Hillary Clinton advocates civil or criminal action against certain opinions

| September 17, 2024

Hillary Clinton was on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow. Topics of their interaction included the 2024 elections and viewpoints that Clinton found extreme. Clinton described Donald Trump as dangerous, hinted that Trump riles people up, and voiced her remedy for what she considered as dangerous opinions.

From The Daily Fetched:

Earlier, Clinton accused Trump of continuing to “throw red meat out there to get people riled up” following his assassination attempt.

“I do worry about political violence. I worry about threats. I worry about what’s being said online,” Clinton said.

“If he were really a leader, he should be doing what he can to calm the waters, not try to just continue to throw red meat out there to get people riled up.”

Clinton went on to describe Trump as a “durable” political figure because he “keeps people agitated. He keeps people angry. He keeps people upset,” The Hill reported.

“I think it helps to have some sense of history and to know that in many society’s political systems, people who have an ability to connect with the fears, and the insecurities, and the anger and the hatreds of people in their society are very effective demagogues,” Clinton said.

On Monday, failed Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was charged with two gun crimes after trying to shoot the former president at his West Palm Beach golf course in Florida.

Meanwhile, Democrat Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said Trump would not receive full Secret Service protection because he is not a sitting president, despite the second attempt on his life.

For additional reading, and related video:

Walsh, J. (2024, September 17). Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for wrongspeak: ‘There needs to be deterrence’. The Daily Fetched. Link.



Category: 2024 Election, SJW Idiocy, Society

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You misspelled that dude’s name. It is “MadCow.”


I thought I was the only one to call him “MadCow.”


Rangers think alike and lead the way. This is the Way.


It is the truth and the way.


I see what y’all done there.

E. Conboy

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!“

Hack Stone

Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy, so in order to save it, we need to suspend our constitutional rights until the threat has been abated, and anyone who does not toe the line needs to be incarcerated. We cannot have independent thought interfering with the New World Order.


Hack, it is too late. We now live in a Republic.

I will continue to be a very well prepared rabbit contesting what the wolves voted to eat for dinner just in case they try to bring Democracy and therefore slavery back.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC

Their appeal to “democracy” is their thinly disguised desire for mob rule.

There is a reason neither communism nor a true democracy have ever been good government systems.


Yep, these people:


“We had to destroy it to save it”.

A Proud Infidel®™

people voting for Harris is like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.


Hillary and Maddow. What a pair to draw to. What they both fail to realize is that THEY are the threat to democracy, and the first amendment is absolute. They should be afraid, Trump threatens to upset their little fiefdom they’ve so carefully constructed. As he should.


You’re correct, Bitchlary! I am agitated, angry, and upset that your evil skruntness is continuing to steal oxygen. ESAD already, would ya!


She can STFU.


She should, but she won’t. Ever notice bill getting into these arguments? It seems he knows how to keep quiet, or he was told to be quiet.

AW1 Rod

What difference, at this point, does it make what the fucking Hildebeast thinks?


I look for her to attempt to get rid of kamala, and her slide into her “rightful” job.

BlueCord Dad

You mean….

E. Conboy

The Vampire is homing in!


She definitely sleeps arms crossed, hanging from the rafters

A Proud Infidel®™

Or during daylight in a coffin!


How does a barely, if ever employed convicted felon travel from NC, to HI, to Ukraine, to DC, and end up in Florida? Who’s paying his bills? Who is giving him/paying for his gun? Why was he not red flagged by DHS, or CIA, or FBI unless…

I’ll just state it here: Ryan Wesley Routh did commit suicide.


Welp, I speculate he has been collecting taxpayer dollars along with guidance from a handler from some deep state operation. Although, OPSEC dictates there be at least two cutouts.


Finances filtered through COVID relief funds.


Thats one.


He was a scam contractor who never paid his taxes.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND HOW does he pay for a very expensive scope to go with the rifle he was using that had its serial number removed? That and how does he get from Hawaii to Florida like that on about a $3K a month income? Let’s also not forget that he is a convicted felon in possession of a firearm and ammo!


Well, she’s the same as always…
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Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

How come we never see Hilary and Emperor Palpatine in the same room at the same time???


At least she isn’t victim blaming. Oh wait.

It’s just weird to keep screaming from the rooftops and every possible source of media that someone is Hitler and a threat to the country and then try to pretend like you are surprised when people try to kill him. It’s almost like you are too stupid to live if you believe them.



There’s a metric shit-ton of reasons that Hillary should be in prison, but her speech, as objectionable and offensive as I find it, ain’t one.

Forest Bondurant

“I will continue to scream in ignorance until it drowns out your facts and logic.”. -Liberal Pussies on College Campuses, the American Media, and all former and current politicians

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, just look at our part-time Resident Idiot “educated’ at UC Berzerkely!

E. Conboy

Inciting riots isn’t on the list?

A Proud Infidel®™

“…and I will take at least HALF of this town with me!!!” – Hillary Clinton in response to her possibly being prosecuted. I suspect she is somehow behind the attempts on DJT.


According to her she is supposed to be in prison. After all it was her campaign that invented the Russian Dossier and caused years of pointless investigation and wasted tens of millions of tax payer dollars based upon lies and hate speech. So I agree with her, she should go to prison.

Forest Bondurant

She’s just echoing the fascist ideas her party is known for.

Here are some examples:

Tim Walz believes there is “…no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”

Obama once said the Constitution is “a charter of negative liberties” – inferring how its very existence restrained the power of the government.

Campaigning during her failed 2020 presidential bid, then-Senator Harris said during a speech given at the Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner in Detroit (2019):  “We will hold social media platforms accountable for the hate infiltrating their platforms because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy.”

Democrat Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) said, “I hope that [all members] recognize that there is speech that is not constitutionally protected…” and went on to reference hate speech as the only example.

Ben Cardin (D- Maryland): “If you espouse hate…you’re not protected under the First Amendment.”

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson once voiced her concerns about how the First Amendment hamstrings the government [which is the point of the amendment in the first place].

Yet they all forget: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


But, of course…
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That looks like a depiction of their “democracy” with one of their supporters/minions.


“Obama once said the Constitution is “a charter of negative liberties” – inferring how its very existence restrained the power of the government.”

I was under the impression that Obama was a constitutional scholar of some sort. You’d think he’d know that restraint of the government was the absolute intent of the constitution.


Prior Service (Ret)

If the Right actually perpetrated political violence, Cankles would be neck deep in a grave somewhere, nine-times over. Picture someone throwing her over their shoulder like that secret service guy did but with malice.

E. Conboy

I’d pay to see that!

Slow Joe

“I do worry about political violence. I worry about threats. I worry about what’s being said online,” Clinton said.

All the victims of political violence in the current election cycle have been conservatives.


Looks like somebody may have posted something “objectionable” to someone.

I wonder whose feewings got hurt.



Ain’t that some shit. The purge begins.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

10 years in an english jail if you say something the Non constitution country doesn’t like. Shades of 1776

A Proud Infidel®™

AND they said that they’ll push for extradition to GB for those they want to prosecute for speech, I FART in their general direction!!!

E. Conboy

OMG, is THAT old Hil? I didn’t recognize her, her face lift has fallen! Get help!

Skivvy Stacker

Flapping her gums against political speech that incites anger and hatred while the whole time pissing me off…




How about bringing her before the bar of justice maybe that will serve as a deterrent to her.

A Proud Infidel®™

Das Hildebeast and the rest of the establishment left CLAIM that Donald Trump wants to do away with the US Constitution and our way of life, but it’s all projection IMHO. As I see it, the entrenched establishment sees DJT as a very serious threat to their grip on power and control, thus they’re in a panic to do ALL they can to stop him from regaining the Presidency. WHEN was the last time anyone saw a Conservative committing violence against libtards? It’s all been the other way around, remember the leftist jackbooted thugs harassing and attacking attendees at DJT rallies? I do. The left uses antifa, BLM and their other goon squads just like how Hitler use his “Sturmabteilung”, or “Brown Shirts” against those who chose to dissent with him, and as soon as they were no longer deemed useful, their leader Ernst Rohm, was killed after “the Night of the Long Knives” and that outfit done away with, just like how leftists dispose of their useful idiots when they’re used up. That satanic twunt will do everything she can, and there is NO low that she won’t stoop to. I bet that she’s SO evil that even Satan fears her.



Forest Bondurant

Additional similarities:

They seek to consolidate and centralize their power by eliminating the Constitution and broadening the powers of government.

They exhibit the same anti-Jewish hatred characterized by Nazi ideology and support the destruction of Israel.

They use the courts to attack political opponents or anyone who disagrees with them.

Like Margaret Sanger, the left’s patron saint of abortion, they use deception and propaganda to fool the black population and to lure them into believing their movement was working to help them. Sanger was also a leading figure of eugenics in the U.S., which movement strongly influenced Nazi eugenics which resulted in The Final Solution.

The left has captured nearly all of the country’s institutions of higher learning and radicalized and indoctrinated the students who attend them, similar to how Nazis controlled college campuses for 2 or 3 years before finally coming into power.

They are obsessed with gun confiscation.

They exploited force to achieve political power and achieve their ends by creating the KKK. Years later, Nazi’s did the same thing. The riots of 2020 lend proof that Democrats are reviving the practice and working to perfect it.

Democrats strive for a totalitarian state structure and to have a single party.

The list goes on.


Cankles couldn’t keep Bill faithful even before her vag rusted shut.

It is amusing that she thinks anyone outside her echo chamber holds her in high regard.


Webb Hubble got in there and made the next Clinton to try and make itself powerfull. All the plastic surgery in the world cannot hide who her real DNA donor is.


That image really brings out the bull-dyke in her. Worst of it is that she is uglier inside than she is outside.


I got booted for life off Twitter in 2020 for calling her a vile old whore. She never fails to prove me right every chance she gets.

Marine 0331

Hey guys and gals, I gotta defend Cankles McPanstsuit here. If you looked like her and your husband cheated on you all the time and assaulted woman and hung out with Jefferey Epstein and flew to his island (you know, to play cards), you’d be an angry old battleaxe too, spewing venom from your ugly piehole. Give her a break.


Cankles is still more vile inside than any external stimuli Bill sought. For Gosh sakes I have to defend Bill here. I mean would you poke that beast. She’s worse than a Black widow spider out for revenge. It had to be artificial insemination, cause I don’t think anyone in this world would stick that thing in his right mind. Possible Bill got drunk and did the deed with a paper bag over her face. Ewwwww. Just the thought makes me sick! And Bills a piece of shit too.


Yeah Jimbo, gotta agree with yah! But? Did Bill actually ever stick it? I heard the daughter was from a union between Cankles and a family friend. Some equally sick pup who may or may not have used the paper bag trick.


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