You reap what you sow

| November 22, 2011

If I was a cop at UC Davis, you couldn’t beat me out the gate;

So one hippie chancellor apologizes to the criminals because her employees enforced the law…she deserves everything that is going to happen on that campus from this point forward. If I was a parent, I’d yank my kid out before she becomes a victim of the lawless atmosphere. If I was an alum, I’d be advocating for firing the fucking hippie bitch, Linda Katehi, who doesn’t have the guts to maintain law and order.

Category: I hate hippies

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I think that I would wait for the propitious moment, like when they start throwing shit and breaking in to buildings, and make sure that all of us scheduled that day came down with the flu.
And, I’d not only yank my kid out, I’d find some way to get my money back.

2-17 AirCav

Yeah, well, we’re all shocked. Didn’t expect the night to give way to dawn and didn’t expect this. “And I’m telling you, I don’t want to be the chancellor of the university we had on Friday.” What? She feels so strongly about this that she’s going to resign? Uh, no. This is Tuesday. She just didn’t want to be the chancellor last Friday. I’m done with this. Hell, I was done with this before the show trial. It was over as soon as she announced an “expedited investigation” last week.

Frankly Opinionated

This bitch wouldn’t understand “Law and Order” if Fred Thompson explained it to her. She is a pushover, and this will come back to haunt her, I pray.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

The cops get paid whether or not they actually enforce the law.

The UC Davis police should simply confine themselves to writing tickets for infractions, investigating crimes LONG after the fact, and marking time until they collect their pensions.

And they should make it painfully clear that they don’t care what happens to faculty, staff, or students.

Doc Bailey

I wrote off the UC system years ago. Which is why I brought my happy ass to Dub V

2-17 AirCav

@3. From what I read about her, it’s amazing that there are any police on the campus. She was “present” during student vs police get-togethers in her native Greece in the early 70s. Apparently she is a very good engineer–but at her present base salary of $400,000 (excluding benefits), chancellor probably pays a bit better.

CI Roller Dude

What some folks don’t seem to get yet…is this: The hippies from the 70’s are in charge of shit now…and they are just as screwed up and unable to make a decision as they were when they were smokin’ pot.

I’m so glad I retired and don’t have to go on line and deal with bullshit like this.


No reason for the officers to quit. It’s one of those jobs were you piss off people left, right or center and get bashed even if your’e not a POS like a few cops are.


This is what you get when you emplace affirmative action with political correctness.


I’m with Doc. The UC system is beyond fucked up. Just a $30K/year babysitting service.


She’s not Chancellor to educate, or enforce California’s laws, rules and regs. She’s there to pursue money, at any cost.

There are a lot of Californians, many of them still calling themselves Americans, who approve of the students’ behavior. These Californians, and their rented politicians in DC and Sacramento, give lots of money to UC’s sytem. Chancellors fight to get the most buck for the tenured brigands in their schools.

She has a job to do. The students’ welfare is not in any way associated with that job.

Speaking of tenured brigands, wonder where Ward Churchill is these days?