Occupy LA co-opted by antiwar March Forward

| February 6, 2012

Old Trooper sends us a link from PressTV, the English-language Iranian news organization, which tells us that our old buddy, Mike Prysner, IVAW cum March Forward anti-war activist is using his organization to co-opt the Occupy LA sheep to turn them against the nebulous war against Iran;

Mike Prysner is an Iraq War veteran and an organizer with the Answer Coalition.

Prysner says protesters want to stop America from starting another unauthorized war in the Middle East, similar to what happened in Iraq.

Activists say the war drive is based on U.S. imperialism and a desire to control the resources of the Middle East.

“Similar to what happened in Iraq”? If that was imperialism, why are we not there anymore? Kind of redefines imperialism, doesn’t it?

Prysner, you might remember, was indeed a veteran who served in Iraq, but his stories about what he saw there are somewhat in doubt because of his job…a radar operator. He wears remnants of his uniform at every opportunity to give himself some measure of authority in the discussion, but that only works among the hippies.

Prysner also ran for public office, Florida, I think on the ballot for the Party for Socialism and Liberty and he’s a died-in-the-wool socialist. he left the IVAW because they weren’t radical enough, but he returned long enough to run for membership on their board in hopes that he could make them more radical. When that didn’t work, he formed March forward, the veteran arm of the Maoist-inspired ANSWER.

I’m sure he licks his lips in anticipation at the thought of a nuclear-armed Iran.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, March Forward, Occupy

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Sounds like he and Duff ought to go bowling sometime.


“He’s a died-in-the-wool socialist communist”. Fixed it for you, Jonn. “Unauthorized war”? Then what were all those votes in Congress for?
Yeah, he’s another Duffoon.


Yeah….give it ’em Prysner!! War never solves anything. Just ask the Carthaginians.

Wait a minute.

Where are they? They were here a second ago…..


I tend to think Prysner is licking his lips for an entirely different reason…ala Methis?

Doc Bailey

kind of hard to have an “unauthorized” war when Congress gives approval for the use of force (but them being the squeamish yellow bellies they are no declaration of War)

You know I only rarely pull out my uniform to wear. Only once have I worn it in public, and that was for a Veterans Day Parade. I made sure that it was as squared away as could be, and marched with pride. Wearing the uniform as a means of protest is just plain stupid.