UC Davis pepper sprayed students consented

| November 23, 2011

From our buddy, Gateway Pundit, maybe the “iconic moment” at UC Davis was staged.

In the beginning of this video taken moments before they were sprayed with pepper spray by LT Pike, the students consent to the gassing;

“You’re shooting us specifically? No that’s fine, that’s fine.”

Since I’ve been at several protests during which arrests were made and I’ve listened to the police coordinate arrests with protesters, this doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibilities.

Thanks to ROS for the link.

Category: I hate hippies

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No victims? I’m sure the kids’ parents’ attorneys will have something to say about that.

Adirondack Patriot

This was my point in the other thread. These “protestors” consented to being sprayed. Where are Anonymous and Joe now?


Probably getting their new talking points from their boss.


Hmm… so, they consented to being sprayed, but then files suit and blamed the cops…

That’s like signing up for the military and claiming conscientious objector after they have paid for your schooling.


The sound appears to be doctored and there are some areas where the video seems to be edited as well.

Even so, the use of pepper spray was outside the force continuum. These kids did not present any threat to the officers. Nor were they really blocking anyting as LT. Sh!P Bag proved by walking around them several times.

But I guess this is better than Gov. Reagan allowing protesting students to be shot in the late 60’s.

2-17 AirCav

@5. Are you Charles E. Anderson or just a Charlie Anderson sound-a-like?

Doc Bailey

“allowing” Does the Governor really have the power to reach down and call the police and tell them not to shoot at people.

I would have an EASY time believing that these fucksticks staged this. It would not be unheard of, nor would it really be out of character. For some reason the Left always needs victims. Typically the Right does what it feels is right, and doesn’t really have a problem making a coherent argument for why. Left. . . always has to be a victim. Even for simple things like Tax rates. Rather than have an intelligent conversation, they have to scream and cry about whose the victim. most of the time the victim isn’t even really a victim at all. . . and they want everyone else to feel shame.


@^ Don’t know what you’re getting at here. I’m the same as I’ve always been.

@7 If it were staged to the level you are suggesting then the cops are complicit in it. I don’t see that happening. Moreover, What do the cops get out of this? The kids were not posing a threat to the officers’ collective safety. They were sitting on the ground peacefully. If the decision had been made to clear the sidewalk, then clear it. But escalating to this level was not the smart play here.

To speak to Jonn’s earlier point, Having negotiated arresst on several occaisions, I am pretty sure that this was not in the original plan. Nor should it have been in the original plan for the cops. From the protester side, it’s demotivating and it escalates in a way that cannot be easily controlled. From the law enforcement side, it does the same thing. Moroever, knowing there was a high likelihood this could happen, it only vilifies the cops and strenghthens the protesters. The goal here should be to de-escalate the situation.