Chuck Norris a Paulian?

| July 9, 2011

The only ones reporting this are the Paulians themselves and someone at David Frum’s forum, so I don’t know how true it is;

Chuck Norris, who famously supported former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee last election season, has thrown his hat in the ring for Rep. Ron Paul.

Norris was influential in garnering support for Huckabee at the outset of his White House bid. The Los Angeles Times reported that Norris was “a factor in Huckabee’s popularity surge” and said in 2007, “A month ago, few even knew that Huckabee was a former governor of Arkansas, let alone a Republican candidate for president. Then karate-movie tough guy Norris … announced he was in Huckabee’s camp… Suddenly, Huckabee became the presidential example of tough-guy cool.” However, it is unclear how much his support will help the divisive Paul’s campaign this year.

The same Chuck Norris who said this when he endorsed Huckabee:

Though Giuliani might be savvy enough to lead people, Fred Thompson wise enough to wade through the tides of politics, McCain tough enough to fight terrorism and Romney business-minded enough to grow our economy, I believe the only one who has all the characteristics to lead America forward into the future is former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Yeah, Paul has none of those characteristics. So, risking an ass-kicking from Chuck Norris, i call bullshit on the story. And if it is true, Chuck Norris is a dumbass.

Thanks to ROS for the link.

Category: Politics, Ron Paul

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I remember picking something up and it was an excerpt on how he would run things. Long story short he considers Ron Paul one of the honest ones.


Well, like him or not, I think Paul is one of the honest ones. You don’t have to wonder where he stands on an issue, he has been telling everyone for 30 yrs or so.

AW1 Tim

Cue the Paultard infestation in 3…2…1…

Zero Ponsdorf

JonP #2: I agree that Paul is honest and has been saying much the same things for years.

It’s just that he’s wrong on several critical issues. Terribly wrong!

I rather hope that Norris’ support is being incorrectly reported.


@Zero: Me too. Anyone that hangs out with that douchbag Kokesh shows a serious lack of judgement and should never be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office.

USMC Steve

I knew nothing about Paul the elder until I started doing intel collection on him. What I have found out leads me to believe that Paul the elder is absolutely fucking insane. I won’t vote for him under any circumstances.

Marine 83

Hmm, honest. Honest about his hatred of Israel. Honest about his fear and loathing of the U.S. military. Honest about his isolationist foreign policy. Not so honest about his racist views, his stance on abortion, his truther beliefs and his fiscal responisbility.

Old Trooper

Alex Jones is a huge supporter of Ron Paul……….I’m just sayin.