Fatally Unique; jerks

| August 4, 2011

Matt noticed while he was watching TV the other night, the dance group Fatally Unique on the Howie Mandell talent show “America’s Got Talent” that members of the group were wearing real US military medals on their clothing. He’s got better eyes than mine. I think this is the segment he was talking about;

Anyway, Matt emails us that he saw the “Bronze Star Medal and War on Terrorism Service Medal, amongst others”. So Matt emailed the dance group;

Wearing military medals that you did not earn is offensive to those who put their life on the line. I wish you would reconsider your attire and apologize publicly to the veterans.

They responded;

Say that to Michael Jackson & Have the sense/respect to understand what an entertainer does. Dont [sic] bother messaging back you have just been blocked!

Sure there’s nothing illegal with these dicks wearing the medals, but to diminish the request of a military veteran to wear fake medals instead of the same medals worn by people who’ve served the country in which this band of performing apes seek to make their fortune is disrespectful.

“Understand what an entertainer does”? What does that even mean? Do they understand what a soldier does to earn those medals? Apparently they don’t respect that service if they block a veteran because he made a simple request of them.

I don’t watch these shows, because I really don’t care about entertainers…we have too damned many of them. And dancers? Really? I don’t see people flocking to venues to watch dancing on stage – what an idiot endeavor. But I’ll watch this show from now on just to vote against the creeps…not because they wear medals they didn’t earn, but because they’re a bunch of pretentious assholes.

Category: Shitbags

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Apparently using spell checker isn’t in the job description of an “entertainer” either.

And no, being a bunch of pretentious assholes isn’t part of the job description either, boys.

Old Trooper

“Have the sense/respect to understand what an entertainer does”

What the hell does that even mean? It’s ok for you to disrespect the men and women that have earned those medals that you put on your leotards as bling, but no one is supposed to disrespect you for being an entertainer? Give me a break ya narcissistic morons.


WTF? Yeah, I think we pretty much understand what these assholes do. You’d probably have more success writing the show’s commercial sponsors and threaten a boycott.

Doc Bailey

Michael Jackson? Didn’t he also molest kids? Lets see who has more right to gripe? the entertainers who are getting paid to jump around in time to music, or the soldier who gets paid to put his life on the line?

Mr Wolf

Take it to Howie, who is known as a big troop supporter.

Make sure he knows about the reply from the entertainers, and this is about to go public. Get some screen caps of the medals… hit Bev with them for her list.

yeah, we’ll soon know what an entertainer does…

Dave Thul

I don’t watch shows like that either, but just from looking at the screenshot of the group, I would hazard a guess they wore military items in an attempt to get hired as the official entertainment for all the repeal of DADT briefing I have coming up.


America’s Got Talent has a FB page, how about posting something there? I don’t watch this show, but hope these Dbags are booted soon.


Better yet, let’s get the contact info of both the show and the group and let them know that ain’t gonna fly.

John Curmudgeon

Well, I just emailed NBC. Howie Mandell’s page doesn’t have a contact form or information. Fatally Unique has been emailed also. I’ll pass this along to the CSUN Student Veteran Organization and some other vet friends too.


I’m gonna let my friends know about these d-bags and to email them. #9 Definitely gotta agree with you there.

Unfortunately you can get that stuff at any military surplus store and I’ve seen too many retards wearing them thinking they are cool pieces of jewelry.

Went to their website and thought I had just accidentally gone to a gay dating website.


#10…of course not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Jumpmaster MP

Oh, left them a comment… guess the truth hurts… they blocked me… lol dumbasses


From their contact page:
Please complete the fields below and your inquiry will be responded to within 48 business hours.

WTF is “48 business hours”?

John Curmudgeon

#13 LOL I didnt notice that before.

Doc Bailey

Well 8 hours a day, so apox 8 business days. I have to wonder if their blocking everyone that asks them not to wear military medals.


Well, as of two or so hours ago, they posted an apology on their Facebook page, for what it’s worth.

Dirty Al the Infidel

Thier still Douchbags. Also, respect is earned, courtesy is given.


[…] Unique apologizes August 5th, 2011 You guys went after the Dance Team Fatally Unique yesterday when they wore military medals during their dance routine the other day. This was posted […]


Sounds like a bunch of prejudice a-holes to me hating on kids that have worked hard to get where they are. you should be proud of them doing something from our community that is positive1


Who, them? Yeah, the fact that they treat articles that people have bled and died for like a trinket makes them a bunch of a-holes.

Next time, spell check. Sentences. Punctuation. Use them. Otherwise you simply come across as a dipshit.