ABC whistleblower secretly recorded ABC bias regarding planning for the Trump-Harris debate: Affidavit released

| September 16, 2024 | 49 Comments

An ABC whistleblower has reportedly recorded internal planning discussions related to the Trump-Harris debate that took place on September 10, 2024. This whistleblower has also gone through the affidavit process, producing an affidavit documenting some of the whistleblower’s firsthand observations. According to the affidavit, certified letters were sent to both, the whistleblower’s address as well as to Speaker Mike Johnson before the debate. The affidavit was partially released to the public via X user @DocNetyoutube.

From the affidavit (with format adjustment for reading ease):

1.) My name is [redacted] I reside a [redacted], Manhattan New York,

2.)  I have worked for ABC news for over 10 years in various technical and administrative positions.

3.) Since the acquisition of ABC news in 1996, I have observed significant transformations in the nature of news reporting at the organization. These changes suggest a shift from unbiased reporting to a model influenced by external factors.

4.) For the record, I do not endorse Donald trump in his capacity as candidate for President of the United States. The intent of this affidavit is to address concerns regarding perceived biases within news reporting within my employer’s debate that will be hosted on September 10, 2024.

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Furthermore, the Harris campaign-imposed restrictions on the scope of questioning, including:

No questions regarding the perceived health of President Joe Biden.

No inquires related to her tenure as Attorney General in San Francisco. [Redacted]

No questions concerning her brother-in law, Tony West, who faces allegations of embezzling billions of dollars in taxpayer funds and who may be involved in her administration if elected.

5. Internal Organizational Climate: I have observed a pronounced bias against Donald Trump within ABC news. Employees expressing favorable views towards him experience significant concern about potential retribution. [Redacted].

6. Purpose and Documentation of Affidavit: This affidavit is executed to document and provide transparency regarding the issues of fairness and impartiality in the debate process and broader concerns about journalistic integrity at ABC news.

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7. Affirmation of Documentation:

This affidavit has been signed and notarized on September 9, 2024, to ensure that the allegations set forth are formally documented prior to the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

In addition to notarizing this affidavit, I have sent a certified letter to myself, postmarked September 9, 2024, which will  remain unopened for any future investigations.

I have also dispatched a Federal Express package containing this affidavit, sent on September 9th, 2024, and delivered to my residence on September 10the, 2024, which will remain unopened for potential investigative purposes.

Furthermore, I have sent a certified letter to Speaker Mike Johnson, dated September 9th, 2024, to establish a record that the correspondence was sent before the debate commenced.

Additionally, For further investigation, I have secretly recorded several conversations that will prove that Harris Campaign insisted upon not only the Fact Checking of Donald Trump, but also insisted on what questions were not to be asked under any circumstances or else the Harris campaign would decline to participate in the debate.

The above link contains the entirety of what had been publicly released.


Category: 2024 Election, Kamala Harris, Media

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Is anyone surprised?


I’m surprised that someone stepped up and “blew the whistle”. Further investigation will show that the Russians colluded with this individual to produce this fake dossier. /s/


TLD nailed it…again. RTWT…it’ll take about two (2) minutes. Then hie thyself off and…Prepare


I’ll file this under…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Where are Basel Rathbone and Nigel Bruce when we need them.


I am not surprised a right wing Twitter account made a post about a bullshit whistleblower and you drones all believe it.

There is no whistleblower.

It is fake.

The affidavit is fake.

It is just a guy on Twitter than made up a bullshit story for clout.


That’s it — I’m never coming back here again….


Ok, I’m back.


Even commisar stays gone longer than that… 😉

Commisar must have been given his marching orders, because he has been here a couple of days on 2 or 3 different threads.


C’mon man, he’s here to save us, from you know, the thing!

A Proud Infidel®™

NAWW MAN, he’s here to save us from ourselves in this “Echo Chamber” of UNWOKE ideas!!! 😀😀😀


Did you remember to flush? Otherwise he will just popping back up to the surface and reek to high heaven.

A Proud Infidel®™

SHIT, you can flush a dozen times and he’ll be back, reminds me of a quote saying, “If your shit floats, that means you have too much fat in your diet.”
SHIT FLOATS, that’s how he keeps his head above water.

Last edited 22 hours ago by A Proud Infidel®™

Der Commie-czar knows all!
He was there at ABC News, he was on Mueller’s team, he is on the BOD of Burisma, he was at computer repair shop, he was in Paris, he was is Wuhan, he was in Butler, PA, he was at Charlottesville, he was in Ashley’s shower, so he KNOWS the inside scope or more like poop. The guy is so full of shit he thinks his party is not for sexualization & chemical castration of children, men/boys in women’s sport/locker rooms/other spaces, for WW3, printing trillions of dollars, and becoming a third world nation by importing tens of millions from the third world.
Yes, just ask him because he knows all.


He’s like a walking crystal ball, unfortunately, he’s about as accurate as Hack Stone’s magic 8 ball.

Hack Stone

Hey, back off! Hack Stone’s Magic 8 Ball has a current calibration sticker. Unfortunately, it was calibrated by All Points Logistics, the same people who calibrated Daniel Bernath’s fuel gauge on his airplane.


Didn’t they also put the airspeed calculation program on his IPad?


There’s only one fake here. See if you can guess who it is. I’ll give you a hint: his name starts with @Commissar”.


Oh!!! Well,,,thank you for clearing that up.

I was starting to not trust the government. Since you have insight into everything political, legal, medical, strategic, tactical, theoretical, psychological, scientific, industrial and financial, your opinions make me feel much better!🤔😉🤮

AW1 Rod

Please! You couldn’t find your own ass in a dark room, and you expect to peddle that bullshit here?

A Proud Infidel®™

AWWW LOOK, Major Moonbat is back seeking another attention fix!!! 😀😁🤣😀


It’s the most shocked I’ve been since…. Since this.


And once again, the rest of the media will close ranks and bury the story, Garland and the DoJ will be totally disinterested (they’ve got concerned parents at school board meetings to be concerned about).. and the circus goes on..


They openly admit the plan was to only fact-check Trump.

Not only do they think they can get away with it, but they rub your face in it that they do get away with it. They are not journalists, but Democrat propagandists.


Our way or no way– Hahaha!– they say.

Last edited 2 days ago by Anonymous

Nee ner Nee ner Nee ner is also in their bag of standard replies.


I told ya’ll that popcorn futures were higher higher, hope you’ve invested wisely.


I’ve decided to take a really long sailboat trip after the election. Maybe not come ashore for a few months.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

On what day will the whistle blower be found dead in a car accident with the steering wheel column partially cut.


Makes me yearn for the days of Clinton, suicide by decapitation or three shots to the head.


…or associates of Putin accidentally falling out of tall buildings.

Hack Stone

To show that there are no hard feelings, executives at ABC News have invited the whistleblower to a midnight picnic at Fort Marcy Park. It’s BYOS, bring your own shovel.


Only a idiot would do a Debate on ABC
after what happened with Clinton
did anyone think it would be better????

RGR 4-78

I am willing to bet that Trump was warned in advance that it was a setup and went ahead with the debate anyway.

What better way to discredit ABC, the Democrats, and Harris.



Now gimme my francs.

Forest Bondurant

Of course, we all already knew all of this. Just needed the story to come out and confirm what we already knew all along.


Are any of you familiar with the old ABC TV series “Scandal”? It just might have been a little less fictional than ABC cares to admit. 5 stars, would recommend.

AW1 Rod

There will be no further “debates”. There’s no incentive for Trump to participate, since this shit would surely happen again.

RGR 4-78

It is kind of nice that somebody waited to disclose this until after the debate. It absolutely proves that ABC is even less reliable than CNN.


There is no whistle blower.

It is a fake story based on a bullshit affidavit.

They have done this before. Claimed to have a whistleblower for some issue and never produce one.

All that happened is some grifter on Twitter claimed to be in contact with a whistleblower and showed a fake affidavit.

It is all horseshit.

And pretty pathetic that republicans pull shit like this rather than just acknowledge Trump performed poorly in the debate.

When Biden performed poorly Dems pressured him to step down.

Last edited 1 day ago by Commissar

Vote Blue No Matter Who is just as much a cult — and swapping out Captain Dementia for cackles without a single vote is kind of a big problem as is this “I got my shit together, wait no I don’t” flip flopping between interviews where all she does is parrot debate night one liners and campaign slogans. It’s almost like the obvious effects of ditching performance enhancing drugs.

Also — welcome back. Stevie Wonder saw that coming…

Last edited 1 day ago by Deckie

Just for you…


There is no whistle blower” says Commissar/комиссар. He should know… after all, he is the expert on blowing.


Whistle blowing fact checkers keep this country strong.


No, Dems did not pressure him to step down. They circumvented the electoral process in order to designate a candidate not picked by the voters. A fraud, not unlike yourself, picked by the party elite to serve as a happy, cackling puppet. When other nations do this, it’s referred to as “a palace coup”. Your people decided that they had to destroy democracy in order to save it. You, as a United States Army officer, swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. Yet you defend the actions of the democrats. You’re a fraud and a disgrace. You’re an excellent and willing chew toy, so that’s a point in your favor. You’re still deep in the negative side, however.

You’re dismissed.


You are dedicated to the party, aren’t ya? No matter what they do. You believe every edited sound bite the left throws out there.


But you were furiously pounding your so-called pud to Vindmans delusional accusations weren’t you?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d like to buy him a shot and a beer for his honesty at the very least, but I fear for his safety, because the establishment will stop at nothing to protect itself.