Harry Reid: Did I mention that I hate Bush?

| August 2, 2011

I caught myself dozing off a few minutes ago, which is bad since I’m supposed to be working. I glanced up and discovered why I was suddenly so drowsy – Harry Reid, the VoteVet-supported draft dodger, was talking to the Senate just prior to their vote on the “debt deal”. That droning, monotonous voice always puts me to sleep.

Anyway, I listened to him blame former President Bush for our current financial difficulties and tell us how there was a $7 trillion surplus under Clinton. Funny, but the Democrats controlled the Senate for the first two years of the Bush Administration and both houses for the last two years. I don’t remember them doing anything to cut spending during those years.

In fact, I remember Bush and McCain trying to rein in Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac while those two organizations were enabling people to buy homes they couldn’t afford before the housing crisis. In fact, I sat out the housing boom in a tiny apartment while everyone was telling me how I needed to buy a house and get in on it. Everyone including the Democrats.

I have one simple rule when it comes to my money and investments – if everyone else is doing what I’m doing, I need to stop doing it.

So after the housing bust, I bought a house and the only money I borrowed was from myself. Now I’m not especially smart, but if people are selling me a long-term loan and their sole selling point is “Rates have never been lower”, I’m pretty certain that rates are going to go up sooner than they’ll go down further or remain the same.

But that’s the deal Democrats are trying to sell to the American people…again. They’re upset that they didn’t get to tax the rich, but that doesn’t mean that tax revenues aren’t going to go up. When Bush cut taxes, revenues exceeded the Clinton years revenues two years after the tax cuts took effect and every year afterwards.

But somehow, it’s appealing to Democrats to “tax the rich” and as we discovered after the Clinton tax hikes, everyone who has a job is rich – even retirees on fixed incomes.

But Reid was doing what he’s always done best – take the easy way out – blame the guy who hasn’t been in office for more than two years and complain that he can’t increase taxes.

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck, Shitbags

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“This war is lost.” – Harry Reid, April 19, 2007


Says a lot about the people who keep reelecting this assbiter and his ilk and come out their stupor two years later and realize OH SHIT! Steve Wynn anyone.


you can’t go too much lower than 4% on a home loan, but you can go a sh!tload higher!



I remember all of that, too. Pesky little facts always get in the way of the memes on the left. They never get out the mirror and say anything that resembles “I’m sorry, I fucked up.” Rather, it’s usually someone else’s load to carry (YOU fucked up), even if they were warned, even if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and…you know the deal.

My mother always said the best revenge is served cold.


Reid sure did make a number of millions of dollars while in office. Almost miraculous how valuable desert becomes in the mind of the right buyer.


“I glanced up and discovered why I was suddenly so drowsy – Harry Reid”

There you go again, John, making me laugh out loud! That Harry. Have Mercy! He is a snoozer.

Just Plain Jason

We bought our house in Feb 2009 right after it dropped 20k in price and got the same interest rate that my best friend got when it was at its “historic” lowest. Did I mention that we also got the 8k first time tax credit.
Too many people listened to people like Reid, when they bought homes as investmrents and not homes. My best friend now is stuck in his crappy townhouse that he will never get what he paid for it, because he went in with the attitude that he was going to sell it for a profit in five years.
Sorry I got off the subject there…but guys like Reid and that gaping asshole Bwarney Fwank who through either nature or incompetence have screwed too many people for far too long.

Doc Bailey

this tax the rich idea keeps going on again and again. But here’s a better question, when the Ryan plan came out, and this was NOT an emergency, you had a clear view of a lot of people saying “tackle entitlements or we’ll go broke”. Harry Reid said he wouldn’t even consider it until SS was basically insolvent. There was nothing wrong with it. If you were to talk about the wars as being a major contributor, why is it after almost a full decade, with Iraq winding down dramatically in the last three years, is it suddenly an issue NOW? And why pray tell was military pay not one of the FIRST things to be secured?

I am so tired with these asshats playing fast and loose. Not only with the facts but also with their initiatives. Honestly If Harry Reid likes something it’s probably toxic for the country, and should not be something we vote on.


Every year Bush was in office, the Democrats proposed a larger budget than the president did.

The “surplus” of the Clinton years was a projected surplus, and it didn’t include the projected shortfall in social security benefits that will come down the road. That’s because social security is a special fund of its own.

Democrats blamed every financial problem of the last ten years on the Iraq War. While it has been expensive, that explanation is hardly adequate. The useless stimulus package, for example, cost more than the Iraq War.

And, in any case, Reid voted for the Iraq War too.



What, so he waxes?

sister lover

I’m sick of people blaming dubya for every fart this cuntry leeks out. Libtards are the reason for the war in Iraq, not the Bush’s. Every one with a lick of hindsight knows that jon stewart and al franken masterminded the fall of Sadam. All we wanted was some more 99 cent gas and a pretty ass sister to makes loves to. Screw dem bastards.