On like Donkey Kong

| June 27, 2011

One of my ninjas sent me this Tweet from a twit;

Yes, I’m the hater of logos. Apparently, I’m Reickhoff’s next target, now that he’s been beat by Miley Cyrus because I think his new logo looks gay on some guy’s butt in a picture on Rieckhoff’s Facebook avatar. I suppose he’ll be writing that I hate veterans, too.

Dan Gomez is the guy I ripped up the other day. So now the big guns at IAVA are coming for me. You can see I’m shakin’.

I wish I could tell Rieckhoff the name of my ninja.

The ninja writes; I just can’t believe he’s unable to take a step back and say “man, I have a picture of a dude’s ass where my face should be.”

Category: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

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That’s so cute, that he thinks you care. I just want to pinch his li’l cheeks, logo and all.

Think his boyfriend will mind?


Hmmmmm…think he’ll be threatening to sue us too?


Whats that crap on his forearm? This his tough guy look or a bad tattoo he got jacked on down in Tijuana?


Look, I’ve seen a lot of cool stuff that bloggers and other “branded” type folks sell. The cute little thong panties with a logo on the front…very heteronormative. The contrary position to heteronormative…GAY! I don’t care what they say about that whole male feminist/equality/new age man BS that some folks like to throw around, all I have to say is that a man who posts another man’s ass in yellow biker shorts comes across a bit like Nathan Lane in The Birdcage. Ya dig?


Some things deserves to be derided as stupid. That logo is one of them.

Dan the Big Gun

I’m not sure I’m the guy that you “ripped up the other day.” Since, the majority (all?) of the commenters on your post agreed with my assessment of the overuse of the word ‘hero.’

I wish you would have just said what you felt. Since I wrote on behalf of IAVA, it got you all worked up, because you hate IAVA. And since it was in the New York Times – which you also hate, because people who read the New York Times like expensive coffee – it added fuel to your fire.

Lastly, I’m a reader of TAH. I think you do good work in outing phony soldiers and you post interesting mil-related stuff. But why all the personal attacks? What’s got your all hot and bothered?

Old Trooper

Don’t hold back, Jonn, tell us what’s really on your mind 😀

Dan the Big Gun

I know how you feel. I do read TAH.

It just seems childish and immature to resort to personal attacks and name calling. You’re a grown ass man, but you’re acting like a fresh-out-of-basic E1, calling people fucksticks and butt nuggets.

Dan the Big Gun

No shame, unless you feel shameful.

As a fellow Falcon, I’d prefer to see you write more on substance, and less on nonsense. Of course, it is your blog, and you do with it what you want. But you do have an influential medium here. Lots of people in our community read your stuff, and I think you would go a lot further in getting your message across by not being nasty for the sake of being nasty.

When you just spout venom, you alienate. If you are trying to build fortress Lil’yea filled with people who think just like you, then go for it. If you are looking to actually connect with your community – veterans – and have real influence, than it would be helpful to tone down the rhetoric.

Dan the Big Gun

No, I mean venomous by trolling with lines like “Pound sand, asswipe.”

If you have a problem with the way IAVA does business or the people associated wit it, as matters of policy or function, fine. Write about it, as you have done.

Name calling, personal attacks, and childish immaturity make you look foolish. Like I said, I read TAH and maybe I hold you in too high a regard. I like to believe you have can think and see the logic in what I’m saying. Unfortunately, you are simply going tit-for-tat without absorbing what I am saying.

Dan the Big Gun

“I can’t “troll” in my own house.”

Yet somehow, you manage.


I have to say Jonn, your use of words like fuckstick, and saying things like pound sand, asswipe, make me love you and TAH even more. I feel like I’m always learning new things. Thanks for helping expand my vocabulary!


#15 DTBG:

I like TAH precisely because of what Jonn says and how he says it. You don’t have to wonder what’s behind the words with him; he says what he means, and means what he says. Simple.

If I want subtle, two-faced, fork-tongued language, I’ll get dressed up and go to a cocktail party.


Yo Dan, Obama and the Democrats have been telling veterans to, “Pound sand, fuckstick,” for decades.

They just do it with a fancier vocabulary and a smile.


“… the Big Gun”?


Haven’t laughed this hard in WEEKS!

Dan the Big Gun

“Dan Gomez is the guy I ripped up the other day. So now the big guns at IAVA are coming for me. You can see I’m shakin’.”

Not my title. Just the one given to me.


re #20

So you came over here with the snarky screen name and the tsk-tsk attitude just to complain how you don’t appreciate being called names? I’d imagine you would have come with with some facts for a rebuttal or at least a few sharp rhetorical points for your campaign but that’s not really the point, is it? Jonn threw down the gauntlet and laid out his problems point blank yet you simply responded with “don’t be a dick.” I get the feeling you just wanted to bitch.

So, mission accomplished.


Ya, “big gun” like people call 7 ft, 350 lb guys, “Tiny.”

Apparently, humor isn’t your forte, Dan. Ditto sarcasm.

Actual Iraq Vet

Old people suck, don’t they JOHN?


Folks, that last comment from an Actual Iraq Vet. You may applaud now.


Looks like someone got a feeler stepped on…