Paul Reickoff attacks teenage girl

| January 22, 2010


Paul Reickoff, the executive director of IAVA, pictured above, couldn’t get angry at the terrorists and insurgents that were maiming and disfiguring his troops in Iraq, but he’s finally found an enemy (who isn’t named Bush) he can get mad at – a seventeen year old girl.

Apparently there’s some kind of social media contest for a million bucks, and, of course, I hope the veterans win – but somehow, because Miley Cyrus is competing the contest, she hates veterans. Just rollover this link and you’ll see the original title of Reickhof’s post was “Miley Cyrus Hates Veterans” (the URL was the title while Reickhof was typing it, but he must’ve thought better of it before we get to read it).

Here’s a screen shot of the URL, in case Paul changes it;


I guess friendly competition isn’t something Paul Reickhoff, who has apparently immersed himself in the Hollywood culture, is familiar.

Category: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

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I’ve read it like 4 times and I still have no clue what he is talking about, where I am supposed to click, or why Hannah Montana hates veterans. And what the hell does this mean:

Even if Miley Cyrus doesn’t give a tweet.

Just A Grunt

CPT Motor Pool is just trying to be internet savvy. By dropping names like he did he is trying to push traffic to his site since anybody searching on any of these celebrity names will have the search results hopefully return his site.

Pretty standard tactic for a blog or web site trying to generate traffic. Remember what one of your biggest posts in the terms of visitors was?

I remember back in the day when Vietnam Veteran extraordinaire John Kerry was running for president a similar tactic was done, known as a Google bomb. Everybody wrote posts including the word waffles in it and linking it back to Kerry’s official site. If you typed in waffles that would be the first site listed in your search efforts.

So yeah, this is just a cheap trick to drive traffic, probably designed to help them get more ad revenue.

SSG Medzyk

He’s taken it down already

AW1 Tim

Amazing. I’ve said things that, later on, I regretted saying, but I’ve never tried to weasel out of taking responsibility for them. My dad raised me better than that.

The Sniper

Amazing… Reickhoff can’t even take on a teenage girl without backing down. I think I know why he was trying to attack Miley Cyrus: he considers her possession of a vagina to be tantamount to identity theft.


I have been losing faith in Paul for a while now. He spends too much time hanging out with psycho leftys. I can say that the membership of IAVA is predominately conservative, but for some reason the leadership is swinging a little more and more left. Paul actually has been called out by members of the group several times: for instance when he went on Bill Maher’s show and didn’t say a word about the ammount of shit that Maher talks about soldiers. His regular appearances on MSNBC pisses me off quite a bit.


Thankfully they don’t have a chance in hell of splitting the “grand prize”. They did. however, get $25K for being in the top 100. Transparency on where the 25K goes/went?


Yep, the coward took it down. In true Leftist fashion it will become a Non-Writing

Yat Yas

Great photo of Reickhoff, Jonn. Uh, did you find that on an S&M site?


Reickoff is such a douche.


The Sniper, now that is funny!! Tantamount to identity theft, indeed….


On a totally different point, did anybody else catch Angie Harmon in last Monday’s episode of “Chuck” on NBC? She reprised her best role ever as a super hot spy from “Agent Cody Banks”. Not sure what the movie or the show was about, but any chance to see Angie Harmon in skin tight outfits is worth watching. I am just saying.

Operator Dan

Absolutely unbelievable. What a coward.

What do you all think is worse? This nonsense or VoteVets spending 400k on Clean Energy Ads?


I’m trying to figure out, by reading his post, where the hell Rieckhoff gets the tie-in to the absurdity of his headline (the original)? Is he that mentally deficient, or is he just trying to grab some hits to his website by linking Miley’s name with his site? Either way, he’s an idiot.


[…] Paul Rieckhoff, the executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, mostly because he makes it so easy. Someone sent me this screenshot of his Facebook page last […]


[…] I’m the hater of logos. Apparently, I’m Reickhoff’s next target, now that he’s been beat by Miley Cyrus because I think his new logo looks gay on some guy’s butt in a picture on Rieckhoff’s […]


[…] don’t hate Blue Star Families but that’s my pay back for Paul Rieckhoff’s “Miley Cyrus Hates Veterans” post. Anyway, pay attention here while I roll out this […]