More martyrs for the cause

| November 23, 2011

So this link has been came up on my Facebook feed. Seems that the Occupy are willing to martyr anybody if it will bring publicity to the Occupy Movement. The newest one involves a nineteen year oldprotester that lost her baby during a protest.

“I was standing in the middle of the crowd when the police started moving in,” she says. “I was screaming, ‘I am pregnant, I am pregnant. Let me through. I am trying to get out.’” At that point, Fox continues, a Seattle police officer lifted his foot and it hit her in the stomach, and another officer pushed his bicycle into the crowd, again hitting Fox in the stomach. “Right before I turned, both cops lifted their pepper spray and sprayed me. My eyes puffed up and my eyes swelled shut,” she says.

Oh sounds very odd to begin with but continuing into her statements.

When she arrived at Harborview at 11:00 a.m., she says, a doctor told her that “there was no heartbeat” from the baby. “They diagnosed that I was having a miscarriage. They said the damage was from the kick and that the pepper spray got to it [the fetus], too.”

Now it is getting weird. I get that a kick to the abdomen can terminate a pregnancy. But the Pepper Spray having that much of a effect in a pregnancy? Something seems off. I am not the only one to thing so.

Fox has declined to provide medical records supporting her claim that she had a miscarriage five days after being hit, and her family has cast doubt on the claim.

But Seattle police have launched an internal investigation because of the “seriousness of her allegations,” spokesman Mark Jamieson said.

“Their goal is to find any — any — info that supports her claims,” he said. “You have to take her word.”

In an interview Tuesday at the Occupy Seattle encampment on Capitol Hill, Fox said she had three ultrasound pictures of her fetus in her tent, but declined to show them to reporters.

She also said she did not plan to pick up medical records at Harborview Medical Center that could document the miscarriage until after a planned memorial service Saturday, and she declined to sign a waiver allowing reporters to obtain the documents independently. She said the baby was a girl, to be named Miracle.

Also I this little quote caught my attention.

Fox has conducted several interviews with local and national media, and said she plans to consult an attorney.

She said she learned the sex of her fetus about 10 weeks into her pregnancy via an ultrasound test, although gender typically is not detected via ultrasound until the 16th week of pregnancy, according to a medical journal. Fox said the baby’s father is in jail.

Kinda puts more questions into this. Also there are claims that she is the same person that we talked about here. Stay tuned, this one is just getting started.

UPDATE: Here is a police report that was made in September that shows that she was three months along at the time.

Category: Protests/Rallies

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If your pregnant, what are you doing at a protest?


>If your pregnant, what are you doing at a protest?

Exactly what I was going to post. Women forgo ALOT to have healthy babies like alcohol, hot baths, cold medicine etc.

Didn’t she think that being in a crowd that is adversarial to law enforcement might be risky?


>although gender typically is not detected via ultrasound until the 16th week of pregnancy,

At 11 weeks pregnant the child’s sex organs would have looked the same. That is the week that the genitalia starts to form. You can’t tell the difference at 10 weeks, because girl and boys have mini-penises at that age.

You generally can’t determine sex unless via amnio usually done at 16 weeks. Via ultrasound, it is usually done more like 18-20(waiting for the genitals to fully form). This is why some ultrasound techs get the sex wrong.

Doc Bailey

Well I’d REALLY like to know WHO carried a multithousand dollar piece of equipment (ultrasound machine) into a place like OWS where shit tends to go missing often. Also pepper spray does NOT cause miscarriages. Even if it somehow did get into the blood stream, the most that would happen is that it’d be like you ate a lot of peppers.

As for the kick to the stomach. . . why on earth would the police be kicking anyone in the first place? Most people tend to be pretty compliant.

lastly don’t most all OWS folks want Abortions on demand?

Doc Bailey

oops should read “Most people tend to be pretty compliant when pepper sprayed”

Bubblehead Ray

I throw the BS flag. I spent 2 years as an L&D Nurse and Melle on #4 is spot on. This woman is more likely a mental patient than an OB patient.


Pregnant woman loses baby after suffering brutality at the hands of police during a protest…

Isn’t that one of the side-plots in “Battle in Seattle?”


I call bullshit too. As a lawyer, I have to carefully screen these kind of cases. And ethics is just the beginning. You don’t have to be particularly ethical to lose 50 grand in expenses on a bullshit case. I had a case with a pregnant woman in a rear end expressway accident. We filed suit right away, but the baby was later born with some defects costing about a million to correct. Mom insisted that the baby’s condition was a result of the accident. Her doctor, however, said very strongly that babies are so well protected in the womb that you rarely see injury to the fetus unless there is also injury to the mother. My client was practically uninjured.

Here the woman apparently has no injury. The blows she alleges were not significant. I have vague recall of several cases where men have tried to terminate a pregnancy by kicking the shit out of the women, only to be unsuccessful and end up murdering them later. It’s not easy to terminate a pregnancy without drugs or a D&C.

The social strata and behavior of the woman sends all kind of warning signs. Boyfriend (not husband) in jail, refusal to show records proof and talk about seeing a lawyer. Gloria (the leftist legal bitch) to the rescue. They can name the lawsuit Miracle.


Local radio talking heads here have their doubts too…They got a copy of a police report from SEPT (where she was arrested for squatting/trespassing – before the whole “occupy” thing caught on) where she claimed she was 3 months preggers then. When the radio reporter catches up with her with the report, well lets just say she is not too quick thinking on her feet when trying to explain the math.

Police Report:

Looking more and more like a scam


This little nugget via Gateway Pundit.
“Stebbins said Fox, whom she parented for 10 years, has a pattern of exaggeration. “My daughter is a compulsive liar,” Stebbins said. “She’s a wannabe drama queen.” ”