What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

| August 3, 2011

We apparently now have elected Czars to oversee future budgetary issues?

There is NO budget I can find, but The Pampered Princes on the Potomac have established a Super Committee to oversee our financial future?

One view is here. 

Even before the package to raise the debt limit was approved by Congress, Republicans and Democrats were arguing about the contours of its deficit- reduction committee.

This is actually the most optimistic view I’ve managed to find.

The key problem lies with the enforcement mechanisms, or “triggers,” created to compel the committee members to reach an agreement. While Republicans wouldn’t agree to a tax-hike trigger, they did agree to one that would slash defense spending by up to $600 billion, depending on how far short the committee falls of the deficit-reduction goal. This puts anti-tax Republicans who favor a robust military in a bind.

Democrats on the committee could insist on raising taxes, and Republicans will either have to give in to their tax demands or accept the deep defense cuts.

As usual, YMMV, I tend to believe that the military and veterans will get screwed. But far more importantly is what will become of our country.

See this…

But the big question is who exactly is paying for it? Well you may be surprised to find out you are.


Category: Geezer Alert!, Politics

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Doc Bailey

well Shit who saw that coming? Here’s an idea for fixing the debt, stop earmarking, stop bailing out everything in sight and stop giving money to EVERY foreign government (ESPECIALLY the ones that hate us). That would find you 600 Billion easy.


As far as I can see, no one in Washington wants to fix anything. It appears that they have perfected the art of spending our money without our ability to stop them. They have put liberals and conservatives at each others’ throats in the streets, while they are busy doing pretty much whatever they want with our money. All of it. When this house of cards finally tumbles, they’ll all hop a plane to…oh, wherever they please. I’m sure they will have enough of our money with them to support them in the style to which they have become accustomed, leaving us to deal with a shattered economy, a ruined society, a defunct military, and debts that we will never be able to pay, even if we were to sell our children into slavery.

The bastards that are doing this to us are NOT the ones who will pay the price for it. We will.

Cedo Alteram

Its another “don’t plan me” committee.

“We have two parties in this country, the evil party and the stupid party. As a member of the stupid party, I can tell you, sometimes they get together and do something that is truly evil and stupid. That is what we call bipartisanship.”-Reportedly told to visiting diplomats, by a republican congressional aide, in the early 90s, after the end of the Coldwar.

Cedo Alteram

Meant to say “don’t “blame me”. Sorry


Can kicked down the road until after November 2012. Check.