they can also blame their retarded folks that ask what Commercial Aircraft are Spraying? From the very get go OWS has been about violating the law. Pure and simple. They don’t need an anarchist “hypermasculine” anarchist group to make them look bad.

BTW: when did being Masculine become a bad thing?


You sound like a shitty human being. Why even have a blog, just to put your thoughts down, look back and remind yourself what a shitty person you are. Fuck your life.