Veterans group gets slammed for backing an Iowa House race candidate

| November 4, 2024

Zach Nunn and Lanon Baccam are running against each other for one of Iowa’s House races. Both of them are veterans. However, Nunn, the GOP candidate, received the backing of Veterans group “With Honor”.  This group is a bipartisan group who has backed candidates from both parties.  Nunn met With Honor’s standards to get their backing; however, they received criticism for this decision. Baccam, the Democrat candidate, has the backing of another Veterans organization, VoteVets.

From New York Post:

A bipartisan military veterans group is getting flak for making an endorsement in a toss-up Iowa House race where both candidates are vets.

The group With Honor — which describes itself as a “cross-partisan” veterans’ group — caused a stir when it endorsed freshman GOP incumbent Rep. Zach Nunn over Democrat Lanon Baccam in the Hawkeye State’s Third Congressional District.

“Lanon Baccam is a combat veteran,” said California Rep. Ted Lieu, a Democrat and Air Force Vet. “He served in Afghanistan. I have no idea why With Honor would endorse one veteran over another.

“You can’t call yourself a bipartisan organization and make partisan decisions,” said Lieu, vice chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.

With Honor has spent $298,461 from its political fund to aid Nunn, its filings with the Federal Elections Commission show.

With Honor defended its endorsement of Nunn.

“Zach Nunn is an incumbent member of the For Country Caucus who has taken the With Honor Pledge. With Honor supports veterans from both parties who are committed to working across the aisle to address the important issues facing our country,” said With Honor Spokeswoman Kate Constantini.

Nunn is an Air Force Vet who did combat tours to the Middle East after 9/11 while Baccam, an Iowa National Guardsman, served as combat engineer in Afghanistan after 9/11.

Additional Reading:

Campanile, C. (2024, November 3). Veterans group slammed for making endorsement in Iowa House race — even though both candidates served in military. New York Post. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Veterans in politics, Veterans in the news

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You know what that say about getting into a shit fight. Doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, you are still going to get poop on you.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC
Green Thumb

Just stay out of the shit.


Did the butt hurt demonrats get mad when the other Vet group endorsed their candidate over the other? Yeah, didn’t think so.

If demonrats didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

I have no idea why With Honor would endorse one veteran over another.” Welp…maybe this had something to do with it. “Nunn met With Honor’s standards…”

Damn, how many groups/business/organizations/people out there contribute to opposing parties?



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RGR 4-78

The screen on that voting machine looks pretty much identical to the one I voted with.

The first thing the attendant told me was to NOT try to hit the little square next to the name, as it rarely works, she said to just touch the rectangle surrounding the name and it would work.

I heeded her instructions and had zero problems voting.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I did the early voting on Oct 21 at the local library not knowing that they had one of those new fangled computer screen jobs. I had to have the lady show me how to work it. when the long sheet of paper came out, I looked at it and I hope it said Trump on the top. I may have looked at it but I forgot if I did. I’m used to the Florida election day paper ballots where you just pen in the peeps that you want. Back in my day when I lived in NYC, You went into a booth and pulled a curtain to enclose the booth and you pushed the lever on a board for each person you voted for and when finished, you pulled the curtain open and at the same time all the levers turned up for the next person and your votes were recorded.


Something else I’ve noticed the last few days on The Toob of Ewe. You can’t “skip” thru any of the Kum-Hella pre vid commercials but you can “skip” thru some of Trump’s. Odd that, huh.


That’s when ya get up to refill your beverage


Mitch McConnell is from KY, and would like nothing more than to see Trump lose bigly. I’m sure he will look into voting machine irregularities beginning about the 10th of never.


This was fact checked by CNN and 37 experts on voting machines, it was found to be completely bogus.


As always, okay when they do it.


The answer to why they support Nunn (R) is right in the article
“Zach Nunn is an incumbent member of the For Country Caucus who has taken the With Honor Pledge.”
The statement would mean the other candidate, Baccam (D), has not taken their pledge (shown below). When you read they pledge, you’ll understand why the (D) didn’t make it.


And the dems said … “What kind of nonsense is this”?


Didn’t even click on it, didn’t have to the first line says ” I will be honest”.. The (D) after Baccam’s name says the exact opposite..

jeff LPH 3 63-66

All the peeps whom voted for Frau harris really must like keeping the borders open, letting in all sorts of illegals in that could do harm to the country, getting the illigals to be a citizen as soon as they enter, high corporate taxes, no fracking, manditory that we all have to buy electric fire trap cars, having the Military come in and use deadly force on groups of people that don’t agree with the new 1000 year 4th Reich, jailing all people that want to run against Reich DemoRats, no oil drilling, Helping their ally iran with developing nuclear bombs, cutting off relations with Israel, upping how fast they can doctrinate school kids. Then again, most likely these peeps are uneducated low info voters whom only listen/watch the Joseph Goebbels alphabet stations taking their orders from the Govt. Reichstag (white house) starting with NPR to cnn to msbs to abc to cbs to nbc, and we the public pays for NPR. NPR is the same as Pravda. I don’t want to hear any of these low info voter mothers crying about their daughter getting raped and killed by our new illegal amerikan neighbors/sarc.


I’m my area, the only issue they keep harping on is abortion. Not what they’re going to do to bring jobs, tax relief, immigration policies.

Tax the rich policies sound like good talking points. But as Trump pointed out to the media, he is just following the tax laws set down by our betters.

There’s a reason the very wealthy keep high paid accountants and tax lawyers either on the payroll or retainer.


Looks like the more important fish to fry in that election is on abortion – Democrats are are trying to claim Nunn is against any and all abortions, while Nunn says he believes in exceptions for rape, incest, mother’s health. Oh, and hanging the 2025 tag on him.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

All the woman think about is the abortion deal and not what is really screwing up the country. My Friend Nettie whom is a democrat voted for President Trump because of what the country turned into. My friend, dancing pard and cheap dinner date is 83 and doesn’t think about abortions. Her sons whom live in Kalifornia and new jersey pressured her all the time to vote demo.


Sadly, the 19th Amendment has NOT been our friend…


Hey Commissar! Got that medic bag stocked? Your comrades are looking to party!


Commisar is busy delivering pallets of bricks to undisclosed locations.


I want to know if Trump wins the popular vote do they still want to get rid of the electoral college? They went radio silent on that.

Asking for a country made up of mostly garbage people.


Jus’ sayin’…

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Perfect meme if there is such a thing.


I’ll sneak this one in here now…don’t want to make SFC D cry Friday…

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Screw Vote Vets and their dbag Kerry boot licking founder.

Last edited 3 months ago by QMC
USMC Steve

My answer to Lieu the REMF is that because one is an American and the other is a socialist democrat.

Old tanker

TX uses paper ballots that are scanned into the electronic system by the person voting. That way ballots are on hand should there be a question regarding the electronic record.


An hour ago I got home from voting. The place wasn’t crowded at all. Voted straight R. Total time for paperwork, directions and voting: 10 minutes.
Dear LORD, give us strength in the days ahead. Amen.