Requesting assistance and info on Specal Forces Poser.

| July 8, 2011

Ok it’s that time again with this one being from June of this year from We have a William Timothy Dorsch that is claiming to be prior service Marine, joined the Army and Became SF.

Lets see what what wrong in this photo beside the person in it. We have the CIB, standard poser issue. Purple Heart always a regular. An Army Soldier’s Medal at the very bottom of the stack. Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait Version) is in the top tier. Lets not bring in the jump wings (off centered)or the Cavalry Branch items he is wearing.

But what is more interesting is what you do not see. Like the missing National Defense Medal(with Service Star for the South West Asian Service medal) or the Army Service Ribbon. The two awards that everyone that has entered the Army since 2001 has received he is missing. But he has a GWOT service medal that states that his imaginary service date that entered 2001.

So lets get the word out and see if we can add another kill mark to the busted tally.

Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags

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AW1 Tim


Maybe you guys ought to start a gallery of “Poseurs of the Month/Week”? Have a little link to the side of the blog that goes to a page with all these pics on it? Then when you click the link it redirects to the article from TAH about them?

Old Trooper

Also, if he is SF, his lapel designator should be the crossed arrows, not sabres.


could there possibly be a “c” in that last name?


And not one marine or navy ribbon on his rack. I say send these posers to Marine boot camp with hopes of graduating and hold them until their enlistment is up.


At least he stopped at Captain and not the usual 2 Star

Jonn Lilyea

No record of him on AKO with any spelling of his last name.


thanks jonn l.

Marine 83

As Annon said above, no Marine Good Conduct or Sea Service Deployment ribbon which are pretty standard fair for 1st term Marines. Marines who have never deployed to a hot zone that is.

Marine 83

P.S. Marine Online is down right now so I couldn’t check him out in the locator.


No bloused jump boots, looks like incorrect knot in tie, and I bet if you could see the other sleeve there wouldn’t be any hershey bars over there either. Oh, and I almost forgot, no oval behind the jump wings.

Frankly Opinionated

Melony: Looks like “DORSCH” on his nametag, to me.


I just looked at the full photo that Chuck & Mary have posted on POWNet. I may not be an expert on every Army & USMC accoutrement, but I sure know a f**ked-up beret looks like. Between his beret being too small and the fold being messed up, he looks like the only mission he will be going on is to go door-to-door selling Thin Mints & Tagalongs. My apologies to the Girl Scouts


Is that a Rifle crossing the Sabre? what branch is that?


found a “tim dorsch” over at Linkedin..not sure if its same:


the ribbons are not flush either. tie not straight, if he was a SF soldier then his unifrom would be flawless. I hate posers, give us real vets a bad name… ugh motherf*&$ers


Oh hell that is one seriously f#cked up beret and I won’t even go into breaking sheeit further. This jack tard needs to be beat like MSG Soup Sandwich the Chair Force hero.


Please spell Cavalry correctly. C-A-V-A-L-R-Y. Calvary is where Christ died.


Here are the medals I was able to identify: Bronze Star, Purple Heart, GWOT-S, OSR (no numbers), Humanitarian Service, Soldiers’ Medal, Reserve Component Achievement Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal. Here are the major flaws (most you already know) from just the medals:

1. Wrong order. Soldiers’ Medal is higher in precedence than the Bronze Star, Kuwait Liberation Medal (Desert Storm) is LAST, after the overseas service ribbon, achievement medals ALWAYS go before service/campaign medals, therefore his RCAM is out of place. Also, there are no RESERVE SF personnel. How is he wearing two Reserve Component awards?

2. Anyone who has deployed to Iraq wears the Iraqi Campaign Medal, just as those who deployed to Afghanistan wear the Afghanistan campaign medal. He has neither.

3. No NDSM. If he truly earned the KLM, he’d wear it with a star.

4. If he was really SF, he’d have a GWOT-E to go along with his GWOT-S. I personally have one because those of us who deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan before the campaign medals were approved in 2005 may wear both the GWOT-E and the respective campaign medal.

5. If he was SF, he’d have numbers on his OSR. I will have a “5” on mine at the end of this Iraq deployment.

6. Humanitarian Award? WTF! Is he trying to claim that he was with the 82nd in NOLA after Katrina…or with XVIII Airborne in Haiti?


Forgot one:

If he really earned a SWA service medal, then he would also have an Armed Forces Expeditionary medal, which he does not.


I’m not completely sure about the regs, but when I PCS’ed to Carson in 2002, I was assigned to a unit that was (at the time) deployed to Kuwait in support of Intrinsic Action. Those who deployed with them received the SWASM and the AFEM IIRC.


Checked it again: They earned the AFEM, not the SWASM. Since they deployed to the northern border of Kuwait for 6 months in 2002, it counts. (either NORTHERN WATCH or DESERT SPRING, I don’t remember which)


It is, however, possible to get a SWASM and an AFEM. The SWASM award period ended in 1995. No one has been eligible for an AFEM since the GWOT-E medal was introduced. However, it was possible to earn an AFEM between 1995-2003.