Congressman saves family from home invasion with a gun

| July 17, 2011

Scott sends us an article from the DesMoine Register about Leonard Boswell, the representative from Iowa’s third district, who responded to his daughter’s screams and found a home invader. As the 77-year-old scuffled with the intruder, his grandson brandished a shotgun which scared the coward away.

His spokesman Grant Woodard said the whole family is safe and unhurt, aside from some scrapes and bruises.

The family is shaken up, but “they’re dealing with it pretty well,” Woodard said Sunday morning.

What you won’t read in the Register or the Huffington Post, for that matter, is that, unlike most of his Democrat colleagues, Boswell has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association for his sterling record on the Second Amendment.

I hope you join This Ain’t Hell in wishing Congressman Boswell and his family our best and our thanks for supporting all Americans who have to defend their homes. I doubt we’ll hear as much about this incident as we will about Comgresswoman Gabrielle Gifford while the Obama Administration rolls out their plan for gun control legislation in the coming weeks…but at least you know…and you’re aware of an experienced ally among Democrats.

Category: Guns

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Zero Ponsdorf

Reckon I owe Jonn an apology of sorts. Been following the story and missed the connections.

Hell Yeah, you can count me in as supporting him and his. Don’t even much care about his politics. Those folks used a weapon to stop a home intrusion. ‘Bout the only reservation I might offer is that they let the shithead get away.

Once the miscreant changes his britches someone else will have to deal with him, I’m afraid.


As my wife said upon me reading this to her, “should’ve shot him.”


I would venture a guess that if the grandson was brandishing a shotgun while the representative was struggling with the intruder, he may not have had a clear shot without the risk of hitting Boswell.

Dirty Al the Infidel

Best wishes to the Honorable congressman and his family. Way to STAND YOUR GROUND!


Nice job, to all in the Boswell family.