If You Want To Win Elections, Adam Kokesh Isn’t Going to Help You

| July 9, 2011

The Pima County Sheriff Office’s handling of the Jose Guerena killing could have been something that Pima County Republicans could have used against the despicable Sheriff Clarence Dupnik in the 2012 election. I say “could have” because  the incident has instead sparked infighting among Pima County Republicans and has devolved into what one local news outlet has dubbed “Facebook drama“. I originally defended Brian Miller, the Pima County GOP Chairman, who came under fire for penning a letter condemning the Pima County Sheriff Office’s handling of the Guerena killing. This was in despite of the fact that Miller was a Paultard and who in the past had done Paultarded things. However, the more I learned, the more uncomfortable I became with how Miller was acting and I have come to believe that he is basically trying to turn the Pima County Republican Party into a Ron Paul cult. Then I stumbled across this little gem:

First of all, I still can’t get over the fact that Adam Kokesh can say with a straight face that he is a libertarian when he is a paid host on a network that is subsidized by the Kremlin. Yeah I know Uncle Jimbo appears on RT a lot but UJ isn’t a Paultard who ran for Congress on a platform of abolishing most (or all) of the government. Anyways, Brian Miller, an air force officer and OEF veteran,  should be smarter than to associate with a shitbird Marine who has consistently lied about the character of his service and who generally acts like a horse’s ass. Instead of attempting to unite the party he was elected to lead, Miller is digging in and appealing to the lunatic fringe for support.

So good luck with that Chairman Miller and good luck with winning any elections in Pima County in the future because luck is the only way the Republicans are going to win in Pima County with a Paultard like you in charge.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Ron Paul, The Guerena Killing

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This “innocent until proven guilty” thing is a bit disingenious. Yes, people are innocent untilo proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW. That doesn’t mean that people can’t make their own determination as to whether the accused did the crime. I present to you Casey Anthony, or OJ Simpson. Just because I think those two did the crimes they were accused of doesn’t make me a Constitution-hater or liberty-hater. They DID do it. The justice system simply failed to clear their names.

That being said, this chairman of the Pima County GOP is in fact doing exactly the same thing to the cops involved in the raid as he claims is being done to the slain veteran. He’s pronouncing them guilty before and proceedings have taken place. He can do that, I suppose, but I don’t want to hear his sermon about what a bad conservative other people are because they don’t follow the Constitution. Constitutions, by the way, are for the government to follow. They don’t restrain the behavior of private citizens.

This guy is a big douche, really.

Also, there is no right “to put whaever you want in your own bodies” in the Constitution. Therefore, people who don’t ascribe to this guy’s belief that people should be able to do that are not hypocrites and not against the Constitution. It’s anti-constitutional to oppose constitutional rights, not to oppose extra-constitutional “rights”.


And again, any libertarian who appears on Russia Today is not a libertarian. Or Republican. Or patriot. Or lover of the Constitution.


I should say, “has a show on Russia Today”, rather than “appears on”.


Drop libertarian for marxist and you’d be right on target, Ben…

Paris Macclairty

Just wanted to post and say nice website, great to read from people with knowledge of this.