Man scatters attackers

| August 4, 2011

In New Haven, CT, Brandon Kruse, really didn’t think he needed a CCW license, but he got one anyway, just so he could buy guns without a hassle. The other night, when he went out for sushi, Kruse was glad he had it;

At State and Wall, three young men walked toward him. He stepped to the left. One of the young men punched him in the head; the two others surrounded him.

The initial attacker punched him again with a closed fist.

Kruse was able to push him back. Then Kruse reached for his waistband. He pointed the gun at them. He didn’t speak.

“I just pulled the gun. They all scattered,” Kruse said in an interview Monday.

When two of the men returned to retrieve their shopping bags which they’d dropped at the sight of the handgun, Kruse detained them until police arrived.

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.

Category: Guns, Shitbags

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Doc Bailey

another good example of why armed citizenry is a GOOD thing.


Hmm…”three young men”…I’m guessing they were those terrorist tea party people.


Enough said…


“When two of the men returned to retrieve their shopping bags which they’d dropped at the sight of the handgun, Kruse detained them until police arrived.”

Hopefully they haven’t reproduced. Grade-A Stupid.

Dirty Al the Infidel

And tonights Darwin Award Winners are…drum roll…The Shopping Bag Retrievers. Taddahhhh…!


Al wins…..lmao!

sister lover

we can now watch the gays get married in New York, however we can’t carry our hand guns in the city. I hate keeping my guns in secrecy. When will someone in congress acknowledge that we need our weapons more than we need gay marriages,