IAVA’s leadership is not nonpartisan [Jonn]

| March 6, 2009

You may have noticed that we’ve had a hard-on for the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association in the past few weeks. I guess I started it this time when I emailed the Executive Director, Paul Reickhoff and asked him where I could find a written copy of his criticism of the Obama Administration’s and Congress’s plan to begin cutting health care benefits for veterans.

Of course, I was being facetious because I knew that no such published criticism existed. See, Reickhoff wrote criticism of the Bush administration bi-weekly for the Huffington Post during those years, I was asking for proof that Reickhoff was nonpartisan as he claimed. That endeavor was in vain, however.

In his usual characteristic condescending and smarmy tone, Reickhoff wrote back that I should check the IAVA FAQ page for their position on veteran health care and that future communications should be sent to his civilian media relations chick.

Since our email exchange, Reickhoff did an interview with the Virginian Pilot in which he claims that IAVA’s current position on the Post-9-11 GI Bill for veterans is that they support spending caps. What kind of veteran organization would support spending caps? Well, since that’s the way that the Obama Administration is going with their policy towards veterans, I can only guess that a partisan veteran organization would support caps on veteran benefits. Especially since IAVA put such a high value on the new GI Bill that their Senate scorecard relied heavily on how Senators supported that GI Bill. Suddenly, gob smacked by reality, they support spending caps on it.

The story has disappeared from the V-P, but it remains on Military.com for the time being.

By the way, the article says that the American Legion also supports spending caps, but that’s not true. No other veteran organization supports spending caps on ANY veterans benefit except IAVA.

Here’s a screen capture of the part that refers to Reickhoff’s interview in case Military.com disappears that one, too;

So I decided that I’d have to prove that Reickhoff is partisan all by my lonesome.

While he was in Iraq as a young El-Tee, Reickhoff was supportive of the US mission there, evidenced by this interview he did with 60 Minutes;

Upon his return to the US, Reickhoff gauged the political climate in the US and determined that his fortunes could best be served by being anti-Bush. Within months, he approached the Kerry campaign and offered them a unique opportunity to have an Iraq veteran criticize the president on the airwaves in the form of a rebuttal following Bush’s weekly presidential radio address. Here’s a partial copy of it from a cached copy of Reickhoff’s old website OpTruth.org;

Reickhoff then established his first organization, OpTruth.org. he assembled a board of directors and here are their names from Source Watch;

Notice two prominent names; Ann Wright and Paul Bucha. Regular readers here know that Ann Wright was the former colonel who resigned her position at the State Department in protest of the Iraq invasion and is currently a regular figurehead for IVAW and Code Pink. Paul Bucha may be less known. He’s a Medal of Honor recipient from the Vietnam War, a member of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. He’s also a big supporter of President Obama;

Now, because Reickhoff cavorts with Obama supporters, that doesn’t make him a Democrat or partisan, does it?

However, anti-war crack pot Stan Goff of Counterpunch.org claims that Reickhoff and OpTruth were just shills for the Democrat Party seeking cover and concealment under their non-profit status;

Before he founded IAVA, Reickhoff was a Democrat which he admitted in this New York Times article where they had to run a correction (how often does the NYT run a correction on such a small point) that Reickhoff WAS a Democrat, but that now he’s an independent – when he has to present an image of non-partisanship.

Fellow IAVA founder Phil Carter parlayed his nonpartisanship into a White House job. Here’s a page that strangely enough has disappeared from the IAVA website, but one which we saved here several months ago when the IAVA Congressional scorecard was an issue here;

Phil Carter was a Washington Post columnist before getting called up to the Obama campaign as the candidate’s veteran adviser;

If you read our posts last Fall about Carter and his connections to both the campaign and the IAVA, you already know that IAVA and Phil Carter colluded to split veterans and active duty service members from the McCain campaign by ginning up a phony “scorecard” that made it appear that politicians like Duncan Hunter had a worse record of support than Baghdad Jim McDermott. Well, that worked well for Carter, because he’s now the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs.

From an ambulance-chaser and WaPo stringer to a position in the Defense Department in just a few years. Pretty good gamble, I’d say. I’ll add that I have no problem with someone becoming successful, what I have a problem with is lying and covering up and being generally underhanded while neglecting veterans isn’t the way to be successful.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Usual Suspects

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Well, it seems it IS a way to be successful. Just not an honorable one.


Another proud list of members of The Exaulted Order of the Blue Falcon. Keep their feet to the fire Jonn. I’m sick of constantly feeling warm fluid going down my leg while these asshats tell me it’s raining.


Spot on, Jonn. I had an uneasy feeling about Reickhoff & the IAVA right from the git go. Keep shelling them, Jonn. I have a funny feeling this is another sell out crew of the VVAW….er

Hey Korkesh! Where you lurking at *boy wonder*??


I remember picking up Reickhoff’s book at Barnes and Noble. I read the blurbs on the back and the one that stuck out was a good review from a member of System of a Down (anti-military, anti-American band). What, was Rage Against the Machine not available? If your book on the Iraq war is enjoyed by far left musicians, I think I know where you stand politicaly. IAVA, Vote Vets and IVAW are merely feathers from the same bird.


I like this P Dizzle, lmao! Thanks for serving & Welcome home bro….


these clowns sound just like kerry and murtha,two phony heroes,who dishonor them selves for money.traitors like this bunch sprout up like mushrooms only to shrivel in the sun light.i served with the 101st airborne in viet nam,1968, and for forty years i have watched groups like this come and go. the front schills change but those behind them are the same soros’s type traitors.i see tar and feathers in their future.


I wanted to corner TSO at the MilBlog convention to get his 2cents on IAVA and what they were up to. My spidey sense was tickling and this confirms it.


I’m sending all this to Glenn Beck. Billboards from these creeps are showing up all over Fresno and they are advertising on Fox News (on Glenn’s show!). This post is a gold mine of information. I hope you end up on Glenn’s show.

WOTN Editor

Wish I had caught this the first time around. Rieckhoff hid behind his “pr staff” when we asked for an interview also.

amazing stuff here

IAVA is as non-partisan as the VFW and the American Legion are non-partisan.

When you jump into the political arena, there is no such thing as non-partisan.


ash–IAVA is NOT “non-partisan”, as you claim. There has been plenty of evidence of that over the past few years. The only reason Vote Vets isn’t affiliated with IAVA anymore is because IAVA wasn’t liberal ENOUGH.


[…] a major drama queen and member of Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War and veterans For Peace. She also sat on the board of OpTruth, the precursor of Paul Rieckoff’s Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. Well today […]


[…] his opinion. Because, when Rieckhoff came back from Iraq in 2004, it only took him a few weeks to criticize the president on the airwaves in the form of a rebuttal following Bush’s weekly presiden… for the Kerry campaign. He then formed the radically anti-Bush organization, OpTruth. The board of […]


[…] soon as the bill was passed, and their guy won the election, Rieckhoff tried to get Congress to put caps on your education benefit, because more people applied for funds than they thought and funding became untenable – one […]


[…] July 13th, 2012 I’m sure you all know Paul Rieckhoff, the Executive Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. Paul and I have been sparring since they published their first “non-partisan” […]


[…] Phil Carter, Obama campaign veteran advisor, as a founding member of IAVA. And we were attacked for connecting IAVA to Paul Rieckhoff’s first anti-conservative venture OpTruth (which was nothing more than IVAW in […]


[…] completely neglected to mention that Rieckhoff’s first veterans’ organization was OpTruth – nothing more than IVAW in suits. They had Jesse Ventura, VoteVets’ Wesley Clark and […]

Green Thumb

The IVAW sucks nuts.

Cowards and imposters.

What is sad is that there are a few within their ranks that are probably honorable. However, either they are missing the point, do not know any better, or are fucking turds.


[…] buddy, Pete Hegseth of Concerned Veterans for America and Paul Rieckhoff founder and director of OpTruth/IAVA have a column in the Wall Street Journal today in regards to many of the things we’ve […]