Spoiled ditz doesn’t support the troops

| July 10, 2011

Some spoiled ditz explains “Why I Do Not Support the Troops”

Of course, it’s because the troops have killed over a million innocent Iraqis, that they’re not courageous because they gun down 5 year-olds. She explains that being in the military is the perfect job for a serial killer and that our troops are indeed serial killers since, by her assessment, we’re only killing innocents in the Middle East.

She continues that members of IVAW are more courageous than the troops who do the job they’ve agreed to do.

Of course, we’ve not killed a million people in Iraq – many of the innocent Iraqis who died during the war were killed by the people we’re fighting. Many of the people who’ve died in Afghanistan were killed by the former ruling party of that country. Many of the people in IVAW haven’t even been to the war, so they don’t even know what it is they disagree with about the war – their decisions, like little Kassie Dill here are based on erroneous assumptions.

She should just admit that her main disagreement with the troops is that they’re willing to make sacrifices that she’s unwilling to make and they make her feel inadequate. No one likes the idea of war, Kassie, but war is a reality of our times, and just because you’re unwilling to accept that simple fact, that’s no reason to disparage the people who are willing to face reality from the relative safety of your bedroom in your parents’ house. That relative safety that was secured for you by people who are better than you.

Thanks to ROS for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Shitbags

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Honestly nothing new there just some random broad regurgitating “facts” that all “peace protester” spew in a effort to make her self seem well traveled and intelligent. The sad thing is that she really believes she’s one of a kind. Must be nice to live a sheltered life.


[…] last, but not least, This ain’t Hell… finds a spoiled, troop hating […]


Managed to track down a little bit, and her linkedIn thing says she works as a “Campaign Development Account Manager” for a political organization in Washington DC now. Free oreo cupcake made by my wife to find out exactly who she works


She goes by Kathryn Dill now.


It is great seeing her useing the right of free speech that the troops that she doesn’t suport, protects for her. Someday she will understand that she can only say this because WE protect that right. Does she think we care about tha people that don’t send packages or clap for us? NO we care about are family and are country and her right to be just an ass. If you go to her blog you will see that she is a bigot and that she doesn’t even know what she is saying at most times. She wants the attention that comes with that video slaming us. DO NOT give it to her please. You will onlt be feeding her ego. Don’t give it to her.

Old Trooper

Well, Kassie/Kathryn/Douche/Spoiled brat; I hate to tell you this, but I don’t support some mouth breathing spoiled little bitch that thinks that her protective bubble of freedom would be in place if troops didn’t do what they do. Who will stand up for you when you are being overpowered? Who will stand up for you when you are being forced into servitude by those that don’t see things your way? It’s a lot easier for you to spout your bullshit, since “the troops”, who you don’t support, have given up everything to make sure you are able to continue to act like a faux-intellectual and ass-maggot. If you had brain cell #1 in that little melon of yours, you would realize that, but I’m not holding out hope of that.


Could’nt have said it better Old Trooper. I will add…Make the bed Bitch…Oh wait that’s Mommas job, or is it the housekeeper?


She is also pro-life and a truther.

She’s just all over the damn place. Really want to know who her employer is now though if someone has a black belt in Google-Fu.


I am reading B.G. Burkett’s “Stolen Valor” right now. Itls amazing that it’s been 40 years, and it’s a completely different war, but the antiwar crowd clings to the same dogma. Inflamatory accusations & big statistics with no proof to back them up. It’s a religion for these folks.


Can tell you she’s on the rebound from a relationship. Evidenced by one of her postings.
TSO? Got something! You have email here?


Send it to Jonn and he will forward it, unless you have my direct email, then just send it to me.


Country Singer

I couldn’t make it past the point where she said, “…they don’t know what they’re doing.” I had to quit watching before my blood pressure went up any more.

Country Singer

Just followed streetsweeper’s links…oh, she’s a Paulbot…makes sense now…


on its way, TSO. I had to shut the damn video off, got to the 2 min mark….


And, she’s a Dahlia Wasfi groupie too. Wow, just wow. Ronpaul and Dahlia Wasfi too. I wonder where she admits that she was one of Methis’ groupies?

Marine 83



The phrase “Bell the Cat”comes to mind. But one thing to consider is that this is Youtube were everyone who has a opinion goes off on. It is just not worth the effort in her case. But I would like her to watch this video for the content but also that the woman in the middle part of the video looks very similar to her.


I made it to the 4 minute 14 mark where she utters the words “dumb” or “evil”. Earlier on, she mentioned the collateral murder video as well… I would like to see this young lady sit down and have a one on one conversation with one of those soldiers that were on the ground that day. Heck… I’d even agree to mediate (but without media or video).

Army Sergeant

Jonn, you are not allowed to use the phrase IVAW just to force me to waste nine minutes of my life anymore.

She doesn’t even say us by name, and if she hangs around Dahlia Wasfi, she’s probably talking about March Forward or something.


She’s an infowars.com reading, don’t get vaccinated, 9/11 was an inside job, Zionist conspiracy type. She’s crazy. I mean, look at these crazy eyes:


Anyone in D.C. who’s going to give her a job is obviously unhinged anyway.


re #15


There are more than two groups of people in world you know.

Michael in MI

Scrolled down her website Jonn linked in the post and found this nugget: ========== My drivers license has officially been suspended. This is due to about 3 years worth of accumulated statist garbage tickets that I have failed to legitimize by paying (I will pay it soon and my drivers license should be restored shortly). Who does the state think they are to tell me whether I can or can not drive? Im the one that pays taxes to build the road I drive on. And why do I have to register my car with the state? I hate this, I hate slavery: This is slavery. It is my road that I pay for, so long as I am not violating someone else’s personal space I should be able to drive however I want to. People are so stupid they accept and LOVE their servitude, we are supposed to THANK the police officers as they write us tickets, we are supposed to THANK the state as they steal money from our pay check. If I have to register my car with the state of Virginia simply to drive it, then it is NOT MY CAR. I simply paid a fellow slave $600 worth of federal reserve notes in order to buy my chevy lumina, but I don’t actually own it. If I were to choose not to pay the registration fee, I would be locked in a cage like an animal. Why would I register something with the state of Virginia if I owned it? If I have to register my car with the state of Virginia, then Virginia owns my car. Virginia is just gracious enough to let me use it, so I can drive to work, in order to provide the state with 25% of my paycheck so they can pay for the pad the police officer uses to write me tickets on. We are paying people to steal our money. ========== The crazy is strong with this one. Can tell you she’s on the rebound from a relationship. Someone actually lasted in a relationship with this wackjob?… Read more »

Casey J Porter

Wow! Selena still pops up on this site to defend “IV”aw? hahaha

I’m so glad I’ve moved on and have a productive life. Thanks again for sharing my launch video.

Casey J Porter

Oh, this Woman is very honest, she is the majority voice of the real feelings of the anti-war movement. That’s why us real Iraq Vets ditched your sorry asses.


My summer is too short to waste watching the same dumbass rhetoric, rehashed. So I didn’t.

But I did laugh at the fact that this spoiled cunt equated car registration with slavery. First World Problems.


Slavery? I don’t think that this ditz has any clue as to what has gone on and still goes on in the world, when it comes to slavery. What a waste of oxygen…

Army Sergeant

I’m not going to get in a fight with you, Casey. I just want my eyeballs back from Jonn.


My money says she works for an Organization called “The Rainmakers” TSO.


Good Lord! That chick needs her Prozac Rx renewed …




C’mon Claymore, be nice. Chevy Luminas were the shit.

Back in about 1992 or so…


She quotes Alan Alda, lives in the worst shithole in the country outside of a New York ghetto, drives a car that even rednecks wouldn’t be caught dead in, has tons of Infowars links on her blog…all that’s missing is boiled pet on some dude’s stove and this chick is set for a Lifetime movie all of her own.

Frankly Opinionated

If she only paid $600 for her “Lumina”, we can guess what shape it was in. I owned a Lumina Van, only because it was so perfectly cared for by someone I knew and offered to me for a very low price. It died, and I didn’t cry. But $600? Would a $600 car in Virginia have brakes, tires????
Thanx, Y’all for watching the video. The comments are all I can take of the wench.

Casey J Porter

Selena, the “sorry asses” comment was not directed at you and I should have been more clear about that. I just have no doubt that members of the anti-war “community” read this blog and that was directed at them.

Old Trooper

I guess she doesn’t think that societal rules should apply to her? How nice, princess, but driving is a priviledge, not a “right”, so if you don’t register your car, or don’t want to follow the rules that allow you to drive; you have the option of taking public transportation, riding a bike, or even walking. No wonder her boyfriend jettisoned her spoiled dumbass.


Did figure out she works as a “peda-cab” driver in DC.


Ironic that the same school that graduated her graduated GEN Franks.