Fact-checking Bachmann

| June 27, 2011

So f*n what? Think Progress and Politico believe they have the goods on Michelle Bachmann because she mistook Waterloo. Iowa as the birthplace of John Wayne, when it’s the birthplace of John Wayne Gacy, the mass murderer;

Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has a thing for John Wayne. In an interview yesterday with Newsmax, she said she wants to live in “John Wayne’s America.” And in the Iowa town of Waterloo today, where she announced her presidential candidacy, Bachmann told Fox News, “John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.” But unfortunately for historically challenged Bachmann, as the Washington Times points out, the John Wayne born in Waterloo is John Wayne Gacy, the notorious serial killer who murdered 33 teenage boys and young men, not the iconic Western actor.

Big damn deal, for Pete’s sake. John Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa – three hours away from Waterloo. So what difference does it make? It’s Iowa, for cryin’ outloud. Not knowing the difference between Winterset and Waterloo doesn’t matter – what matters is that she knows the difference between John Wayne’s and John Wayne Gacy’s Americas.

Notice that the Think Progress article doesn’t mention where John Wayne was actually born…probably because they don’t know, or they didn’t want their readers to know that Bachmann was only an inch or so on the map off.

I’m no Bachmann fan, but I’m getting sick of this one-way nit-picking.

Category: Politics

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These silly gaffes are part of a larger trend making a lot of people in the Republican Party nervous. She’s spouts off at the mouth a lot and her staff can’t seem to be able to focus her. It’s earning her a loose cannon/big mouth reputation. And not in a good Chris Christie way, in a bad Sarah Palin sort of way. With an eye on a general election in six months that’s no bueno.


At least she knows that we have 50 states not 57 and the name of the latest living CMH recipient.


Where was this same press when our resident President messed up MOH winners? Bachmann’s gaffe seems so trivial when compared to something sacred as a MOH winner.


“Not in a good Chris Christie way”? Which way is that, NSOM, the Christie take a helicopter to a ball game way, or the Christie, let’s jump on the globull warming BS bandwagon way? http://junkscience.com/2011/06/07/chris-christie-embraces-energy-central-planning/
And, there’s no general election in 6 months. 6 months down the road would make it December, and other than any special elections, I don’t think that 2011 is an election year.


Gacy was born in Chicago, Illinois… you know, the place where Barack Obama chose to settle down.


At least she knows there’s only 50 states.

B Woodman

That’s the Liberal Leftist LSM for you, swallowing camels and straining at gnats — giving their fellow Socialist travelers Barack Obeyme et al, with their massive whoppers of lies, a free pass, while castigating the conservative right for minor unintended gaffes


re #4

Yeah, I meant a year and six months, not six months, thanks. I didn’t reference any policy positions, just the gruff outspoken temperament which has benefited Christie and hurt Palin. Also, regardless of how you feel about “green” energy planning, global warming is real. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Michael in MI

global warming is real. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Based on what, exactly? The globe has not warmed in years and is, in fact, heading for a cooling trend. And you think Bachmann spouts off at the mouth with silly gaffes? Oy…


Thanks, Michael, you saved me some typing.


global warming is real.

The day Barack Obama was nominated by the Democrats, the effects of global warming began reversing. To believe otherwise is racist.


That’s right, New York City is under 10 feet of water right now, or is it 20 feet, because of globull warming.
OTOH, you’re right, the globe, at least here, did warm today, now it’s cooling off. Other than that, I don’t buy into the Algore scam. Sorry if you do, NSOM.
Or, are you one of the enablers that thinks that because you say global warming is real, it is. And we have to take your word for it?


Newsflash, NSOM, if global warming was a fact, why did Al Gore just buy a beachfront house in California?

$8.875M on an acre and a half in Montecito. Not bad for a guy who was only pulling down $175K a year as VP.


Hey NSOM? Apples from oranges pal, did you take Earth Science in high school or has it gone by the way side since I got out?
Next time you are standing on your feet, look straight downand pretend you can see to about 1800 miles below your feet to the outer molten core.


Better go Here and bone up on geothermal gradient, specifically the section on heat flow. Figure how to control a volcano dude you’ll be richer than Forrest Gump. Al Gorius will bow at your feet, man.


Those are some pretty hilarious responses.

Zero Ponsdorf

Folks… Who cares? I think Jonn made his point well.

OTOH, ANY candidate we might vote for is gonna get hauled over the coals. If they get their feeling hurt this easily do we want them as CINC?

The election is NOT tomorrow!

Come November next year who knows who knows who might be the candidate that can change things before they become unchangeable?

That’s my benchmark.


>just the gruff outspoken temperament which has benefited Christie and hurt Palin

Wait until Christie becomes enough of a national threat to the DNC-only then will he be hit with the “all Republicans are stupid” stream. They do it for every Republican that stays in the national spotlight long enough. It is so predictable, you can set your watch to it.


>Based on what, exactly? The globe has not warmed in years and is, in fact, heading for a cooling trend.

LOL- That is why they changed the name to climate change, therefore if the globe started to cool–It became a catchall. Didn’t recently a few scientist publish some studies that we are swing back to the 1970’s version of “heading towards a mini-ice age?”


“Those are some pretty hilarious responses.” As is the statement that “global warming is real. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.” Next, I’ll bet you’re gonna tell us that there’s a consensus of opinion to back up your opinion?


re #18

I don’t know. Christie is too ready to do effective rhetorical debate to be brought down easily by a “big fat, dumb Republican” meme. I think what’ll undo Christie (if anything) is that his budget cuts have a lot of losers wrapped up in them. I’m not saying that they don’t deserve to lose, need to lose or that they’re only winning now because of government picking and choosing winners in the first place. He can;t escape thought that Jersey is a screwed up place and there’s a lot of pain coming down the pipe that is going to be laid at his feet. It’s the reason why I think if he ever really wants to run he better do it now.


re #20.

Yeah. You know, of scientists. The majority of people who reject the fact that the planet is warming reject it not because they’ve independently and with a clear, unbiased mind approached the science, subjected it to rigorous examination and found it lacking. They reject because it chafes against their preferred political ideology. They cherry pick the websites, data and outliers of the community that they’re directed toward by talking heads who share that ideology. It’s the opposite of the scientific process.

The planet is warming. Concrete geological and glacial data shows it over the “long” term and active observance and ice cover shows it in the short term. How much of that change is natural, how much is man made and what we can do about it are all fair topics of debate. That it’s getting warmer is not.

B Woodman

Yes, I agree that there is Globull Warming. ANd Globull Cooling. It’s all part of the cycles of the Earth and Sun.
What I DON’T agree with is the whole “Anthropormophic” Man-Made crap that certain people want to use to gain and maintain power over others.


This thread needs more Ronulans.


Marion Robert Morrison was born in Winterset, Iowa. John Wayne was born in Hollywood, California.

More interesting: George Stephanopolous’s promise to dissect each of Bachmann’s foster children’s lives.

Could she have done better by not trying to tie the citizens of Waterloo to the more positively famous John Wayne? Sure. Had she made no mistake, we’d only be learning of her candidacy (potential 1st Woman POTUS) during individual primaries sometime next year.


“The planet is warming. Concrete geological and glacial data shows it over the “long” term and active observance and ice cover shows it in the short term. How much of that change is natural, how much is man made and what we can do about it are all fair topics of debate. That it’s getting warmer is not.”

So, what are you saying here? You’re disagreeing, or at least not acknowledging that it’s man made (debatable, but as of yet no where near proven so not really), but agree with scientists ‘consensus’ that the planet is warming. What about the falsified data and the ‘hide the decline’ that has been published over and over and over to expose the ‘consensus’ opinion as fraud?

Or are you just going to say that the sun is changing and the planet is warmer, and ignore those scientists that are declaring a mini ice-age on the way?

Pick and choose what fits the narrative, that’s what I always say………


re #26

I hope you’re not referencing the CRU at East Anglia when you bring up “falsified data”. That was a manufactured controversy. What we know from the overwhelming preponderance of data is that the planet is getting warmer and its doing so at an ahistorical rate, one not seen outside of cataclysmic changes like the Paleocene–Eocene event. We also know and understand the greenhouse effect and we recognize CO2 as a greenhouse gas. From both ice core and geological data we know that even seemingly minuscule changes in atmospheric composition can coincide with substantial long term climate change. The correlation of greenhouse gas emissions and rapid, unprecedented climate change is so profound and the science of the greenhouse gas so well established that there can be little doubt that human activity is affecting the planet’s climate. The only debate is on the measure of degree of that affect on the planet.

Ringo the Gringo

The more they attack Bachmann the more I’m starting to like her.


Hypocrisy at its finest. I wonder how many of the folks attacking Bachmann knew where John Wayne was from?

Someone on here awhile back made the point that, as the election cycle approached, every single thing any conservative candidate did or said would be put under a microscope and picked apart relentlessly.

Chalk one up for foresight.