When the Obvious Isn’t? Nothing Here – Just a Rant.

| November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving is probably the most American of holidays and I shouldn’t really post a rant, but…

Those non-Americans didn’t have documentation when they sat down for the first Thanksgiving, and they didn’t really try to assimilate with those already living here.

Whatever good intentions they might have had devolved into a simple invasion.

Then we became a country and:

  • Naturalization Act of 1790: Stipulated that “any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States”
  • 1875: Supreme Court declared that regulation of US immigration is the responsibility of the Federal Government.
  • 1882 The Chinese Exclusion Act: Prohibited certain laborers from immigrating to the United States.
  • 1885 and 1887: Alien Contract Labor laws which prohibited certain laborers from immigrating to the United States.
  • 1891: The Federal Government assumed the task of inspecting, admitting, rejecting, and processing all immigrants seeking admission to the U.S.
  • 1892: On January 2, a new Federal US immigration station opened on Ellis Island in New York Harbor.
  • 1903: This Act restated the 1891 provisions concerning land borders and called for rules covering entry as well as inspection of aliens crossing the Mexican border.

So in 1891 the Feds took responsibility and it seems they’ve been trying to wriggle out of the job since.

That is history.

Today there is this: Opponents of Alabama’s immigration law say it causes fear, anxiety

If the goal of state immigration laws was to make life so uncomfortable for illegal immigrantsthat they leave on their own, it may be working under HB 56 in Alabama.

“HB 56 has caused a chain reaction that prevents Hispanics from living with dignity,” said Trini Garcia, who came to Alabama on a tourist visa 15 years ago and stayed after it expired.

“I never thought Arizona’s law was going to come to Alabama,” she said. “Now it’s created chaos among Hispanics in Alabama.”

Garcia was one of several speakers Monday at a hearing called by congressional Democrats who traveled to Birmingham to rally opposition to HB 56, the state anti-immigration law patterned after Arizona’s SB 1070.

Here is the obvious: The Federal Government is DIRECTLY responsible for any discomfort caused by the various state attempts at controlling ILLEGAL immigration. Our Hispanic citizens  can hold their heads high, but scofflaws SHOULD feel uncomfortable.

Without the tiniest trace of racism intended I can say that we’re in the same boat as the Native Americans were back then. It appears that by the time we recognize we’re being invaded it may be too late.


Category: Geezer Alert!

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AW1 Tim

Happy Thanksgiving, Pons!

Square in the black. If the government will not enforce it’s own laws, then that obligation falls to the citizens, and damn the consequences.


“Trini Garcia, who came to Alabama on a tourist visa 15 years ago and stayed after it expired.”. And rational citizens should care what this illegal alien has to say, why? She is, by definition, an illegal. Round her up, ship her home. She has no right to be where she is.
If she’s a “contributor”, then the Feds must know where her illegal self is, knock on her door, and send her back to Meh-hee-co.


So, let me get this straight…. She came 15 years ago on a tourist visa, didn’t leave when her time was up and now she is here in violation of our laws. Got it; she’s a criminal, a crook, a scofflaw, a perfect candidate to testify at the state legislature for the democrats. Makes perfect sense.

2-17 AirCav

That quote jumped off the page at me too, UpNorth. The other one that ticked me off was that she was invited to a hearing held by “congressional Denocrats.” Hell, they should have been phoning ICE, not taking her testimony. But votes are votes, aren’t they, and the day is coming when someone introduces a bill giving voting rights to non-felons who have resided in this country X number of years. Of course, proof of that will be met by a sworn statement.


AirCav, no bill for voting rights. We’ll be expected to just take their word for it that they haven’t broken any laws. Other than the one law, or several, that got them here.
And, no one can really be surprised that the dems would invite scofflaws, criminals and crooks to testify to a dem grandstanding display of hypocrisy. Thx, for the perfect description, TopGoz.
I wonder what’d happen to me, if I went to Meh-hee-co on a tourist visa, and decided to stay, after it expired. I’d bet that I’d be making small rocks out of big rocks for about 20 years.