IVAW whiners in Minnesota (Updated)

| September 1, 2008

Apparently today the IVAW marched to the RNC and tried to foist a list of demands on the McCain campaign. According to Ward Reilly, one of the foulest mouth, dirty, filthy hippies to survive the 60s and also the VFP/VVAW advisor to the IVAW, unlike the Obama campaign, the McCain campaign refused to meet with the misfits of the IVAW. Well, here watch the video;

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First of all, Ward, buddy, it’s not clear if the Obama campaign even got your “demands”. In fact, according to eyewitnesses, the IVAW in Denver had planned on forcing their way on stage and read the letter outloud, but they got negotiated down to handing the letter to some guy who SAID he was in the Obama campaign. Second of all, what good would handing a letter to some guy do for you besides swell your ego and make Ron Kovic cry again.

Reilly continued that the members of IVAW felt like they were back in America when they’re all together like that because the neocons are persecuting them. Get used to it Reilly, my man. Just because you got away with your crap for years uncontested, doesn’t mean we’re going to let it happen again.

Here’s some more video from yesterday;

UPDATE: Someone sent me this link to a Sweetness and Light article last year about Ward Reilly the fake Vietnam vet.

Category: Politics

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Ask Ward where the $500,000 intended for Katrina victims went?

Hold Ward accountable.


I see you PPL support McCain, Think again!

He has been implicated in charges of abusing and killing the elderly, pilfering their estates, murder, homicide, and much more in his own state of Arizona.

Read it all here: http://www.azjusticenews.org/
Study this website very well before you vote. Be sure to check related websites too.

Jonn wrote: I see you ASHL support Obama. Think again!

You can cut and paste this all over the internet (that’s twice you’ve pasted it here), but it doesn’t change the fact that you support a socialist who cavorts with terrorists and racists. Read it all here http://valorguardians.com Study THIS website very well before you vote.

Thus Spake Ortner

I’m so over IVAW I can’t even do it anymore. F ’em. They are pretty much all either fakes, or willing to look the other way as their people lie. Either way, I’m done playing with them, there are too many other cat toys out there to waste on these losers.

Ron Kovic made me a Republican via all his crying and whining and shit. Dude has been snivelling about shit for 25+ years, how about you man up at this point, eh dude?