I’m thankful today

| November 24, 2011

I’m thankful that none of my readers are in this picture and if you are, please don’t tell me and ruin my Thanksgiving.

Thanks to Mr. Wolf for the picture.

Category: Shitbags

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Marooned in Marin

Happy Thanksgiving Jonn & everyone at TAH

AW1 Tim

I am not in that picture. 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving to all the crew at TAH!

2-17 AirCav

The only reason I’m not in the picture is, well, somebody had to snap it.


Okay, I’ll admit it. Not in it.


Happy Thanksgiving TAH!!

Zero Ponsdorf

Actually I think Jonn has that picture on his mantle at home. He musta got The Sniper to photoshop him out of it.

Happy Thanksgiving Jonn.

Adirondack Patriot

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

(I’m thankful that I wasn’t in that picture.)


I was kind of embarrassed of “my posse” so I opted to wear a mask (front left). We were posing prior to going on a mission patrol- neighborhood watch group/Ranger fire team. We were all awarded a PUC and Bronze Stars after our patrol. They (fire team Ranger) may look lame, but I’ll patrol the neighborhood, during the day, on a side walk with a cell phone pre-set to 911 any day (unless it’s raining or too hot or cold or if I’m under the weather etc.) with these warriors.


@Beretverde – Thanks for clearing that up, I was under the impression that I was looking at Mall Ninja Team 6.


The asshat on the left with the white mask (kneeling) is actually our Lt. S###bag.


Enjoy a great Thanksgiving, everyone!

The pic is cracking me up!! Can’t even remember being that young any more.


LOL– It is nerd rage.. Must have been taken on a Tuesday when WOW was down for maintenance!


Hey, isn’t the guy in the blue shirt and helmet holding a dildo?
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

2-17 AirCav

UpNorth– You are close. In the video he can be clearly heard to say, “Okay, boys, dick check. Whose dick fell off this time?”


AirCav, I’m glad my adult beverage was sitting on the desk, and I hadn’t taken a sip when I read that.

2-17 AirCav

Yeah, I had a similar reaction when I read yours. You’re a sick man. I guess that’s why I like you. We should never meet in person. Very bad things will happen–but, damn, it would be fun!


Neither me or my wife are in that picture! However, we do hope that you and yours had a very Happy Thanksgiving!


You all are haters…. “All I am saying is… give my posse a chance.” Peace out: John Lennon!


AirCav, very true, they would have to rebuild my favorite bar if that ever happened. And we could sit there and watch, while drinking strange drinks.