RSSThe Guerena Killing

Guerena civil suit settled

| September 8, 2013 | 14 Comments
Guerena civil suit settled

We spent a lot of time in late-2011 writing about the SWAT attack on Marine corporal Jose Guereña in which the young former Marine was shot 22 times by Pima County officers. An internal investigation found that the officers weren’t culpable in the killing despite the fact that more than 70 rounds were fired at […]

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Guerena murder finally getting some press

| November 28, 2011 | 37 Comments
Guerena murder finally getting some press

I know that this is mostly old news to regular readers who remember the spate of posts that Operator Dan and I wrote about the murder of Jose Guerena in Tucxon last Summer by the Pima County SWAT Association, but several of you have sent us links indicating that the media is finally getting interested […]

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Guerena family files $20 million lawsuit

| August 14, 2011 | 8 Comments
Guerena family files $20 million lawsuit

Ponsdorf sends us a link to a Pima County local TV station which reports that Vanessa Guerena has filed a twenty million dollar lawsuit against Pima County agencies. ms. Guerena is the widow of former Marine and Iraq veteran, Jose Guerena who was murdered by police while they attempted to serve a warrant in early […]

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If You Want To Win Elections, Adam Kokesh Isn’t Going to Help You

| July 9, 2011 | 5 Comments
If You Want To Win Elections, Adam Kokesh Isn’t Going to Help You

The Pima County Sheriff Office’s handling of the Jose Guerena killing could have been something that Pima County Republicans could have used against the despicable Sheriff Clarence Dupnik in the 2012 election. I say “could have” because  the incident has instead sparked infighting among Pima County Republicans and has devolved into what one local news […]

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The Pima County Republican Party Makes Itself Look Just As Stupid As Sheriff Dupnik

| June 14, 2011 | 12 Comments
The Pima County Republican Party Makes Itself Look Just As Stupid As Sheriff Dupnik

This is un-fucking-believable: The controversial case involving Jose Guerena led to some controversial comments by the Pima County GOP chair.  Those comments have Brian Miller under fire. Republican Brian Miller is in the hot seat for comments he made after Guerena was shot more than 70 times by SWAT members. “I think it was inappropriate […]

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Guerena autopsy released

| June 6, 2011 | 13 Comments
Guerena autopsy released

From Ponsdorf and Streetsweeper comes this link to KGUN9 announcing the release of the autopsy of Corporal Guerena. Nothing surprising – but it does list the places the young Marine was struck; The report goes on to note in detail the entrance location and trajectory of each wound, most of which were on the victim’s […]

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Stating Speculation As Fact

| June 6, 2011 | 10 Comments
Stating Speculation As Fact

I’ve been negligent on following the Cpl. Guerena story the last couple of weeks due to some crises that have popped up in my life.  Jonn, as he always does, has been picking up the slack. There are however a couple of things I would like to discuss now that I have some time. First of all, […]

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Pima County Sheriff releases Guerena search warrant

| June 3, 2011 | 16 Comments
Pima County Sheriff releases Guerena search warrant

Arrow sends us a link to Fox11AZ’s report that Pima County Sheriff Department finally released the search warrant which was the impetus for the SWAT club’s raid on the home of Jose Guerena’s home ultimately resulting in the former Marine’s death. But a few lines are redacted in the hundreds of pages of search warrant […]

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