Pat Boone Ain’t No Chuck Norris, But…

| July 17, 2011

Even the AARP (no link – don’t like ’em)  is reminding us that seniors make up a potential 50 million voter bloc.

Pat Boone speaks a bit clearer on the issue.

President Barack Obama has ignored the concerns of senior citizens because his only interest is “gaining absolute power over government,” a position that could hurt him in 2012, legendary singer and seniors advocate Pat Boone tells Newsmax.TV.

The spokesman for the 60 Plus Association and recent recipient of the Conservative Political Action Conference’s Lifetime Achievement Award said the senior vote could swing the election in 2012. “I think if seniors all get exercised, we do have enough votes to make the difference,” he said.

“I don’t think President Obama has really taken seniors much into account,” he explained. “But still he has an agenda, a political agenda, and he is only interested in gaining absolute power over government. He wants it to be a one-party nation.

This actually makes me feel just a bit better about our future.

Seniors, disabled vets, military retired, and a rather long list of otherwise peripheral ‘special interest groups’  might just stave off something ugly with little more a few bruised egos?

As usual with my ramblings… YMMV. TAH is an open advocate for Truth, Justice, and The American Way, but some may use a more nuanced view than I.

Category: Geezer Alert!, Pointless blather, Politics

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I saw the AARP commercial this morning during Meet the Press and got one of those evil grins. Granted, I’ve got 10 years to go but both my parents and in-laws are there and left leaning, they are not very happy.

Cedo Alteram

I don’t know Zero, I don’t think Chuck Norris ever put out a Metal Album.


Pat Boone… but, still, tell it, Pat!